Actual source code: fasfunc.c

petsc-3.12.5 2020-03-29
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  1:  #include <../src/snes/impls/fas/fasimpls.h>

  4: /* -------------- functions called on the fine level -------------- */

  6: /*@
  7:     SNESFASSetType - Sets the update and correction type used for FAS.

  9:    Logically Collective

 11: Input Parameters:
 12: + snes  - FAS context

 15: Level: intermediate

 17: .seealso: PCMGSetType()
 18: @*/
 19: PetscErrorCode  SNESFASSetType(SNES snes,SNESFASType fastype)
 20: {
 21:   SNES_FAS       *fas;

 27:   fas = (SNES_FAS*)snes->data;
 28:   fas->fastype = fastype;
 29:   if (fas->next) {
 30:     SNESFASSetType(fas->next, fastype);
 31:   }
 32:   return(0);
 33: }

 36: /*@
 37: SNESFASGetType - Sets the update and correction type used for FAS.

 39: Logically Collective

 41: Input Parameters:
 42: . snes - FAS context

 44: Output Parameters:

 47: Level: intermediate

 49: .seealso: PCMGSetType()
 50: @*/
 51: PetscErrorCode  SNESFASGetType(SNES snes,SNESFASType *fastype)
 52: {
 53:   SNES_FAS *fas;

 58:   fas = (SNES_FAS*)snes->data;
 59:   *fastype = fas->fastype;
 60:   return(0);
 61: }

 63: /*@C
 64:    SNESFASSetLevels - Sets the number of levels to use with FAS.
 65:    Must be called before any other FAS routine.

 67:    Input Parameters:
 68: +  snes   - the snes context
 69: .  levels - the number of levels
 70: -  comms  - optional communicators for each level; this is to allow solving the coarser
 71:             problems on smaller sets of processors.

 73:    Level: intermediate

 75:    Notes:
 76:      If the number of levels is one then the multigrid uses the -fas_levels prefix
 77:   for setting the level options rather than the -fas_coarse prefix.

 79: .seealso: SNESFASGetLevels()
 80: @*/
 81: PetscErrorCode SNESFASSetLevels(SNES snes, PetscInt levels, MPI_Comm *comms)
 82: {
 84:   PetscInt       i;
 85:   const char     *optionsprefix;
 86:   char           tprefix[128];
 87:   SNES_FAS       *fas;
 88:   SNES           prevsnes;
 89:   MPI_Comm       comm;

 93:   fas = (SNES_FAS*)snes->data;
 94:   PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)snes,&comm);
 95:   if (levels == fas->levels) {
 96:     if (!comms) return(0);
 97:   }
 98:   /* user has changed the number of levels; reset */
 99:   (*snes->ops->reset)(snes);
100:   /* destroy any coarser levels if necessary */
101:   SNESDestroy(&fas->next);
102:   fas->next     = NULL;
103:   fas->previous = NULL;
104:   prevsnes      = snes;
105:   /* setup the finest level */
106:   SNESGetOptionsPrefix(snes, &optionsprefix);
107:   PetscObjectComposedDataSetInt((PetscObject) snes, PetscMGLevelId, levels-1);
108:   for (i = levels - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
109:     if (comms) comm = comms[i];
110:     fas->level  = i;
111:     fas->levels = levels;
112:     fas->fine   = snes;
113:     fas->next   = NULL;
114:     if (i > 0) {
115:       SNESCreate(comm, &fas->next);
116:       SNESGetOptionsPrefix(fas->fine, &optionsprefix);
117:       PetscSNPrintf(tprefix,sizeof(tprefix),"fas_levels_%d_cycle_",(int)fas->level);
118:       SNESAppendOptionsPrefix(fas->next,optionsprefix);
119:       SNESAppendOptionsPrefix(fas->next,tprefix);
120:       SNESSetType(fas->next, SNESFAS);
121:       SNESSetTolerances(fas->next, fas->next->abstol, fas->next->rtol, fas->next->stol, fas->n_cycles, fas->next->max_funcs);
122:       PetscObjectIncrementTabLevel((PetscObject)fas->next, (PetscObject)snes, levels - i);
123:       PetscObjectComposedDataSetInt((PetscObject) fas->next, PetscMGLevelId, i-1);

125:       ((SNES_FAS*)fas->next->data)->previous = prevsnes;

127:       prevsnes = fas->next;
128:       fas      = (SNES_FAS*)prevsnes->data;
129:     }
130:   }
131:   return(0);
132: }

135: /*@
136:    SNESFASGetLevels - Gets the number of levels in a FAS, including fine and coarse grids

138:    Input Parameter:
139: .  snes - the nonlinear solver context

141:    Output parameter:
142: .  levels - the number of levels

144:    Level: advanced

146: .seealso: SNESFASSetLevels(), PCMGGetLevels()
147: @*/
148: PetscErrorCode SNESFASGetLevels(SNES snes, PetscInt *levels)
149: {
150:   SNES_FAS *fas;

155:   fas = (SNES_FAS*)snes->data;
156:   *levels = fas->levels;
157:   return(0);
158: }

161: /*@
162:    SNESFASGetCycleSNES - Gets the SNES corresponding to a particular
163:    level of the FAS hierarchy.

165:    Input Parameters:
166: +  snes    - the multigrid context
167:    level   - the level to get
168: -  lsnes   - whether to use the nonlinear smoother or not

170:    Level: advanced

172: .seealso: SNESFASSetLevels(), SNESFASGetLevels()
173: @*/
174: PetscErrorCode SNESFASGetCycleSNES(SNES snes,PetscInt level,SNES *lsnes)
175: {
176:   SNES_FAS *fas;
177:   PetscInt i;

182:   fas = (SNES_FAS*)snes->data;
183:   if (level > fas->levels-1) SETERRQ2(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)snes),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Requested level %D from SNESFAS containing %D levels",level,fas->levels);
184:   if (fas->level !=  fas->levels - 1) SETERRQ2(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)snes),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"SNESFASGetCycleSNES may only be called on the finest-level SNES.",level,fas->level);

186:   *lsnes = snes;
187:   for (i = fas->level; i > level; i--) {
188:     *lsnes = fas->next;
189:     fas    = (SNES_FAS*)(*lsnes)->data;
190:   }
191:   if (fas->level != level) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)snes),PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"SNESFAS level hierarchy corrupt");
192:   return(0);
193: }

195: /*@
196:    SNESFASSetNumberSmoothUp - Sets the number of post-smoothing steps to
197:    use on all levels.

199:    Logically Collective on SNES

201:    Input Parameters:
202: +  snes - the multigrid context
203: -  n    - the number of smoothing steps

205:    Options Database Key:
206: .  -snes_fas_smoothup <n> - Sets number of pre-smoothing steps

208:    Level: advanced

210: .seealso: SNESFASSetNumberSmoothDown()
211: @*/
212: PetscErrorCode SNESFASSetNumberSmoothUp(SNES snes, PetscInt n)
213: {
214:   SNES_FAS       *fas;

219:   fas =  (SNES_FAS*)snes->data;
220:   fas->max_up_it = n;
221:   if (!fas->smoothu && fas->level != 0) {
222:     SNESFASCycleCreateSmoother_Private(snes, &fas->smoothu);
223:   }
224:   if (fas->smoothu) {
225:     SNESSetTolerances(fas->smoothu, fas->smoothu->abstol, fas->smoothu->rtol, fas->smoothu->stol, n, fas->smoothu->max_funcs);
226:   }
227:   if (fas->next) {
228:     SNESFASSetNumberSmoothUp(fas->next, n);
229:   }
230:   return(0);
231: }

233: /*@
234:    SNESFASSetNumberSmoothDown - Sets the number of pre-smoothing steps to
235:    use on all levels.

237:    Logically Collective on SNES

239:    Input Parameters:
240: +  snes - the multigrid context
241: -  n    - the number of smoothing steps

243:    Options Database Key:
244: .  -snes_fas_smoothdown <n> - Sets number of pre-smoothing steps

246:    Level: advanced

248: .seealso: SNESFASSetNumberSmoothUp()
249: @*/
250: PetscErrorCode SNESFASSetNumberSmoothDown(SNES snes, PetscInt n)
251: {
252:   SNES_FAS       *fas;

257:   fas = (SNES_FAS*)snes->data;
258:   if (!fas->smoothd) {
259:     SNESFASCycleCreateSmoother_Private(snes, &fas->smoothd);
260:   }
261:   SNESSetTolerances(fas->smoothd, fas->smoothd->abstol, fas->smoothd->rtol, fas->smoothd->stol, n, fas->smoothd->max_funcs);

263:   fas->max_down_it = n;
264:   if (fas->next) {
265:     SNESFASSetNumberSmoothDown(fas->next, n);
266:   }
267:   return(0);
268: }

271: /*@
272:    SNESFASSetContinuation - Sets the FAS cycle to default to exact Newton solves on the upsweep

274:    Logically Collective on SNES

276:    Input Parameters:
277: +  snes - the multigrid context
278: -  n    - the number of smoothing steps

280:    Options Database Key:
281: .  -snes_fas_continuation - sets continuation to true

283:    Level: advanced

285:    Notes:
286:     This sets the prefix on the upsweep smoothers to -fas_continuation

288: .seealso: SNESFAS
289: @*/
290: PetscErrorCode SNESFASSetContinuation(SNES snes,PetscBool continuation)
291: {
292:   const char     *optionsprefix;
293:   char           tprefix[128];
294:   SNES_FAS       *fas;

299:   fas  = (SNES_FAS*)snes->data;
300:   SNESGetOptionsPrefix(fas->fine, &optionsprefix);
301:   if (!fas->smoothu) {
302:     SNESFASCycleCreateSmoother_Private(snes, &fas->smoothu);
303:   }
304:   PetscStrncpy(tprefix,"fas_levels_continuation_",sizeof(tprefix));
305:   SNESSetOptionsPrefix(fas->smoothu, optionsprefix);
306:   SNESAppendOptionsPrefix(fas->smoothu, tprefix);
307:   SNESSetType(fas->smoothu,SNESNEWTONLS);
308:   SNESSetTolerances(fas->smoothu,fas->fine->abstol,fas->fine->rtol,fas->fine->stol,50,100);
309:   fas->continuation = continuation;
310:   if (fas->next) {
311:     SNESFASSetContinuation(fas->next,continuation);
312:   }
313:   return(0);
314: }

317: /*@
318:    SNESFASSetCycles - Sets the number of FAS multigrid cycles to use each time a grid is visited.  Use SNESFASSetCyclesOnLevel() for more
319:    complicated cycling.

321:    Logically Collective on SNES

323:    Input Parameters:
324: +  snes   - the multigrid context
325: -  cycles - the number of cycles -- 1 for V-cycle, 2 for W-cycle

327:    Options Database Key:
328: .  -snes_fas_cycles 1 or 2

330:    Level: advanced

332: .seealso: SNESFASSetCyclesOnLevel()
333: @*/
334: PetscErrorCode SNESFASSetCycles(SNES snes, PetscInt cycles)
335: {
336:   SNES_FAS       *fas;
338:   PetscBool      isFine;

342:   SNESFASCycleIsFine(snes, &isFine);
343:   fas = (SNES_FAS*)snes->data;
344:   fas->n_cycles = cycles;
345:   if (!isFine) {
346:     SNESSetTolerances(snes, snes->abstol, snes->rtol, snes->stol, cycles, snes->max_funcs);
347:   }
348:   if (fas->next) {
349:     SNESFASSetCycles(fas->next, cycles);
350:   }
351:   return(0);
352: }

355: /*@
356:    SNESFASSetMonitor - Sets the method-specific cycle monitoring

358:    Logically Collective on SNES

360:    Input Parameters:
361: +  snes   - the FAS context
362: .  vf     - viewer and format structure (may be NULL if flg is FALSE)
363: -  flg    - monitor or not

365:    Level: advanced

367: .seealso: SNESFASSetCyclesOnLevel()
368: @*/
369: PetscErrorCode SNESFASSetMonitor(SNES snes, PetscViewerAndFormat *vf, PetscBool flg)
370: {
371:   SNES_FAS       *fas;
373:   PetscBool      isFine;
374:   PetscInt       i, levels;
375:   SNES           levelsnes;

379:   SNESFASCycleIsFine(snes, &isFine);
380:   fas = (SNES_FAS*)snes->data;
381:   levels = fas->levels;
382:   if (isFine) {
383:     for (i = 0; i < levels; i++) {
384:       SNESFASGetCycleSNES(snes, i, &levelsnes);
385:       fas  = (SNES_FAS*)levelsnes->data;
386:       if (flg) {
387:         /* set the monitors for the upsmoother and downsmoother */
388:         SNESMonitorCancel(levelsnes);
389:         /* Only register destroy on finest level */
390:         SNESMonitorSet(levelsnes,(PetscErrorCode (*)(SNES,PetscInt,PetscReal,void*))SNESMonitorDefault,vf,(!i ? (PetscErrorCode (*)(void**))PetscViewerAndFormatDestroy : NULL));
391:       } else if (i != fas->levels - 1) {
392:         /* unset the monitors on the coarse levels */
393:         SNESMonitorCancel(levelsnes);
394:       }
395:     }
396:   }
397:   return(0);
398: }

400: /*@
401:    SNESFASSetLog - Sets or unsets time logging for various FAS stages on all levels

403:    Logically Collective on SNES

405:    Input Parameters:
406: +  snes   - the FAS context
407: -  flg    - monitor or not

409:    Level: advanced

411: .seealso: SNESFASSetMonitor()
412: @*/
413: PetscErrorCode SNESFASSetLog(SNES snes, PetscBool flg)
414: {
415:   SNES_FAS       *fas;
417:   PetscBool      isFine;
418:   PetscInt       i, levels;
419:   SNES           levelsnes;
420:   char           eventname[128];

424:   SNESFASCycleIsFine(snes, &isFine);
425:   fas = (SNES_FAS*)snes->data;
426:   levels = fas->levels;
427:   if (isFine) {
428:     for (i = 0; i < levels; i++) {
429:       SNESFASGetCycleSNES(snes, i, &levelsnes);
430:       fas  = (SNES_FAS*)levelsnes->data;
431:       if (flg) {
432:         PetscSNPrintf(eventname,sizeof(eventname),"FASSetup  %d",(int)i);
433:         PetscLogEventRegister(eventname,((PetscObject)snes)->classid,&fas->eventsmoothsetup);
434:         PetscSNPrintf(eventname,sizeof(eventname),"FASSmooth %d",(int)i);
435:         PetscLogEventRegister(eventname,((PetscObject)snes)->classid,&fas->eventsmoothsolve);
436:         PetscSNPrintf(eventname,sizeof(eventname),"FASResid  %d",(int)i);
437:         PetscLogEventRegister(eventname,((PetscObject)snes)->classid,&fas->eventresidual);
438:         PetscSNPrintf(eventname,sizeof(eventname),"FASInterp %d",(int)i);
439:         PetscLogEventRegister(eventname,((PetscObject)snes)->classid,&fas->eventinterprestrict);
440:       } else {
441:         fas->eventsmoothsetup    = 0;
442:         fas->eventsmoothsolve    = 0;
443:         fas->eventresidual       = 0;
444:         fas->eventinterprestrict = 0;
445:       }
446:     }
447:   }
448:   return(0);
449: }

451: /*
452: Creates the default smoother type.

454: This is SNESNRICHARDSON on each fine level and SNESNEWTONLS on the coarse level.

456:  */
457: PetscErrorCode SNESFASCycleCreateSmoother_Private(SNES snes, SNES *smooth)
458: {
459:   SNES_FAS       *fas;
460:   const char     *optionsprefix;
461:   char           tprefix[128];
463:   SNES           nsmooth;

468:   fas  = (SNES_FAS*)snes->data;
469:   SNESGetOptionsPrefix(fas->fine, &optionsprefix);
470:   /* create the default smoother */
471:   SNESCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)snes), &nsmooth);
472:   if (fas->level == 0) {
473:     PetscStrncpy(tprefix,"fas_coarse_",sizeof(tprefix));
474:     SNESAppendOptionsPrefix(nsmooth, optionsprefix);
475:     SNESAppendOptionsPrefix(nsmooth, tprefix);
476:     SNESSetType(nsmooth, SNESNEWTONLS);
477:     SNESSetTolerances(nsmooth, nsmooth->abstol, nsmooth->rtol, nsmooth->stol, nsmooth->max_its, nsmooth->max_funcs);
478:   } else {
479:     PetscSNPrintf(tprefix,sizeof(tprefix),"fas_levels_%d_",(int)fas->level);
480:     SNESAppendOptionsPrefix(nsmooth, optionsprefix);
481:     SNESAppendOptionsPrefix(nsmooth, tprefix);
482:     SNESSetType(nsmooth, SNESNRICHARDSON);
483:     SNESSetTolerances(nsmooth, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, fas->max_down_it, nsmooth->max_funcs);
484:   }
485:   PetscObjectIncrementTabLevel((PetscObject)nsmooth, (PetscObject)snes, 1);
486:   PetscLogObjectParent((PetscObject)snes,(PetscObject)nsmooth);
487:   PetscObjectCopyFortranFunctionPointers((PetscObject)snes, (PetscObject)nsmooth);
488:   PetscObjectComposedDataSetInt((PetscObject) nsmooth, PetscMGLevelId, fas->level);
489:   *smooth = nsmooth;
490:   return(0);
491: }

493: /* ------------- Functions called on a particular level ----------------- */

495: /*@
496:    SNESFASCycleSetCycles - Sets the number of cycles on a particular level.

498:    Logically Collective on SNES

500:    Input Parameters:
501: +  snes   - the multigrid context
502: .  level  - the level to set the number of cycles on
503: -  cycles - the number of cycles -- 1 for V-cycle, 2 for W-cycle

505:    Level: advanced

507: .seealso: SNESFASSetCycles()
508: @*/
509: PetscErrorCode SNESFASCycleSetCycles(SNES snes, PetscInt cycles)
510: {
511:   SNES_FAS       *fas;

516:   fas = (SNES_FAS*)snes->data;
517:   fas->n_cycles = cycles;
518:   SNESSetTolerances(snes, snes->abstol, snes->rtol, snes->stol, cycles, snes->max_funcs);
519:   return(0);
520: }

523: /*@
524:    SNESFASCycleGetSmoother - Gets the smoother on a particular cycle level.

526:    Logically Collective on SNES

528:    Input Parameters:
529: .  snes   - the multigrid context

531:    Output Parameters:
532: .  smooth - the smoother

534:    Level: advanced

536: .seealso: SNESFASCycleGetSmootherUp(), SNESFASCycleGetSmootherDown()
537: @*/
538: PetscErrorCode SNESFASCycleGetSmoother(SNES snes, SNES *smooth)
539: {
540:   SNES_FAS *fas;

545:   fas     = (SNES_FAS*)snes->data;
546:   *smooth = fas->smoothd;
547:   return(0);
548: }
549: /*@
550:    SNESFASCycleGetSmootherUp - Gets the up smoother on a particular cycle level.

552:    Logically Collective on SNES

554:    Input Parameters:
555: .  snes   - the multigrid context

557:    Output Parameters:
558: .  smoothu - the smoother

560:    Notes:
561:    Returns the downsmoother if no up smoother is available.  This enables transparent
562:    default behavior in the process of the solve.

564:    Level: advanced

566: .seealso: SNESFASCycleGetSmoother(), SNESFASCycleGetSmootherDown()
567: @*/
568: PetscErrorCode SNESFASCycleGetSmootherUp(SNES snes, SNES *smoothu)
569: {
570:   SNES_FAS *fas;

575:   fas = (SNES_FAS*)snes->data;
576:   if (!fas->smoothu) *smoothu = fas->smoothd;
577:   else *smoothu = fas->smoothu;
578:   return(0);
579: }

581: /*@
582:    SNESFASCycleGetSmootherDown - Gets the down smoother on a particular cycle level.

584:    Logically Collective on SNES

586:    Input Parameters:
587: .  snes   - the multigrid context

589:    Output Parameters:
590: .  smoothd - the smoother

592:    Level: advanced

594: .seealso: SNESFASCycleGetSmootherUp(), SNESFASCycleGetSmoother()
595: @*/
596: PetscErrorCode SNESFASCycleGetSmootherDown(SNES snes, SNES *smoothd)
597: {
598:   SNES_FAS *fas;

603:   fas = (SNES_FAS*)snes->data;
604:   *smoothd = fas->smoothd;
605:   return(0);
606: }

609: /*@
610:    SNESFASCycleGetCorrection - Gets the coarse correction FAS context for this level

612:    Logically Collective on SNES

614:    Input Parameters:
615: .  snes   - the multigrid context

617:    Output Parameters:
618: .  correction - the coarse correction on this level

620:    Notes:
621:    Returns NULL on the coarsest level.

623:    Level: advanced

625: .seealso: SNESFASCycleGetSmootherUp(), SNESFASCycleGetSmoother()
626: @*/
627: PetscErrorCode SNESFASCycleGetCorrection(SNES snes, SNES *correction)
628: {
629:   SNES_FAS *fas;

634:   fas = (SNES_FAS*)snes->data;
635:   *correction = fas->next;
636:   return(0);
637: }

639: /*@
640:    SNESFASCycleGetInterpolation - Gets the interpolation on this level

642:    Logically Collective on SNES

644:    Input Parameters:
645: .  snes   - the multigrid context

647:    Output Parameters:
648: .  mat    - the interpolation operator on this level

650:    Level: developer

652: .seealso: SNESFASCycleGetSmootherUp(), SNESFASCycleGetSmoother()
653: @*/
654: PetscErrorCode SNESFASCycleGetInterpolation(SNES snes, Mat *mat)
655: {
656:   SNES_FAS *fas;

661:   fas = (SNES_FAS*)snes->data;
662:   *mat = fas->interpolate;
663:   return(0);
664: }

667: /*@
668:    SNESFASCycleGetRestriction - Gets the restriction on this level

670:    Logically Collective on SNES

672:    Input Parameters:
673: .  snes   - the multigrid context

675:    Output Parameters:
676: .  mat    - the restriction operator on this level

678:    Level: developer

680: .seealso: SNESFASGetRestriction(), SNESFASCycleGetInterpolation()
681: @*/
682: PetscErrorCode SNESFASCycleGetRestriction(SNES snes, Mat *mat)
683: {
684:   SNES_FAS *fas;

689:   fas = (SNES_FAS*)snes->data;
690:   *mat = fas->restrct;
691:   return(0);
692: }

695: /*@
696:    SNESFASCycleGetInjection - Gets the injection on this level

698:    Logically Collective on SNES

700:    Input Parameters:
701: .  snes   - the multigrid context

703:    Output Parameters:
704: .  mat    - the restriction operator on this level

706:    Level: developer

708: .seealso: SNESFASGetInjection(), SNESFASCycleGetRestriction()
709: @*/
710: PetscErrorCode SNESFASCycleGetInjection(SNES snes, Mat *mat)
711: {
712:   SNES_FAS *fas;

717:   fas = (SNES_FAS*)snes->data;
718:   *mat = fas->inject;
719:   return(0);
720: }

722: /*@
723:    SNESFASCycleGetRScale - Gets the injection on this level

725:    Logically Collective on SNES

727:    Input Parameters:
728: .  snes   - the multigrid context

730:    Output Parameters:
731: .  mat    - the restriction operator on this level

733:    Level: developer

735: .seealso: SNESFASCycleGetRestriction(), SNESFASGetRScale()
736: @*/
737: PetscErrorCode SNESFASCycleGetRScale(SNES snes, Vec *vec)
738: {
739:   SNES_FAS *fas;

744:   fas  = (SNES_FAS*)snes->data;
745:   *vec = fas->rscale;
746:   return(0);
747: }

749: /*@
750:    SNESFASCycleIsFine - Determines if a given cycle is the fine level.

752:    Logically Collective on SNES

754:    Input Parameters:
755: .  snes   - the FAS context

757:    Output Parameters:
758: .  flg - indicates if this is the fine level or not

760:    Level: advanced

762: .seealso: SNESFASSetLevels()
763: @*/
764: PetscErrorCode SNESFASCycleIsFine(SNES snes, PetscBool *flg)
765: {
766:   SNES_FAS *fas;

771:   fas = (SNES_FAS*)snes->data;
772:   if (fas->level == fas->levels - 1) *flg = PETSC_TRUE;
773:   else *flg = PETSC_FALSE;
774:   return(0);
775: }

777: /* ---------- functions called on the finest level that return level-specific information ---------- */

779: /*@
780:    SNESFASSetInterpolation - Sets the function to be used to calculate the
781:    interpolation from l-1 to the lth level

783:    Input Parameters:
784: +  snes      - the multigrid context
785: .  mat       - the interpolation operator
786: -  level     - the level (0 is coarsest) to supply [do not supply 0]

788:    Level: advanced

790:    Notes:
791:           Usually this is the same matrix used also to set the restriction
792:     for the same level.

794:           One can pass in the interpolation matrix or its transpose; PETSc figures
795:     out from the matrix size which one it is.

797: .seealso: SNESFASSetInjection(), SNESFASSetRestriction(), SNESFASSetRScale()
798: @*/
799: PetscErrorCode SNESFASSetInterpolation(SNES snes, PetscInt level, Mat mat)
800: {
801:   SNES_FAS       *fas;
803:   SNES           levelsnes;

808:   SNESFASGetCycleSNES(snes, level, &levelsnes);
809:   fas  = (SNES_FAS*)levelsnes->data;
810:   PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)mat);
811:   MatDestroy(&fas->interpolate);
812:   fas->interpolate = mat;
813:   return(0);
814: }

816: /*@
817:    SNESFASGetInterpolation - Gets the matrix used to calculate the
818:    interpolation from l-1 to the lth level

820:    Input Parameters:
821: +  snes      - the multigrid context
822: -  level     - the level (0 is coarsest) to supply [do not supply 0]

824:    Output Parameters:
825: .  mat       - the interpolation operator

827:    Level: advanced

829: .seealso: SNESFASSetInterpolation(), SNESFASGetInjection(), SNESFASGetRestriction(), SNESFASGetRScale()
830: @*/
831: PetscErrorCode SNESFASGetInterpolation(SNES snes, PetscInt level, Mat *mat)
832: {
833:   SNES_FAS       *fas;
835:   SNES           levelsnes;

840:   SNESFASGetCycleSNES(snes, level, &levelsnes);
841:   fas  = (SNES_FAS*)levelsnes->data;
842:   *mat = fas->interpolate;
843:   return(0);
844: }

846: /*@
847:    SNESFASSetRestriction - Sets the function to be used to restrict the defect
848:    from level l to l-1.

850:    Input Parameters:
851: +  snes  - the multigrid context
852: .  mat   - the restriction matrix
853: -  level - the level (0 is coarsest) to supply [Do not supply 0]

855:    Level: advanced

857:    Notes:
858:           Usually this is the same matrix used also to set the interpolation
859:     for the same level.

861:           One can pass in the interpolation matrix or its transpose; PETSc figures
862:     out from the matrix size which one it is.

864:          If you do not set this, the transpose of the Mat set with SNESFASSetInterpolation()
865:     is used.

867: .seealso: SNESFASSetInterpolation(), SNESFASSetInjection()
868: @*/
869: PetscErrorCode SNESFASSetRestriction(SNES snes, PetscInt level, Mat mat)
870: {
871:   SNES_FAS       *fas;
873:   SNES           levelsnes;

878:   SNESFASGetCycleSNES(snes, level, &levelsnes);
879:   fas  = (SNES_FAS*)levelsnes->data;
880:   PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)mat);
881:   MatDestroy(&fas->restrct);
882:   fas->restrct = mat;
883:   return(0);
884: }

886: /*@
887:    SNESFASGetRestriction - Gets the matrix used to calculate the
888:    restriction from l to the l-1th level

890:    Input Parameters:
891: +  snes      - the multigrid context
892: -  level     - the level (0 is coarsest) to supply [do not supply 0]

894:    Output Parameters:
895: .  mat       - the interpolation operator

897:    Level: advanced

899: .seealso: SNESFASSetRestriction(), SNESFASGetInjection(), SNESFASGetInterpolation(), SNESFASGetRScale()
900: @*/
901: PetscErrorCode SNESFASGetRestriction(SNES snes, PetscInt level, Mat *mat)
902: {
903:   SNES_FAS       *fas;
905:   SNES           levelsnes;

910:   SNESFASGetCycleSNES(snes, level, &levelsnes);
911:   fas  = (SNES_FAS*)levelsnes->data;
912:   *mat = fas->restrct;
913:   return(0);
914: }

917: /*@
918:    SNESFASSetInjection - Sets the function to be used to inject the solution
919:    from level l to l-1.

921:    Input Parameters:
922:  +  snes  - the multigrid context
923: .  mat   - the restriction matrix
924: -  level - the level (0 is coarsest) to supply [Do not supply 0]

926:    Level: advanced

928:    Notes:
929:          If you do not set this, the restriction and rscale is used to
930:    project the solution instead.

932: .seealso: SNESFASSetInterpolation(), SNESFASSetRestriction()
933: @*/
934: PetscErrorCode SNESFASSetInjection(SNES snes, PetscInt level, Mat mat)
935: {
936:   SNES_FAS       *fas;
938:   SNES           levelsnes;

943:   SNESFASGetCycleSNES(snes, level, &levelsnes);
944:   fas  = (SNES_FAS*)levelsnes->data;
945:   PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)mat);
946:   MatDestroy(&fas->inject);

948:   fas->inject = mat;
949:   return(0);
950: }

953: /*@
954:    SNESFASGetInjection - Gets the matrix used to calculate the
955:    injection from l-1 to the lth level

957:    Input Parameters:
958: +  snes      - the multigrid context
959: -  level     - the level (0 is coarsest) to supply [do not supply 0]

961:    Output Parameters:
962: .  mat       - the injection operator

964:    Level: advanced

966: .seealso: SNESFASSetInjection(), SNESFASGetRestriction(), SNESFASGetInterpolation(), SNESFASGetRScale()
967: @*/
968: PetscErrorCode SNESFASGetInjection(SNES snes, PetscInt level, Mat *mat)
969: {
970:   SNES_FAS       *fas;
972:   SNES           levelsnes;

977:   SNESFASGetCycleSNES(snes, level, &levelsnes);
978:   fas  = (SNES_FAS*)levelsnes->data;
979:   *mat = fas->inject;
980:   return(0);
981: }

983: /*@
984:    SNESFASSetRScale - Sets the scaling factor of the restriction
985:    operator from level l to l-1.

987:    Input Parameters:
988: +  snes   - the multigrid context
989: .  rscale - the restriction scaling
990: -  level  - the level (0 is coarsest) to supply [Do not supply 0]

992:    Level: advanced

994:    Notes:
995:          This is only used in the case that the injection is not set.

997: .seealso: SNESFASSetInjection(), SNESFASSetRestriction()
998: @*/
999: PetscErrorCode SNESFASSetRScale(SNES snes, PetscInt level, Vec rscale)
1000: {
1001:   SNES_FAS       *fas;
1003:   SNES           levelsnes;

1008:   SNESFASGetCycleSNES(snes, level, &levelsnes);
1009:   fas  = (SNES_FAS*)levelsnes->data;
1010:   PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)rscale);
1011:   VecDestroy(&fas->rscale);
1012:   fas->rscale = rscale;
1013:   return(0);
1014: }

1016: /*@
1017:    SNESFASGetSmoother - Gets the default smoother on a level.

1019:    Input Parameters:
1020: +  snes   - the multigrid context
1021: -  level  - the level (0 is coarsest) to supply

1023:    Output Parameters:
1024:    smooth  - the smoother

1026:    Level: advanced

1028: .seealso: SNESFASSetInjection(), SNESFASSetRestriction()
1029: @*/
1030: PetscErrorCode SNESFASGetSmoother(SNES snes, PetscInt level, SNES *smooth)
1031: {
1032:   SNES_FAS       *fas;
1034:   SNES           levelsnes;

1039:   SNESFASGetCycleSNES(snes, level, &levelsnes);
1040:   fas  = (SNES_FAS*)levelsnes->data;
1041:   if (!fas->smoothd) {
1042:     SNESFASCycleCreateSmoother_Private(levelsnes, &fas->smoothd);
1043:   }
1044:   *smooth = fas->smoothd;
1045:   return(0);
1046: }

1048: /*@
1049:    SNESFASGetSmootherDown - Gets the downsmoother on a level.

1051:    Input Parameters:
1052: +  snes   - the multigrid context
1053: -  level  - the level (0 is coarsest) to supply

1055:    Output Parameters:
1056:    smooth  - the smoother

1058:    Level: advanced

1060: .seealso: SNESFASSetInjection(), SNESFASSetRestriction()
1061: @*/
1062: PetscErrorCode SNESFASGetSmootherDown(SNES snes, PetscInt level, SNES *smooth)
1063: {
1064:   SNES_FAS       *fas;
1066:   SNES           levelsnes;

1071:   SNESFASGetCycleSNES(snes, level, &levelsnes);
1072:   fas  = (SNES_FAS*)levelsnes->data;
1073:   /* if the user chooses to differentiate smoothers, create them both at this point */
1074:   if (!fas->smoothd) {
1075:     SNESFASCycleCreateSmoother_Private(levelsnes, &fas->smoothd);
1076:   }
1077:   if (!fas->smoothu) {
1078:     SNESFASCycleCreateSmoother_Private(levelsnes, &fas->smoothu);
1079:   }
1080:   *smooth = fas->smoothd;
1081:   return(0);
1082: }

1084: /*@
1085:    SNESFASGetSmootherUp - Gets the upsmoother on a level.

1087:    Input Parameters:
1088: +  snes   - the multigrid context
1089: -  level  - the level (0 is coarsest)

1091:    Output Parameters:
1092:    smooth  - the smoother

1094:    Level: advanced

1096: .seealso: SNESFASSetInjection(), SNESFASSetRestriction()
1097: @*/
1098: PetscErrorCode SNESFASGetSmootherUp(SNES snes, PetscInt level, SNES *smooth)
1099: {
1100:   SNES_FAS       *fas;
1102:   SNES           levelsnes;

1107:   SNESFASGetCycleSNES(snes, level, &levelsnes);
1108:   fas  = (SNES_FAS*)levelsnes->data;
1109:   /* if the user chooses to differentiate smoothers, create them both at this point */
1110:   if (!fas->smoothd) {
1111:     SNESFASCycleCreateSmoother_Private(levelsnes, &fas->smoothd);
1112:   }
1113:   if (!fas->smoothu) {
1114:     SNESFASCycleCreateSmoother_Private(levelsnes, &fas->smoothu);
1115:   }
1116:   *smooth = fas->smoothu;
1117:   return(0);
1118: }

1120: /*@
1121:   SNESFASGetCoarseSolve - Gets the coarsest solver.

1123:   Input Parameters:
1124: . snes - the multigrid context

1126:   Output Parameters:
1127: . coarse - the coarse-level solver

1129:   Level: advanced

1131: .seealso: SNESFASSetInjection(), SNESFASSetRestriction()
1132: @*/
1133: PetscErrorCode SNESFASGetCoarseSolve(SNES snes, SNES *coarse)
1134: {
1135:   SNES_FAS       *fas;
1137:   SNES           levelsnes;

1142:   SNESFASGetCycleSNES(snes, 0, &levelsnes);
1143:   fas  = (SNES_FAS*)levelsnes->data;
1144:   /* if the user chooses to differentiate smoothers, create them both at this point */
1145:   if (!fas->smoothd) {
1146:     SNESFASCycleCreateSmoother_Private(levelsnes, &fas->smoothd);
1147:   }
1148:   *coarse = fas->smoothd;
1149:   return(0);
1150: }

1152: /*@
1153:    SNESFASFullSetDownSweep - Smooth during the initial downsweep for SNESFAS

1155:    Logically Collective on SNES

1157:    Input Parameters:
1158: +  snes - the multigrid context
1159: -  swp - whether to downsweep or not

1161:    Options Database Key:
1162: .  -snes_fas_full_downsweep - Sets number of pre-smoothing steps

1164:    Level: advanced

1166: .seealso: SNESFASSetNumberSmoothUp()
1167: @*/
1168: PetscErrorCode SNESFASFullSetDownSweep(SNES snes,PetscBool swp)
1169: {
1170:   SNES_FAS       *fas;

1175:   fas = (SNES_FAS*)snes->data;
1176:   fas->full_downsweep = swp;
1177:   if (fas->next) {
1178:     SNESFASFullSetDownSweep(fas->next,swp);
1179:   }
1180:   return(0);
1181: }