Beginner - Basic usage |
DMAdaptFlag |
DMGetLocalVector |
PetscDualSpaceDuplicate |
DMAdaptationCriterion |
DMGetNeighbors |
PetscDualSpaceType |
DMAdaptationStrategy |
DMGetStratumIS |
PetscFECreate |
DMBoundaryConditionType |
DMGetStratumSize |
PetscFECreateDefault |
DMBoundaryType |
DMGetUseNatural |
PetscFESetName |
DMClearLabelStratum |
DMGlobalToLocal |
PetscFEType |
DMClearLabelValue |
DMLocalToGlobal |
PetscFVCellGeom |
DMClone |
DMPointLocationType |
PetscFVFaceGeom |
DMCompositeGetNumberDM |
DMRestoreGlobalVector |
PetscFVType |
DMCreate |
DMRestoreLocalVector |
PetscLimiterType |
DMCreateGlobalVector |
DMSetDimension |
PetscPartitionerType |
DMCreateLocalVector |
DMSetLabelValue |
PetscSpaceCreate |
DMCreateMatrix |
DMSetStratumIS |
PetscSpacePolynomialGetTensor |
DMGetDimension |
DMSetUseNatural |
PetscSpacePolynomialSetTensor |
DMGetGlobalVector |
DMType |
PetscSpaceType |
DMGetLabelIdIS |
DMView |
PetscUnit |
DMGetLabelSize |
PetscDSType |
DMGetLabelValue |
PetscDualSpaceCreate |
Intermediate - Setting options for algorithms and data structures |
DM |
DMGetOutputSequenceNumber |
PetscDualSpaceGetFunctional |
DMAdaptLabel |
DMGetPointSF |
PetscDualSpaceGetNumComponents |
DMAddField |
DMGetSection |
PetscDualSpaceGetNumDof |
DMGetType |
PetscDualSpaceGetOrder |
DMClearDS |
DMGetVecType |
PetscDualSpaceGetType |
DMClearFields |
DMGlobalToLocalBegin |
PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetContinuity |
DMCompositeGetLocalISs |
DMGlobalToLocalEnd |
PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetTensor |
DMConvert |
DMHasLabel |
PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetContinuity |
DMCopyLabels |
DMInterpolationInfo |
PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetTensor |
DMCreateAggregates |
DMLoad |
PetscDualSpaceSetDM |
DMCreateDS |
DMLocalToGlobalBegin |
PetscDualSpaceSetNumComponents |
DMCreateDefaultSF |
DMLocalToGlobalEnd |
PetscDualSpaceSetOrder |
DMCreateDomainDecomposition |
DMLocalToLocalBegin |
PetscDualSpaceSetType |
DMCreateFieldDecomposition |
DMLocalToLocalEnd |
PetscDualSpaceSimpleSetDimension |
DMCreateFieldIS |
DMOutputSequenceLoad |
PetscDualSpaceSimpleSetFunctional |
DMCreateLabel |
PetscFE |
DMCreateSectionSubDM |
PetscFECompositeGetMapping |
DMCreateSectionSuperDM |
PetscFEGetBasisSpace |
DMCreateSubDM |
DMSetApplicationContext |
PetscFEGetDefaultTabulation |
DMCreateSuperDM |
DMSetApplicationContextDestroy |
PetscFEGetDimension |
DMField |
DMSetCoarseDM |
PetscFEGetDualSpace |
DMFieldEvaluate |
DMSetCoordinateDM |
PetscFEGetFaceQuadrature |
DMFieldEvaluateFE |
DMSetCoordinateDim |
PetscFEGetNumComponents |
DMFieldEvaluateFV |
DMSetCoordinateSection |
PetscFEGetNumDof |
DMFieldGetDM |
DMSetCoordinates |
PetscFEGetQuadrature |
DMFieldGetDegree |
DMSetCoordinatesLocal |
PetscFEGetSpatialDimension |
DMFieldGetNumComponents |
DMSetDefaultSF |
PetscFEGetTabulation |
DMFieldType |
DMSetField |
PetscFEGetTileSizes |
DMGetApplicationContext |
DMSetFineDM |
PetscFEGetType |
DMGetBlockSize |
DMSetGlobalSection |
PetscFEJacobianType |
DMGetCoarseDM |
DMSetISColoringType |
PetscFESetBasisSpace |
DMGetCoordinateDM |
DMSetMatType |
PetscFESetDualSpace |
DMGetCoordinateDim |
DMSetNumFields |
PetscFESetFaceQuadrature |
DMGetCoordinateSection |
DMSetOutputSequenceNumber |
PetscFESetNumComponents |
DMGetCoordinates |
DMSetPointSF |
PetscFESetQuadrature |
DMGetCoordinatesLocal |
DMSetSection |
PetscFESetTileSizes |
DMSetType |
PetscFESetType |
DMGetDefaultSF |
DMSetVariableBounds |
PetscFV |
DMGetDimPoints |
DMSetVecType |
PetscLimiter |
DMGetField |
MatGetDM |
PetscPartitioner |
DMGetFineDM |
MatSetDM |
PetscSpace |
DMGetGlobalSection |
PetscSpaceGetDegree |
DMGetISColoringType |
PetscSpaceGetDimension |
DMGetLabel |
PetscSpaceGetNumComponents |
DMGetLabelByNum |
PetscSpaceGetType |
DMGetLabelName |
PetscSpacePointGetPoints |
DMGetLocalToGlobalMapping |
PetscSpacePointSetPoints |
DMGetMatType |
PetscSpaceSetDegree |
DMGetNumBoundary |
PetscSpaceSetNumComponents |
DMGetNumDS |
PetscDS |
PetscSpaceSetType |
DMGetNumFields |
PetscDualSpace |
VecGetDM |
DMGetNumLabels |
PetscDualSpaceGetDM |
VecSetDM |
DMGetOutputDM |
PetscDualSpaceGetDimension |
Advanced - Setting more advanced options and customization |
DMAdaptMetric |
DMGetCoordinatesLocalTuple |
DMShellSetCreateRestriction |
DMAppendOptionsPrefix |
DMGetDefaultConstraints |
DMShellSetCreateSubDM |
DMCoarsenHookAdd |
DMGetOptionsPrefix |
DMShellSetGlobalToLocal |
DMCoarsenHookRemove |
DMGetRegionDS |
DMShellSetGlobalToLocalVecScatter |
DMCompositeAddDM |
DMGetRegionNumDS |
DMShellSetGlobalVector |
DMCompositeCreate |
DMGlobalToLocalBeginDefaultShell |
DMShellSetLocalToGlobal |
DMCompositeGather |
DMGlobalToLocalEndDefaultShell |
DMShellSetLocalToGlobalVecScatter |
DMCompositeGatherArray |
DMGlobalToLocalHookAdd |
DMShellSetLocalToLocal |
DMCompositeGetAccess |
DMLocalToGlobalBeginDefaultShell |
DMShellSetLocalToLocalVecScatter |
DMCompositeGetAccessArray |
DMLocalToGlobalEndDefaultShell |
DMShellSetLocalVector |
DMCompositeGetEntries |
DMLocalToGlobalHookAdd |
DMShellSetMatrix |
DMCompositeGetEntriesArray |
DMLocalToLocalBeginDefaultShell |
DMShellSetRefine |
DMCompositeGetGlobalISs |
DMLocalToLocalEndDefaultShell |
DMSlicedCreate |
DMCompositeGetISLocalToGlobalMappings |
DMRedundantCreate |
DMSlicedSetBlockFills |
DMCompositeGetLocalAccessArray |
DMRedundantGetSize |
DMSlicedSetGhosts |
DMCompositeGetLocalVectors |
DMRedundantSetSize |
DMSlicedSetPreallocation |
DMCompositeRestoreAccess |
DMRefineHookAdd |
DMSubDomainHookAdd |
DMCompositeRestoreAccessArray |
DMRefineHookRemove |
DMSubDomainHookRemove |
DMCompositeRestoreLocalAccessArray |
DMRegister |
MatFDColoringUseDM |
DMCompositeRestoreLocalVectors |
DMRegisterAll |
PetscDSRegisterAll |
DMCompositeScatter |
DMSetDefaultConstraints |
PetscDualSpaceCreateReferenceCell |
DMCompositeScatterArray |
DMSetOptionsPrefix |
PetscDualSpaceGetHeightSubspace |
DMCompositeSetCoupling |
DMSetRefineLevel |
PetscDualSpaceGetPointSubspace |
DMComputeVariableBounds |
DMSetRegionDS |
PetscDualSpaceRegister |
DMCopyDS |
DMShellCreate |
PetscDualSpaceRegisterAll |
DMCopyDisc |
DMShellGetContext |
PetscFERegister |
DMCopyFields |
DMShellSetCoarsen |
PetscFERegisterAll |
DMFieldDestroy |
DMShellSetContext |
PetscFVRegisterAll |
DMFieldGetType |
DMShellSetCreateDomainDecomposition |
PetscLimiterRegisterAll |
DMFieldRegister |
DMShellSetCreateDomainDecompositionScatters |
PetscPartitionerRegisterAll |
DMFieldRegisterAll |
DMShellSetCreateFieldDecomposition |
PetscSpaceEvaluate |
DMFieldSetType |
DMShellSetCreateGlobalVector |
PetscSpaceGetHeightSubspace |
DMFieldView |
DMShellSetCreateInjection |
PetscSpaceRegister |
DMGetCompatibility |
DMShellSetCreateInterpolation |
PetscSpaceRegisterAll |
DMGetCoordinatesLocalNoncollective |
DMShellSetCreateLocalVector |
DMGetCoordinatesLocalSetUp |
DMShellSetCreateMatrix |
Developer - Interfaces intended primarily for library developers, not for typical applications programmers |
DMAddBoundary |
DMGetWorkArray |
PetscDSInitializePackage |
DMAddLabel |
DMHasColoring |
PetscDualSpaceApply |
DMClearGlobalVectors |
DMHasCreateInjection |
PetscDualSpaceApplyAll |
DMClearLocalVectors |
DMHasCreateRestriction |
PetscDualSpaceApplyAllDefault |
DMCoarsen |
DMHasNamedGlobalVector |
PetscDualSpaceApplyDefault |
DMCoarsenHierarchy |
DMHasNamedLocalVector |
PetscDualSpaceApplyFVM |
DMComputeL2Diff |
DMHasVariableBounds |
PetscDualSpaceDestroy |
DMComputeL2FieldDiff |
DMInitializePackage |
PetscDualSpaceGetSymmetries |
DMComputeL2GradientDiff |
DMInterpolate |
PetscDualSpaceSetFromOptions |
DMCreateColoring |
DMLabel |
PetscDualSpaceSetUp |
DMCreateDomainDecompositionScatters |
DMLocalizeCoordinate |
PetscDualSpaceView |
DMCreateInjection |
DMLocalizeCoordinates |
PetscFEDestroy |
DMCreateInterpolation |
DMLocatePoints |
PetscFEFinalizePackage |
DMCreateMassMatrix |
DMProjectFunction |
PetscFEInitializePackage |
DMCreateRestriction |
DMRefine |
PetscFEIntegrate |
DMDestroy |
DMRefineHierarchy |
PetscFEIntegrateBd |
DMFieldCreateDefaultQuadrature |
DMRemoveLabel |
PetscFEIntegrateBdJacobian |
DMFieldCreateFEGeom |
DMRestoreNamedGlobalVector |
PetscFEIntegrateBdResidual |
DMFieldFinalizePackage |
DMRestoreNamedLocalVector |
PetscFEIntegrateJacobian |
DMFieldInitializePackage |
DMRestoreWorkArray |
PetscFEIntegrateResidual |
DMFinalizePackage |
DMRestrict |
PetscFERefine |
DMGetAdjacency |
DMSetAdjacency |
PetscFESetFromOptions |
DMGetBasicAdjacency |
DMSetBasicAdjacency |
PetscFESetUp |
DMGetBoundary |
DMSetCoarsenLevel |
PetscFEView |
DMGetCellDS |
DMSetFromOptions |
PetscFVFinalizePackage |
DMGetCoarsenLevel |
DMSetLabelOutput |
PetscFVInitializePackage |
DMGetCoordinatesLocalized |
DMSetMatrixPreallocateOnly |
PetscQuadrature |
DMGetCoordinatesLocalizedLocal |
DMSetMatrixStructureOnly |
PetscSpaceDestroy |
DMGetLabelOutput |
DMSetPeriodicity |
PetscSpaceSetFromOptions |
DMGetNamedGlobalVector |
DMSetUp |
PetscSpaceSetUp |
DMGetNamedLocalVector |
DMSetVec |
PetscSpaceView |
DMGetPeriodicity |
DMSubDomainRestrict |
DMGetRefineLevel |
PetscDSFinalizePackage |
No deprecated routines |