petsc-3.13.6 2020-09-29
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PETSc System routines

PETSc provides a variety of "system" level routines, including parallel file access, synchronized printing to screen.

ex1.c: Demonstrates PETSc error handlers
ex2.c: Tests the signal handler
ex3.c: Tests catching of floating point exceptions
ex6.c: Tests options database
ex7.c: Tests PetscSortIntWithPermutation()
ex8.c: Demonstrates BuildTwoSided functions
ex9.c: Tests PetscSequentialPhaseBegin() and PetscSequentialPhaseEnd()\n
ex10.c: Tests PetscArraymove()/PetscMemmove()\n
ex11.c: Tests PetscSynchronizedPrintf() and PetscSynchronizedFPrintf()
ex12.c: Tests timing PetscSortInt()
ex14.c: Tests PetscOptionsGetScalar(), PetscOptionsScalarArray() for complex numbers\n
ex16.c: Demonstrates PetscMatlabEngineXXX()\n
ex18.c: Tests PetscContainerCreate() and PetscContainerDestroy()
ex19.c: Tests string options with spaces
ex20.c: Tests PetscOptionsPrefix{Push,Pop}\n\n
ex21.c: Tests PetscTreeProcess()
ex22.c: Tests the PetscByteSwap()\n
ex23.c: Tests string options with spaces
ex24.c: Tests %D and %g formatting\n
ex25.c: Tests wrapping of math
ex26.c: Tests repeated PetscInitialize/PetscFinalize calls
ex27.c: Tests PetscMergeIntArray\n
ex28.c: Tests PetscAtan2Real\n
ex29.c: Tests PetscInt64Mult()\n
ex30.c: Tests nested events
ex31.c: Tests PetscGetFullPath()
ex32.c: Tests deletion of mixed case options
ex35.c: Tests PetscSortReal(), PetscSortRealWithArrayInt(), PetscFindReal\n\n
ex37.c: Test PetscFormatConvertGetSize()
ex44.cxx: Demonstrates call PETSc and Chombo in the same program
ex45.cxx: Demonstrates call PETSc first and then Trilinos in the same program
ex46.cxx: Demonstrates calling Trilinos and then PETSc in the same program
ex47.c: Example for PetscOptionsInsertFileYAML\n
ex49.c: Demonstrates PetscDataTypeFromString()
ex50.c: Tests using PetscViewerGetSubViewer() recursively\n\n
ex51.c: Demonstrates PetscFileRetrieve()
ex52.c: A benchmark for testing PetscSortInt() and PetscSortIntWithArrayPair()\n\
ex53.c: Test resource recycling and MPI_Comm and keyval creation in mpi or mpiuni\n