Actual source code: mpitime.c

petsc-3.11.4 2019-09-28
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  1:  #include <petscsys.h>
  2: #if !defined(MPIUNI_H)
  3: #error "Wrong mpi.h included! require mpi.h from MPIUNI"
  4: #endif

  6: #if defined(__cplusplus)
  7: extern "C" {
  8: #endif
  9: /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
 10:    Microsoft Windows has its own time routines
 11: */
 12: #if defined (PETSC_USE_MICROSOFT_TIME)
 13: #include <Windows.h>
 14: #define FACTOR   4294967296.0 /* pow(2,32) */

 16: double MPI_Wtime(void)
 17: {
 18:   static int flag = 1;
 19:   static LARGE_INTEGER  StartTime,PerfFreq,CurTime;
 20:   static double SecInTick=0.0;

 22:   DWORD  dwStartHigh,dwCurHigh;
 23:   double dTime,dHigh;
 24:   double ptime;

 26:   if (flag) {
 27:     if (!QueryPerformanceCounter(&StartTime)) MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,1);
 28:     if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency(&PerfFreq)) MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,1);
 29:     /* Explicitly convert the higher 32 bits, and add the lower 32 bits from the counter */
 30:     /* works on non-pentium CPUs ? */
 31: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_LARGE_INTEGER_U)
 32:     SecInTick = 1.0/((double)PerfFreq.u.HighPart*FACTOR+(double)PerfFreq.u.LowPart);
 33: #else
 34:     SecInTick = 1.0/((double)PerfFreq.HighPart*FACTOR+(double)PerfFreq.LowPart);
 35: #endif
 36:     flag = 0;
 37:   }

 39:   if (!QueryPerformanceCounter(&CurTime)) MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,1);
 40: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_LARGE_INTEGER_U)
 41:   dwCurHigh   = (DWORD)CurTime.u.HighPart;
 42:   dwStartHigh = (DWORD)StartTime.u.HighPart;
 43: #else
 44:   dwCurHigh   = (DWORD)CurTime.HighPart;
 45:   dwStartHigh = (DWORD)StartTime.HighPart;
 46: #endif
 47:   dHigh       = (signed)(dwCurHigh - dwStartHigh);

 49: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_LARGE_INTEGER_U)
 50:   dTime = dHigh*(double)FACTOR + (double)CurTime.u.LowPart - (double)StartTime.u.LowPart;
 51: #else
 52:   dTime = dHigh*(double)FACTOR + (double)CurTime.LowPart - (double)StartTime.LowPart;
 53: #endif
 54:   /* Use the following with older versions of the Borland compiler
 55:   dTime = dHigh*(double)FACTOR + (double)CurTime.u.LowPart - (double)StartTime.u.LowPart;
 56:   */
 57:   ptime = (double)SecInTick*dTime;
 58:   return(ptime);
 59: }

 62: /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
 63:     The usual Unix time routines.
 64: */
 65: #else

 67: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_SYS_TIME_H)
 68: #include <sys/time.h>
 69: #endif

 72: extern int gettimeofday(struct timeval *,struct timezone *);
 73: #endif

 75: double MPI_Wtime(void)
 76: {
 77:   static struct timeval _tp;
 78:   gettimeofday(&_tp,(struct timezone *)0);
 79:   return  ((double)_tp.tv_sec)+(1.0e-6)*(_tp.tv_usec);
 80: }
 81: #endif

 83: #if defined(__cplusplus)
 84: }
 85: #endif