Actual source code: somefort.F

petsc-3.12.5 2020-03-29
Report Typos and Errors
  1: !
  2: !     Prevents: Warning: Same actual argument associated with INTENT(IN)
  3: !     argument 'errorcode' and INTENT(OUT) argument 'ierror' at (1)
  4: !     when MPI_Abort() is called directly by
  5: !

  7: #include <petscconf.h>
  8: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_MPIUNI)
  9: #include "petsc/mpiuni/mpiunifdef.h"
 10: #endif

 12:       subroutine MPIU_Abort(comm,ierr)
 13:       implicit none
 14:       integer comm,ierr,nierr

 16:       call MPI_Abort(comm,ierr,nierr)

 18:       return
 19:       end
 20: #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(PETSC_USE_SHARED_LIBRARIES)
 22: #endif

 24: !  This is currently not used in PETSc
 26:       integer function PetscCommandArgumentCount()
 27:       implicit none
 28:       PetscCommandArgumentCount= command_argument_count()
 29:       return
 30:       end

 32:       subroutine PetscGetCommandArgument(n,val)
 33:       implicit none
 34:       integer n
 35:       character(*) val
 36:       call get_command_argument(n,val)
 37:       return
 38:       end
 39: #endif