Actual source code: ex1.c

petsc-3.12.5 2020-03-29
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  1: static char help[] = "This example demonstrates the use of DMNetwork interface for solving a simple electric circuit. \n\
  2:                       The example can be found in p.150 of 'Strang, Gilbert. Computational Science and Engineering. Wellesley, MA'.\n\n";

  4: /* T
  5:   Concepts: DMNetwork
  6:   Concepts: KSP
  7: */

  9:  #include <petscdmnetwork.h>
 10:  #include <petscksp.h>

 12: /* The topology looks like:

 14:             (0)
 15:             /|\
 16:            / | \
 17:           /  |  \
 18:          R   R   V
 19:         /    |b3  \
 20:     b0 /    (3)    \ b1
 21:       /    /   \    R
 22:      /   R       R   \
 23:     /  /           \  \
 24:    / / b4        b5  \ \
 25:   //                   \\
 26: (1)--------- R -------- (2)
 27:              b2

 29:   Nodes:          (0), ... (3)
 30:   Branches:       b0, ... b5
 31:   Resistances:    R
 32:   Voltage source: V

 34:   Additionally, there is a current source from (1) to (0).
 35: */

 37: /*
 38:   Structures containing physical data of circuit.
 39:   Note that no topology is defined
 40: */

 42: typedef struct {
 43:   PetscInt    id;  /* node id */
 44:   PetscScalar inj; /* current injection (A) */
 45:   PetscBool   gr;  /* boundary node */
 46: } Node;

 48: typedef struct {
 49:   PetscInt    id;  /* branch id */
 50:   PetscScalar r;   /* resistance (ohms) */
 51:   PetscScalar bat; /* battery (V) */
 52: } Branch;

 54: /*
 55:   read_data: this routine fills data structures with problem data.
 56:   This can be substituted by an external parser.
 57: */

 59: PetscErrorCode read_data(PetscInt *pnnode,PetscInt *pnbranch,Node **pnode,Branch **pbranch,PetscInt **pedgelist)
 60: {
 61:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;
 62:   PetscInt          nnode, nbranch, i;
 63:   Branch            *branch;
 64:   Node              *node;
 65:   PetscInt          *edgelist;

 68:   nnode   = 4;
 69:   nbranch = 6;

 71:   PetscCalloc2(nnode,&node,nbranch,&branch);

 73:   for (i = 0; i < nnode; i++) {
 74:     node[i].id  = i;
 75:     node[i].inj = 0;
 76:     node[i].gr = PETSC_FALSE;
 77:   }

 79:   for (i = 0; i < nbranch; i++) {
 80:     branch[i].id  = i;
 81:     branch[i].r   = 1.0;
 82:     branch[i].bat = 0;
 83:   }

 85:   /*
 86:     Branch 1 contains a voltage source of 12.0 V
 87:     From node 0 to 1 there exists a current source of 4.0 A
 88:     Node 3 is grounded, hence the voltage is 0.
 89:   */
 90:   branch[1].bat = 12.0;
 91:   node[0].inj   = -4.0;
 92:   node[1].inj   =  4.0;
 93:   node[3].gr    =  PETSC_TRUE;

 95:   /*
 96:     edgelist is an array of len = 2*nbranch that defines the
 97:     topology of the network. For branch i we have:
 98:       edgelist[2*i]     = from node
 99:       edgelist[2*i + 1] = to node.
100:   */
101:   PetscCalloc1(2*nbranch, &edgelist);

103:   for (i = 0; i < nbranch; i++) {
104:     switch (i) {
105:       case 0:
106:         edgelist[2*i]     = 0;
107:         edgelist[2*i + 1] = 1;
108:         break;
109:       case 1:
110:         edgelist[2*i]     = 0;
111:         edgelist[2*i + 1] = 2;
112:         break;
113:       case 2:
114:         edgelist[2*i]     = 1;
115:         edgelist[2*i + 1] = 2;
116:         break;
117:       case 3:
118:         edgelist[2*i]     = 0;
119:         edgelist[2*i + 1] = 3;
120:         break;
121:       case 4:
122:         edgelist[2*i]     = 1;
123:         edgelist[2*i + 1] = 3;
124:         break;
125:       case 5:
126:         edgelist[2*i]     = 2;
127:         edgelist[2*i + 1] = 3;
128:         break;
129:       default:
130:         break;
131:     }
132:   }

134:   /* assign pointers */
135:   *pnnode    = nnode;
136:   *pnbranch  = nbranch;
137:   *pedgelist = edgelist;
138:   *pbranch   = branch;
139:   *pnode     = node;
140:   return(0);
141: }

143: PetscErrorCode FormOperator(DM dmnetwork,Mat A,Vec b)
144: {
145:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;
146:   Branch            *branch;
147:   Node              *node;
148:   PetscInt          e,v,vStart,vEnd,eStart, eEnd;
149:   PetscInt          lofst,lofst_to,lofst_fr,row[2],col[6];
150:   PetscBool         ghost;
151:   const PetscInt    *cone;
152:   PetscScalar       *barr,val[6];

155:   MatZeroEntries(A);

157:   VecSet(b,0.0);
158:   VecGetArray(b,&barr);

160:   /*
161:     We define the current i as an "edge characteristic" and the voltage v as a "vertex characteristic".
162:     We iterate the list of edges and vertices, query the associated voltages and currents
163:     and use them to write the Kirchoff equations:

165:     Branch equations: i/r + v_to - v_from     = v_source (battery)
166:     Node equations:   sum(i_to) - sum(i_from) = i_source
167:    */
168:   DMNetworkGetEdgeRange(dmnetwork,&eStart,&eEnd);
169:   for (e = 0; e < eEnd; e++) {
170:     DMNetworkGetComponent(dmnetwork,e,0,NULL,(void**)&branch);
171:     DMNetworkGetVariableOffset(dmnetwork,e,&lofst);

173:     DMNetworkGetConnectedVertices(dmnetwork,e,&cone);
174:     DMNetworkGetVariableOffset(dmnetwork,cone[0],&lofst_fr);
175:     DMNetworkGetVariableOffset(dmnetwork,cone[1],&lofst_to);

177:     /* set rhs b for Branch equation */
178:     barr[lofst] = branch->bat;

180:     /* set Branch equation */
181:     row[0] = lofst;
182:     col[0] = lofst;     val[0] =  1./branch->r;
183:     col[1] = lofst_to;  val[1] =  1;
184:     col[2] = lofst_fr;  val[2] = -1;
185:     MatSetValuesLocal(A,1,row,3,col,val,ADD_VALUES);

187:     /* set Node equation */
188:     DMNetworkGetComponent(dmnetwork,cone[0],0,NULL,(void**)&node);

190:     /* from node */
191:     if (!node->gr) { /* not a boundary node */
192:       row[0] = lofst_fr;
193:       col[0] = lofst;   val[0] = -1;
194:       MatSetValuesLocal(A,1,row,1,col,val,ADD_VALUES);
195:     }

197:     /* to node */
198:     DMNetworkGetComponent(dmnetwork,cone[1],0,NULL,(void**)&node);

200:     if (!node->gr) { /* not a boundary node */
201:       row[0] = lofst_to;
202:       col[0] = lofst;   val[0] = 1;
203:       MatSetValuesLocal(A,1,row,1,col,val,ADD_VALUES);
204:     }
205:   }

207:   /* set rhs b for Node equation */
208:   DMNetworkGetVertexRange(dmnetwork,&vStart,&vEnd);
209:   for (v = vStart; v < vEnd; v++) {
210:     DMNetworkIsGhostVertex(dmnetwork,v,&ghost);
211:     if (!ghost) {
212:       DMNetworkGetComponent(dmnetwork,v,0,NULL,(void**)&node);
213:       DMNetworkGetVariableOffset(dmnetwork,v,&lofst);

215:       if (node->gr) { /* a boundary node */
216:         row[0] = lofst;
217:         col[0] = lofst;   val[0] = 1;
218:         MatSetValuesLocal(A,1,row,1,col,val,ADD_VALUES);
219:       } else {       /* not a boundary node */
220:         barr[lofst] += node->inj;
221:       }
222:     }
223:   }

225:   VecRestoreArray(b,&barr);

227:   MatAssemblyBegin(A,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
228:   MatAssemblyEnd(A,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
229:   return(0);
230: }

232: int main(int argc,char ** argv)
233: {
234:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;
235:   PetscInt          i, nnode = 0, nbranch = 0, eStart, eEnd, vStart, vEnd;
236:   PetscMPIInt       size, rank;
237:   DM                dmnetwork;
238:   Vec               x, b;
239:   Mat               A;
240:   KSP               ksp;
241:   PetscInt          *edgelist = NULL;
242:   PetscInt          componentkey[2];
243:   Node              *node;
244:   Branch            *branch;
245:   PetscInt          nV[1],nE[1],*edgelists[1];

247:   PetscInitialize(&argc,&argv,(char*)0,help);if (ierr) return ierr;
248:   MPI_Comm_rank(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&rank);
249:   MPI_Comm_size(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&size);

251:   /* "Read" data only for processor 0 */
252:   if (!rank) {
253:     read_data(&nnode, &nbranch, &node, &branch, &edgelist);
254:   }

256:   DMNetworkCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&dmnetwork);
257:   DMNetworkRegisterComponent(dmnetwork,"nstr",sizeof(Node),&componentkey[0]);
258:   DMNetworkRegisterComponent(dmnetwork,"bsrt",sizeof(Branch),&componentkey[1]);

260:   /* Set local number of nodes/edges */
261:   nV[0] = nnode; nE[0] = nbranch;
262:   DMNetworkSetSizes(dmnetwork,1,nV,nE,0,NULL);
263:   /* Add edge connectivity */
264:   edgelists[0] = edgelist;
265:   DMNetworkSetEdgeList(dmnetwork,edgelists,NULL);
266:   /* Set up the network layout */
267:   DMNetworkLayoutSetUp(dmnetwork);

269:   /* Add network components: physical parameters of nodes and branches*/
270:   if (!rank) {
271:     DMNetworkGetEdgeRange(dmnetwork,&eStart,&eEnd);
272:     for (i = eStart; i < eEnd; i++) {
273:       DMNetworkAddComponent(dmnetwork,i,componentkey[1],&branch[i-eStart]);
274:       /* Add number of variables */
275:       DMNetworkAddNumVariables(dmnetwork,i,1);
276:     }

278:     DMNetworkGetVertexRange(dmnetwork,&vStart,&vEnd);
279:     for (i = vStart; i < vEnd; i++) {
280:       DMNetworkAddComponent(dmnetwork,i,componentkey[0],&node[i-vStart]);
281:       /* Add number of variables */
282:       DMNetworkAddNumVariables(dmnetwork,i,1);
283:     }
284:   }

286:   /* Network partitioning and distribution of data */
287:   DMSetUp(dmnetwork);
288:   DMNetworkDistribute(&dmnetwork,0);

290:   /* We do not use these data structures anymore since they have been copied to dmnetwork */
291:   if (!rank) {
292:     PetscFree(edgelist);
293:     PetscFree2(node,branch);
294:   }

296:   /* Create vectors and matrix */
297:   DMCreateGlobalVector(dmnetwork,&x);
298:   VecDuplicate(x,&b);
299:   DMCreateMatrix(dmnetwork,&A);

301:   /* Assembly system of equations */
302:   FormOperator(dmnetwork,A,b);

304:   /* Solve linear system: A x = b */
305:   KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &ksp);
306:   KSPSetOperators(ksp, A, A);
307:   KSPSetFromOptions(ksp);
308:   KSPSolve(ksp, b, x);

311:   /* Free work space */
312:   VecDestroy(&x);
313:   VecDestroy(&b);
314:   MatDestroy(&A);
315:   KSPDestroy(&ksp);
316:   DMDestroy(&dmnetwork);
317:   PetscFinalize();
318:   return ierr;
319: }

322: /*TEST

324:    build:
325:       requires: !complex double define(PETSC_HAVE_ATTRIBUTEALIGNED)

327:    test:
328:       args: -ksp_monitor_short

330:    test:
331:       suffix: 2
332:       nsize: 2
333:       args: -petscpartitioner_type simple -ksp_converged_reason

335: TEST*/