-ksp_qcg_trustregionradius <r> -Trust Region Radius
This is rarely used directly
Use preconditioned conjugate gradient to compute
an approximate minimizer of the quadratic function
q(s) = g^T * s + .5 * s^T * H * s
subject to the Euclidean norm trust region constraint
|| D * s || <= delta,
delta is the trust region radius,
g is the gradient vector, and
H is Hessian matrix,
D is a scaling matrix.
KSPConvergedReason may be
KSP_CONVERGED_CG_NEG_CURVE if convergence is reached along a negative curvature direction,
KSP_CONVERGED_CG_CONSTRAINED if convergence is reached along a constrained step,
other KSP converged/diverged reasons
Currently we allow symmetric preconditioning with the following scaling matrices
PCNONE: D = Identity matrix
PCJACOBI: D = diag [d_1, d_2, ...., d_n], where d_i = sqrt(H[i,i])
PCICC: D = L^T, implemented with forward and backward solves.
Here L is an incomplete Cholesky factor of H.