Actual source code: checkptr.c

petsc-3.12.5 2020-03-29
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  1:  #include <petsc/private/petscimpl.h>
  2:  #include <petscvalgrind.h>

  4: static PetscInt petsc_checkpointer_intensity = 1;

  6: /*@
  8:    confirm whether the address is valid.  An intensity of 0 never uses signal handlers, 1 uses them when not in a "hot"
  9:    function, and intensity of 2 always uses a signal handler.

 11:    Not Collective

 13:    Input Arguments:
 14: .  intensity - how much to check pointers for validity

 16:    Options Database:
 17: .  -check_pointer_intensity - intensity (0, 1, or 2)

 19:    Level: advanced

 22: @*/
 24: {

 27:   switch (intensity) {
 28:   case 0:
 29:   case 1:
 30:   case 2:
 31:     petsc_checkpointer_intensity = intensity;
 32:     break;
 33:   default: SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Intensity %D not in 0,1,2",intensity);
 34:   }
 35:   return(0);
 36: }

 38: /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

 40: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_SETJMP_H)
 41: #include <setjmp.h>
 42: static jmp_buf PetscSegvJumpBuf;
 43: static PetscBool PetscSegvJumpBuf_set;

 45: /*@C
 46:    PetscSignalSegvCheckPointer - To be called from a signal handler for SIGSEGV.  If the signal was received while
 48:    called automatically by PetscSignalHandlerDefault().

 50:    Not Collective

 52:    Level: developer

 54: .seealso: PetscPushSignalHandler()
 55: @*/
 56: void PetscSignalSegvCheckPointer() {
 57:   if (PetscSegvJumpBuf_set) longjmp(PetscSegvJumpBuf,1);
 58: }

 60: /*@C

 63:    Not Collective

 65:    Input Parameters:
 66: +     ptr - the pointer
 67: -     dtype - the type of data the pointer is suppose to point to

 69:    Level: developer

 72: @*/
 74: {

 77:   if (!ptr) return PETSC_FALSE;
 78:   if (petsc_checkpointer_intensity < 1) return PETSC_TRUE;

 80:   /* Skip the verbose check if we are inside a hot function. */
 81:   if (petscstack && petscstack->hotdepth > 0 && petsc_checkpointer_intensity < 2) return PETSC_TRUE;

 83:   PetscSegvJumpBuf_set = PETSC_TRUE;

 85:   if (setjmp(PetscSegvJumpBuf)) {
 86:     /* A segv was triggered in the code below hence we return with an error code */
 87:     PetscSegvJumpBuf_set = PETSC_FALSE;
 88:     return PETSC_FALSE;
 89:   } else {
 90:     switch (dtype) {
 91:     case PETSC_INT:{
 92:       PETSC_UNUSED PetscInt x = (PetscInt)*(volatile PetscInt*)ptr;
 93:       break;
 94:     }
 95: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
 96:     case PETSC_SCALAR:{         /* C++ is seriously dysfunctional with volatile std::complex. */
 97: #if defined(PETSC_USE_CXXCOMPLEX)
 98:       PetscReal xreal = ((volatile PetscReal*)ptr)[0],ximag = ((volatile PetscReal*)ptr)[1];
 99:       PETSC_UNUSED volatile PetscScalar x = xreal + PETSC_i*ximag;
100: #else
101:       PETSC_UNUSED PetscScalar x = *(volatile PetscScalar*)ptr;
102: #endif
103:       break;
104:     }
105: #endif
106:     case PETSC_REAL:{
107:       PETSC_UNUSED PetscReal x = *(volatile PetscReal*)ptr;
108:       break;
109:     }
110:     case PETSC_BOOL:{
111:       PETSC_UNUSED PetscBool x = *(volatile PetscBool*)ptr;
112:       break;
113:     }
114:     case PETSC_ENUM:{
115:       PETSC_UNUSED PetscEnum x = *(volatile PetscEnum*)ptr;
116:       break;
117:     }
118:     case PETSC_CHAR:{
119:       PETSC_UNUSED char x = *(volatile char*)ptr;
120:       break;
121:     }
122:     case PETSC_OBJECT:{
123:       PETSC_UNUSED volatile PetscClassId classid = ((PetscObject)ptr)->classid;
124:       break;
125:     }
126:     default:;
127:     }
128:   }
129:   PetscSegvJumpBuf_set = PETSC_FALSE;
130:   return PETSC_TRUE;
131: }
132: #else
133: void PetscSignalSegvCheckPointer() {
134:   return;
135: }

138: {
139:   if (!ptr) return PETSC_FALSE;
140:   return PETSC_TRUE;
141: }
142: #endif