petsc-3.12.5 2020-03-29
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Gets an integer value greater than or equal a given bound for a particular option in the database.


#include "petscsys.h"   
   PetscOptionsRangeInt - Gets an integer value within a range of values for a particular option in the database.

   Logically Collective on the communicator passed in PetscOptionsBegin()

   Input Parameters:
+  opt - option name
.  text - short string that describes the option
.  man - manual page with additional information on option
.  currentvalue - the current value; caller is responsible for setting this value correctly. Normally this is done with either
$                 PetscOptionsInt(..., obj->value,&object->value,...) or
$                 value = defaultvalue
$                 PetscOptionsInt(..., value,&value,&flg);
$                 if (flg)
Logically Collective on the communicator passed in PetscOptionsBegin()

Input Parameters

                PetscOptionsInt(..., obj->value,&object->value,...) or
                value = defaultvalue
                PetscOptionsInt(..., value,&value,&flg);
                if (flg) {
opt - option name
text - short string that describes the option
man - manual page with additional information on option
currentvalue - the current value; caller is responsible for setting this value correctly. Normally this is done with either
bound - the requested value should be large than this bound

Output Parameter

value - the integer value to return
flg - PETSC_TRUE if found, else PETSC_FALSE


If the user does not supply the option at all value is NOT changed. Thus you should ALWAYS initialize value if you access it without first checking if the set flag is true.

The default/currentvalue passed into this routine does not get transferred to the output value variable automatically.

Errors if the supplied integer does not satisfy the bound

Must be between a PetscOptionsBegin() and a PetscOptionsEnd()

See Also

PetscOptionsInt(), PetscOptionsGetReal(), PetscOptionsHasName(), PetscOptionsGetString(), PetscOptionsGetInt(),
PetscOptionsGetIntArray(), PetscOptionsGetRealArray(), PetscOptionsBool(), PetscOptionsRangeInt() PetscOptionsInt(), PetscOptionsString(), PetscOptionsReal(), PetscOptionsBool(), PetscOptionsName(), PetscOptionsBegin(), PetscOptionsEnd(), PetscOptionsHead(), PetscOptionsStringArray(),PetscOptionsRealArray(), PetscOptionsScalar(), PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin(), PetscOptionsBoolGroup(), PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd(), PetscOptionsFList(), PetscOptionsEList()







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