-pc_factor_reuse_ordering | - Activate PCFactorSetReuseOrdering() | |
-pc_factor_mat_solver_type | - Actives PCFactorSetMatSolverType() to choose the direct solver, like superlu | |
-pc_factor_reuse_fill | - Activates PCFactorSetReuseFill() | |
-pc_factor_fill <fill> | - Sets fill amount | |
-pc_factor_in_place | - Activates in-place factorization | |
-pc_factor_mat_ordering_type <nd,rcm,...> | - Sets ordering routine | |
-pc_factor_pivot_in_blocks <true,false> | - allow pivoting within the small blocks during factorization (may increase stability of factorization. | |
-pc_factor_shift_type <shifttype> | - Sets shift type or PETSC_DECIDE for the default; use '-help' for a list of available types | |
-pc_factor_shift_amount <shiftamount> | - Sets shift amount or PETSC_DECIDE for the default | |
-pc_factor_nonzeros_along_diagonal | - permutes the rows and columns to try to put nonzero value along the diagonal. |