Actual source code: ex3.c

petsc-3.12.5 2020-03-29
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  1: static char help[]= "Test PetscSFFetchAndOp on patterned SF graphs. PetscSFFetchAndOp internally uses PetscSFBcastAndOp \n\
  2:  and PetscSFReduce. So it is a good test to see if they all work for patterned graphs.\n\
  3:  Run with ./prog -op [replace | sum]\n\n";

  5:  #include <petscvec.h>
  6:  #include <petscsf.h>
  7: int main(int argc,char **argv)
  8: {
 10:   PetscInt       i,N=10,low,high,nleaves;
 11:   PetscMPIInt    size,rank;
 12:   Vec            x,y,y2,gy2;
 13:   PetscScalar    *rootdata,*leafdata,*leafupdate;
 14:   PetscLayout    layout;
 15:   PetscSF        gathersf,allgathersf,alltoallsf;
 16:   MPI_Op         op=MPI_SUM;
 17:   char           opname[64];
 18:   const char     *mpiopname;
 19:   PetscBool      flag,isreplace,issum;

 21:   PetscInitialize(&argc,&argv,(char*)0,help);if (ierr) return ierr;
 22:   MPI_Comm_size(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&size);
 23:   MPI_Comm_rank(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&rank);

 25:   PetscOptionsGetString(NULL,NULL,"-op",opname,64,&flag);
 26:   PetscStrcmp(opname,"replace",&isreplace);
 27:   PetscStrcmp(opname,"sum",&issum);

 29:   if (isreplace)  {op = MPIU_REPLACE; mpiopname = "MPI_REPLACE";}
 30:   else if (issum) {op = MPIU_SUM;     mpiopname = "MPI_SUM";}
 31:   else SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"Unsupported argument (%s) to -op, which must be 'replace' or 'sum'",opname);

 33:   VecCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&x);
 34:   VecSetFromOptions(x);
 35:   VecSetSizes(x,PETSC_DECIDE,N);

 37:   /*-------------------------------------*/
 38:   /*       PETSCSF_PATTERN_GATHER        */
 39:   /*-------------------------------------*/

 41:   /* set MPI vec x to [1, 2, .., N] */
 42:   VecGetOwnershipRange(x,&low,&high);
 43:   for (i=low; i<high; i++) {VecSetValue(x,i,(PetscScalar)i+1.0,INSERT_VALUES);}
 44:   VecAssemblyBegin(x);
 45:   VecAssemblyEnd(x);

 47:   /* Create the gather SF */
 48:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"\nTesting PetscSFFetchAndOp on a PETSCSF_PATTERN_GATHER graph with op = %s\n",mpiopname);
 49:   VecGetLayout(x,&layout);
 50:   PetscSFCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&gathersf);
 51:   PetscSFSetGraphWithPattern(gathersf,layout,PETSCSF_PATTERN_GATHER);

 53:   /* Create the leaf vector y (seq vector) and its duplicate y2 working as leafupdate */
 54:   PetscSFGetGraph(gathersf,NULL,&nleaves,NULL,NULL);
 55:   VecCreateSeq(PETSC_COMM_SELF,nleaves,&y);
 56:   VecDuplicate(y,&y2);

 58:   VecGetArray(x,&rootdata);
 59:   VecGetArray(y,&leafdata);
 60:   VecGetArray(y2,&leafupdate);

 62:   /* Bcast x to y,to initialize y = [1,N], then scale y to make leafupdate = y = [2,2*N] */
 63:   PetscSFBcastAndOpBegin(gathersf,MPIU_SCALAR,rootdata,leafdata,MPIU_REPLACE);
 64:   PetscSFBcastAndOpEnd(gathersf,MPIU_SCALAR,rootdata,leafdata,MPIU_REPLACE);
 65:   VecRestoreArray(y,&leafdata);
 66:   VecScale(y,2);
 67:   VecGetArray(y,&leafdata);

 69:   /* FetchAndOp x to y */
 70:   PetscSFFetchAndOpBegin(gathersf,MPIU_SCALAR,rootdata,leafdata,leafupdate,op);
 71:   PetscSFFetchAndOpEnd(gathersf,MPIU_SCALAR,rootdata,leafdata,leafupdate,op);

 73:   /* View roots (x) and leafupdate (y2). Since this is a gather graph, leafudpate = rootdata = [1,N], then rootdata += leafdata, i.e., [3,3*N] */
 74:   VecCreateMPIWithArray(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,1,nleaves,PETSC_DECIDE,leafupdate,&gy2);
 75:   PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject)x,"rootdata");
 76:   PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject)gy2,"leafupdate");

 80:   VecDestroy(&gy2);

 82:   VecRestoreArray(y2,&leafupdate);
 83:   VecDestroy(&y2);

 85:   VecRestoreArray(y,&leafdata);
 86:   VecDestroy(&y);

 88:   VecRestoreArray(x,&rootdata);
 89:   /* VecDestroy(&x); */ /* We will reuse x in ALLGATHER, so do not destroy it */

 91:   PetscSFDestroy(&gathersf);

 93:   /*-------------------------------------*/
 94:   /*       PETSCSF_PATTERN_ALLGATHER     */
 95:   /*-------------------------------------*/

 97:   /* set MPI vec x to [1, 2, .., N] */
 98:   for (i=low; i<high; i++) {VecSetValue(x,i,(PetscScalar)i+1.0,INSERT_VALUES);}
 99:   VecAssemblyBegin(x);
100:   VecAssemblyEnd(x);

102:   /* Create the allgather SF */
103:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"\nTesting PetscSFFetchAndOp on a PETSCSF_PATTERN_ALLGATHER graph with op = %s\n",mpiopname);
104:   VecGetLayout(x,&layout);
105:   PetscSFCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&allgathersf);
106:   PetscSFSetGraphWithPattern(allgathersf,layout,PETSCSF_PATTERN_ALLGATHER);

108:   /* Create the leaf vector y (seq vector) and its duplicate y2 working as leafupdate */
109:   PetscSFGetGraph(allgathersf,NULL,&nleaves,NULL,NULL);
110:   VecCreateSeq(PETSC_COMM_SELF,nleaves,&y);
111:   VecDuplicate(y,&y2);

113:   VecGetArray(x,&rootdata);
114:   VecGetArray(y,&leafdata);
115:   VecGetArray(y2,&leafupdate);

117:   /* Bcast x to y, to initialize y = [1,N], then scale y to make leafupdate = y = [2,2*N] */
118:   PetscSFBcastAndOpBegin(allgathersf,MPIU_SCALAR,rootdata,leafdata,MPIU_REPLACE);
119:   PetscSFBcastAndOpEnd(allgathersf,MPIU_SCALAR,rootdata,leafdata,MPIU_REPLACE);
120:   VecRestoreArray(y,&leafdata);
121:   VecScale(y,2);
122:   VecGetArray(y,&leafdata);

124:   /* FetchAndOp x to y */
125:   PetscSFFetchAndOpBegin(allgathersf,MPIU_SCALAR,rootdata,leafdata,leafupdate,op);
126:   PetscSFFetchAndOpEnd(allgathersf,MPIU_SCALAR,rootdata,leafdata,leafupdate,op);

128:   /* View roots (x) and leafupdate (y2). Since this is an allgather graph, we have (suppose ranks get updates in ascending order)
129:      rank 0: leafupdate = rootdata = [1,N],   rootdata += leafdata = [3,3*N]
130:      rank 1: leafupdate = rootdata = [3,3*N], rootdata += leafdata = [5,5*N]
131:      rank 2: leafupdate = rootdata = [5,5*N], rootdata += leafdata = [7,7*N]
132:      ...
133:    */
134:   VecCreateMPIWithArray(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,1,nleaves,PETSC_DECIDE,leafupdate,&gy2);
135:   PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject)x,"rootdata");
136:   PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject)gy2,"leafupdate");

140:   VecDestroy(&gy2);

142:   VecRestoreArray(y2,&leafupdate);
143:   VecDestroy(&y2);

145:   VecRestoreArray(y,&leafdata);
146:   VecDestroy(&y);

148:   VecRestoreArray(x,&rootdata);
149:   VecDestroy(&x); /* We won't reuse x in ALLGATHER, so destroy it */

151:   PetscSFDestroy(&allgathersf);

153:   /*-------------------------------------*/
154:   /*       PETSCSF_PATTERN_ALLTOALL     */
155:   /*-------------------------------------*/

157:   VecCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&x);
158:   VecSetFromOptions(x);
159:   VecSetSizes(x,size,PETSC_DECIDE);

161:   /* set MPI vec x to [1, 2, .., size^2] */
162:   VecGetOwnershipRange(x,&low,&high);
163:   for (i=low; i<high; i++) {VecSetValue(x,i,(PetscScalar)i+1.0,INSERT_VALUES);}
164:   VecAssemblyBegin(x);
165:   VecAssemblyEnd(x);

167: /* Create the alltoall SF */
168:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"\nTesting PetscSFFetchAndOp on a PETSCSF_PATTERN_ALLTOALL graph with op = %s\n",mpiopname);
169:   PetscSFCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&alltoallsf);
170:   PetscSFSetGraphWithPattern(alltoallsf,NULL/*insignificant*/,PETSCSF_PATTERN_ALLTOALL);

172:   /* Create the leaf vector y (seq vector) and its duplicate y2 working as leafupdate */
173:   PetscSFGetGraph(alltoallsf,NULL,&nleaves,NULL,NULL);
174:   VecCreateSeq(PETSC_COMM_SELF,nleaves,&y);
175:   VecDuplicate(y,&y2);

177:   VecGetArray(x,&rootdata);
178:   VecGetArray(y,&leafdata);
179:   VecGetArray(y2,&leafupdate);

181:   /* Bcast x to y, to initialize y = 1+rank+size*i, with i=0..size-1 */
182:   PetscSFBcastAndOpBegin(alltoallsf,MPIU_SCALAR,rootdata,leafdata,MPIU_REPLACE);
183:   PetscSFBcastAndOpEnd(alltoallsf,MPIU_SCALAR,rootdata,leafdata,MPIU_REPLACE);

185:   /* FetchAndOp x to y */
186:   PetscSFFetchAndOpBegin(alltoallsf,MPIU_SCALAR,rootdata,leafdata,leafupdate,op);
187:   PetscSFFetchAndOpEnd(alltoallsf,MPIU_SCALAR,rootdata,leafdata,leafupdate,op);

189:   /* View roots (x) and leafupdate (y2). Since this is an alltoall graph, each root has only one leaf.
190:      So, leafupdate = rootdata = 1+rank+size*i, i=0..size-1; and rootdata += leafdata, i.e., rootdata = [2,2*N]
191:    */
192:   VecCreateMPIWithArray(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,1,nleaves,PETSC_DECIDE,leafupdate,&gy2);
193:   PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject)x,"rootdata");
194:   PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject)gy2,"leafupdate");

198:   VecDestroy(&gy2);

200:   VecRestoreArray(y2,&leafupdate);
201:   VecDestroy(&y2);

203:   VecRestoreArray(y,&leafdata);
204:   VecDestroy(&y);

206:   VecRestoreArray(x,&rootdata);
207:   VecDestroy(&x);

209:   PetscSFDestroy(&alltoallsf);

211:   PetscFinalize();
212:   return ierr;
213: }

215: /*TEST

217:    test:
218:       # N=10 is divisible by nsize, to trigger Allgather/Gather in SF
219:       nsize: 2
220:       args: -op replace

222:    test:
223:       suffix: 2
224:       nsize: 2
225:       args: -op sum

227:    # N=10 is not divisible by nsize, to trigger Allgatherv/Gatherv in SF
228:    test:
229:       suffix: 3
230:       nsize: 3
231:       args: -op replace

233:    test:
234:       suffix: 4
235:       nsize: 3
236:       args: -op sum

238: TEST*/