Actual source code: sftype.c

petsc-3.11.4 2019-09-28
Report Typos and Errors
  1:  #include <petsc/private/sfimpl.h>

  4: #define MPI_Type_get_envelope(datatype,num_ints,num_addrs,num_dtypes,combiner) (*(num_ints)=0,*(num_addrs)=0,*(num_dtypes)=0,*(combiner)=0,1);SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SUP_SYS,"Need an MPI-2 implementation")
  5: #define MPI_Type_get_contents(datatype,num_ints,num_addrs,num_dtypes,ints,addrs,dtypes) (*(ints)=0,*(addrs)=0,*(dtypes)=0,1);SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SUP_SYS,"Need an MPI-2 implementation")
  6: #endif
  7: #if !defined(PETSC_HAVE_MPI_COMBINER_DUP) && !defined(MPI_COMBINER_DUP)  /* We have no way to interpret output of MPI_Type_get_envelope without this. */
  8: #  define MPI_COMBINER_DUP   0
  9: #endif
 11: #define MPI_COMBINER_NAMED -2
 12: #endif
 15: #endif

 17: static PetscErrorCode MPIPetsc_Type_free(MPI_Datatype *a)
 18: {
 19:   PetscMPIInt    nints,naddrs,ntypes,combiner;

 23:   MPI_Type_get_envelope(*a,&nints,&naddrs,&ntypes,&combiner);

 25:   if (combiner != MPI_COMBINER_NAMED) {
 26:     MPI_Type_free(a);
 27:   }

 29:   *a = MPI_DATATYPE_NULL;
 30:   return(0);
 31: }

 33: PetscErrorCode MPIPetsc_Type_unwrap(MPI_Datatype a,MPI_Datatype *atype,PetscBool *flg)
 34: {
 35:   PetscMPIInt    nints,naddrs,ntypes,combiner;

 39:   *flg = PETSC_FALSE;
 40:   *atype = a;
 41:   if (a == MPIU_INT || a == MPIU_REAL || a == MPIU_SCALAR) return(0);
 42:   MPI_Type_get_envelope(a,&nints,&naddrs,&ntypes,&combiner);
 43:   if (combiner == MPI_COMBINER_DUP) {
 44:     PetscMPIInt  ints[1];
 45:     MPI_Aint     addrs[1];
 46:     MPI_Datatype types[1];
 47:     if (nints != 0 || naddrs != 0 || ntypes != 1) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"Unexpected returns from MPI_Type_get_envelope()");
 48:     MPI_Type_get_contents(a,0,0,1,ints,addrs,types);
 49:     /* Recursively unwrap dupped types. */
 50:     MPIPetsc_Type_unwrap(types[0],atype,flg);
 51:     if (*flg) {
 52:       /* If the recursive call returns a new type, then that means that atype[0] != types[0] and we're on the hook to
 53:        * free types[0].  Note that this case occurs if combiner(types[0]) is MPI_COMBINER_DUP, so we're safe to
 54:        * directly call MPI_Type_free rather than MPIPetsc_Type_free here. */
 55:       MPI_Type_free(&(types[0]));
 56:     }
 57:     /* In any case, it's up to the caller to free the returned type in this case. */
 58:     *flg = PETSC_TRUE;
 59:   }
 60:   return(0);
 61: }

 63: PetscErrorCode MPIPetsc_Type_compare(MPI_Datatype a,MPI_Datatype b,PetscBool *match)
 64: {
 66:   MPI_Datatype   atype,btype;
 67:   PetscMPIInt    aintcount,aaddrcount,atypecount,acombiner;
 68:   PetscMPIInt    bintcount,baddrcount,btypecount,bcombiner;
 69:   PetscBool      freeatype, freebtype;

 72:   if (a == b) { /* this is common when using MPI builtin datatypes */
 73:     *match = PETSC_TRUE;
 74:     return(0);
 75:   }
 76:   MPIPetsc_Type_unwrap(a,&atype,&freeatype);
 77:   MPIPetsc_Type_unwrap(b,&btype,&freebtype);
 78:   *match = PETSC_FALSE;
 79:   if (atype == btype) {
 80:     *match = PETSC_TRUE;
 81:     goto free_types;
 82:   }
 83:   MPI_Type_get_envelope(atype,&aintcount,&aaddrcount,&atypecount,&acombiner);
 84:   MPI_Type_get_envelope(btype,&bintcount,&baddrcount,&btypecount,&bcombiner);
 85:   if (acombiner == bcombiner && aintcount == bintcount && aaddrcount == baddrcount && atypecount == btypecount && (aintcount > 0 || aaddrcount > 0 || atypecount > 0)) {
 86:     PetscMPIInt  *aints,*bints;
 87:     MPI_Aint     *aaddrs,*baddrs;
 88:     MPI_Datatype *atypes,*btypes;
 89:     PetscInt     i;
 90:     PetscBool    same;
 91:     PetscMalloc6(aintcount,&aints,bintcount,&bints,aaddrcount,&aaddrs,baddrcount,&baddrs,atypecount,&atypes,btypecount,&btypes);
 92:     MPI_Type_get_contents(atype,aintcount,aaddrcount,atypecount,aints,aaddrs,atypes);
 93:     MPI_Type_get_contents(btype,bintcount,baddrcount,btypecount,bints,baddrs,btypes);
 94:     PetscMemcmp(aints,bints,aintcount*sizeof(aints[0]),&same);
 95:     if (same) {
 96:       PetscMemcmp(aaddrs,baddrs,aaddrcount*sizeof(aaddrs[0]),&same);
 97:       if (same) {
 98:         /* Check for identity first */
 99:         PetscMemcmp(atypes,btypes,atypecount*sizeof(atypes[0]),&same);
100:         if (!same) {
101:           /* If the atype or btype were not predefined data types, then the types returned from MPI_Type_get_contents
102:            * will merely be equivalent to the types used in the construction, so we must recursively compare. */
103:           for (i=0; i<atypecount; i++) {
104:             MPIPetsc_Type_compare(atypes[i],btypes[i],&same);
105:             if (!same) break;
106:           }
107:         }
108:       }
109:     }
110:     for (i=0; i<atypecount; i++) {
111:       MPIPetsc_Type_free(&(atypes[i]));
112:       MPIPetsc_Type_free(&(btypes[i]));
113:     }
114:     PetscFree6(aints,bints,aaddrs,baddrs,atypes,btypes);
115:     if (same) *match = PETSC_TRUE;
116:   }
117: free_types:
118:   if (freeatype) {
119:     MPIPetsc_Type_free(&atype);
120:   }
121:   if (freebtype) {
122:     MPIPetsc_Type_free(&btype);
123:   }
124:   return(0);
125: }

127: /* Check whether a was created via MPI_Type_contiguous from b
128:  *
129:  */
130: PetscErrorCode MPIPetsc_Type_compare_contig(MPI_Datatype a,MPI_Datatype b,PetscInt *n)
131: {
133:   MPI_Datatype   atype,btype;
134:   PetscMPIInt    aintcount,aaddrcount,atypecount,acombiner;
135:   PetscBool      freeatype,freebtype;
137:   MPIPetsc_Type_unwrap(a,&atype,&freeatype);
138:   MPIPetsc_Type_unwrap(b,&btype,&freebtype);
139:   *n = PETSC_FALSE;
140:   if (atype == btype) {
141:     *n = 1;
142:     goto free_types;
143:   }
144:   MPI_Type_get_envelope(atype,&aintcount,&aaddrcount,&atypecount,&acombiner);
145:   if (acombiner == MPI_COMBINER_CONTIGUOUS && aintcount >= 1) {
146:     PetscMPIInt  *aints;
147:     MPI_Aint     *aaddrs;
148:     MPI_Datatype *atypes;
149:     PetscInt      i;
150:     PetscBool     same;
151:     PetscMalloc3(aintcount,&aints,aaddrcount,&aaddrs,atypecount,&atypes);
152:     MPI_Type_get_contents(atype,aintcount,aaddrcount,atypecount,aints,aaddrs,atypes);
153:     /* Check for identity first. */
154:     if (atypes[0] == btype) {
155:       *n = aints[0];
156:     } else {
157:       /* atypes[0] merely has to be equivalent to the type used to create atype. */
158:       MPIPetsc_Type_compare(atypes[0],btype,&same);
159:       if (same) *n = aints[0];
160:     }
161:     for (i=0; i<atypecount; i++) {
162:       MPIPetsc_Type_free(&(atypes[i]));
163:     }
164:     PetscFree3(aints,aaddrs,atypes);
165:   }
166: free_types:
167:   if (freeatype) {
168:     MPIPetsc_Type_free(&atype);
169:   }
170:   if (freebtype) {
171:     MPIPetsc_Type_free(&btype);
172:   }
173:   return(0);
174: }