Beginner - Basic usage |
DMStagGetGlobalSizes |
DMStagStencil |
DMStagCreate1d |
DMStagGetLocationSlot |
DMStagStencilLocation |
DMStagCreate2d |
DMStagGetStencilType |
DMStagStencilType |
DMStagCreate3d |
DMStagGetStencilWidth |
DMStagVecGetArrayDOF |
DMStagGetCorners |
DMStagSetStencilType |
DMStagVecGetArrayDOFRead |
DMStagGetDOF |
DMStagSetStencilWidth |
DMStagVecRestoreArrayDOF |
DMStagGetGhostCorners |
DMStagSetUniformCoordinatesExplicit |
DMStagVecRestoreArrayDOFRead |
Intermediate - Setting options for algorithms and data structures |
DMStagCreateCompatibleDMStag |
DMStagGetIsLastRank |
DMStagMatSetValuesStencil |
DMStagGet1dCoordinateArraysDOFRead |
DMStagGetLocalSizes |
DMStagRestore1dCoordinateArraysDOFRead |
DMStagGet1dCoordinateLocationSlot |
DMStagGetLocationDOF |
DMStagSetUniformCoordinatesProduct |
DMStagGetBoundaryTypes |
DMStagGetNumRanks |
DMStagGetIsFirstRank |
DMStagGetOwnershipRanges |
Advanced - Setting more advanced options and customization |
DMStagMigrateVec |
DMStagSetDOF |
DMStagVecGetValuesStencil |
DMStagSetBoundaryTypes |
DMStagSetGlobalSizes |
DMStagVecSetValuesStencil |
DMStagSetCoordinateDMType |
DMStagSetUniformCoordinates |
DMStagVecSplitToDMDA |
Developer - Interfaces intended primarily for library developers, not for typical applications programmers |
DMStagGetEntriesPerElement |
DMStagSetNumRanks |
DMStagPopulateLocalToGlobalInjective |
DMStagSetOwnershipRanges |
No deprecated routines |