Actual source code: bjacobi.h

petsc-3.13.6 2020-09-29
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  3: /*
  4:     Private data for block Jacobi and block Gauss-Seidel preconditioner.
  5: */
  6:  #include <petscksp.h>
  7:  #include <petsc/private/pcimpl.h>

  9: /*
 10:        This data is general for all implementations
 11: */
 12: typedef struct {
 13:   PetscInt     n;                 /* number of global blocks */
 14:   PetscInt     n_local;           /* number of blocks in this subcommunicator or in this process */
 15:   PetscInt     first_local;       /* number of first block on processor */
 16:   PetscBool    use_true_local;    /* use block from true matrix, not preconditioner matrix for local MatMult() */
 17:   KSP          *ksp;              /* KSP contexts for blocks or for subcommunicator */
 18:   void         *data;             /* implementation-specific data */
 19:   PetscBool    same_local_solves; /* flag indicating whether all local solvers are same (used for PCView()) */
 20:   PetscInt     *l_lens;           /* lens of each block */
 21:   PetscInt     *g_lens;
 22:   PetscSubcomm psubcomm;          /* for multiple processors per block */
 23: } PC_BJacobi;

 25: /*
 26:        This data is specific for certain implementations
 27: */

 29: /*  This is for multiple blocks per processor */
 30: typedef struct {
 31:   Vec      *x,*y;                     /* work vectors for solves on each block */
 32:   PetscInt *starts;                   /* starting point of each block */
 33:   Mat      *mat,*pmat;                /* submatrices for each block */
 34:   IS       *is;                       /* for gathering the submatrices */
 35: } PC_BJacobi_Multiblock;

 37: /*  This is for a single block per processor */
 38: typedef struct {
 39:   Vec x,y;
 40: } PC_BJacobi_Singleblock;

 42: /*  This is for multiple processors per block */
 43: typedef struct {
 44:   PC           pc;                 /* preconditioner used on each subcommunicator */
 45:   Vec          xsub,ysub;          /* vectors of a subcommunicator to hold parallel vectors of PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)pc) */
 46:   Mat          submats;            /* matrix and optional preconditioner matrix belong to a subcommunicator */
 47:   PetscSubcomm psubcomm;
 48: } PC_BJacobi_Multiproc;
 49: #endif