Actual source code: mffddef.c

petsc-3.11.4 2019-09-28
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  2: /*
  3:   Implements the DS PETSc approach for computing the h
  4:   parameter used with the finite difference based matrix-free
  5:   Jacobian-vector products.

  7:   To make your own: clone this file and modify for your needs.

  9:   Mandatory functions:
 10:   -------------------
 11:       MatMFFDCompute_  - for a given point and direction computes h

 13:       MatCreateMFFD _ - fills in the MatMFFD data structure
 14:                            for this particular implementation

 17:    Optional functions:
 18:    -------------------
 19:       MatMFFDView_ - prints information about the parameters being used.
 20:                        This is called when SNESView() or -snes_view is used.

 22:       MatMFFDSetFromOptions_ - checks the options database for options that
 23:                                apply to this method.

 25:       MatMFFDDestroy_ - frees any space allocated by the routines above

 27: */

 29: /*
 30:     This include file defines the data structure  MatMFFD that
 31:    includes information about the computation of h. It is shared by
 32:    all implementations that people provide
 33: */
 34:  #include <petsc/private/matimpl.h>
 35:  #include <../src/mat/impls/mffd/mffdimpl.h>

 37: /*
 38:       The  method has one parameter that is used to
 39:    "cutoff" very small values. This is stored in a data structure
 40:    that is only visible to this file. If your method has no parameters
 41:    it can omit this, if it has several simply reorganize the data structure.
 42:    The data structure is "hung-off" the MatMFFD data structure in
 43:    the void *hctx; field.
 44: */
 45: typedef struct {
 46:   PetscReal umin;          /* minimum allowable u'a value relative to |u|_1 */
 47: } MatMFFD_DS;

 49: /*
 50:    MatMFFDCompute_DS - Standard PETSc code for computing the
 51:    differencing paramter (h) for use with matrix-free finite differences.

 53:    Input Parameters:
 54: +  ctx - the matrix free context
 55: .  U - the location at which you want the Jacobian
 56: -  a - the direction you want the derivative

 59:    Output Parameter:
 60: .  h - the scale computed

 62: */
 63: static PetscErrorCode MatMFFDCompute_DS(MatMFFD ctx,Vec U,Vec a,PetscScalar *h,PetscBool  *zeroa)
 64: {
 65:   MatMFFD_DS     *hctx = (MatMFFD_DS*)ctx->hctx;
 66:   PetscReal      nrm,sum,umin = hctx->umin;
 67:   PetscScalar    dot;

 71:   if (!(ctx->count % ctx->recomputeperiod)) {
 72:     /*
 73:      This algorithm requires 2 norms and 1 inner product. Rather than
 74:      use directly the VecNorm() and VecDot() routines (and thus have
 75:      three separate collective operations, we use the VecxxxBegin/End() routines
 76:     */
 77:     VecDotBegin(U,a,&dot);
 78:     VecNormBegin(a,NORM_1,&sum);
 79:     VecNormBegin(a,NORM_2,&nrm);
 80:     VecDotEnd(U,a,&dot);
 81:     VecNormEnd(a,NORM_1,&sum);
 82:     VecNormEnd(a,NORM_2,&nrm);

 84:     if (nrm == 0.0) {
 85:       *zeroa = PETSC_TRUE;
 86:       return(0);
 87:     }
 88:     *zeroa = PETSC_FALSE;

 90:     /*
 91:       Safeguard for step sizes that are "too small"
 92:     */
 93:     if (PetscAbsScalar(dot) < umin*sum && PetscRealPart(dot) >= 0.0) dot = umin*sum;
 94:     else if (PetscAbsScalar(dot) < 0.0 && PetscRealPart(dot) > -umin*sum) dot = -umin*sum;
 95:     *h = ctx->error_rel*dot/(nrm*nrm);
 96:     if (PetscIsInfOrNanScalar(*h)) SETERRQ3(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"Differencing parameter is not a number sum = %g dot = %g norm = %g",(double)sum,(double)PetscRealPart(dot),(double)nrm);
 97:   } else {
 98:     *h = ctx->currenth;
 99:   }
100:   ctx->count++;
101:   return(0);
102: }

104: /*
105:    MatMFFDView_DS - Prints information about this particular
106:    method for computing h. Note that this does not print the general
107:    information about the matrix-free method, as such info is printed
108:    by the calling routine.

110:    Input Parameters:
111: +  ctx - the matrix free context
112: -  viewer - the PETSc viewer
113: */
114: static PetscErrorCode MatMFFDView_DS(MatMFFD ctx,PetscViewer viewer)
115: {
116:   MatMFFD_DS     *hctx = (MatMFFD_DS*)ctx->hctx;
118:   PetscBool      iascii;

121:   /*
122:      Currently this only handles the ascii file viewers, others
123:      could be added, but for this type of object other viewers
124:      make less sense
125:   */
126:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSCVIEWERASCII,&iascii);
127:   if (iascii) {
128:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"    umin=%g (minimum iterate parameter)\n",(double)hctx->umin);
129:   }
130:   return(0);
131: }

133: /*
134:    MatMFFDSetFromOptions_DS - Looks in the options database for
135:    any options appropriate for this method.

137:    Input Parameter:
138: .  ctx - the matrix free context

140: */
141: static PetscErrorCode MatMFFDSetFromOptions_DS(PetscOptionItems *PetscOptionsObject,MatMFFD ctx)
142: {
144:   MatMFFD_DS     *hctx = (MatMFFD_DS*)ctx->hctx;

147:   PetscOptionsHead(PetscOptionsObject,"Finite difference matrix free parameters");
148:   PetscOptionsReal("-mat_mffd_umin","umin","MatMFFDDSSetUmin",hctx->umin,&hctx->umin,0);
149:   PetscOptionsTail();
150:   return(0);
151: }

153: /*
154:    MatMFFDDestroy_DS - Frees the space allocated by
155:    MatCreateMFFD_DS().

157:    Input Parameter:
158: .  ctx - the matrix free context

160:    Notes:
161:    Does not free the ctx, that is handled by the calling routine
162: */
163: static PetscErrorCode MatMFFDDestroy_DS(MatMFFD ctx)
164: {

168:   PetscFree(ctx->hctx);
169:   return(0);
170: }

172: /*
173:    The following two routines use the PetscObjectCompose() and PetscObjectQuery()
174:    mechanism to allow the user to change the Umin parameter used in this method.
175: */
176: PetscErrorCode MatMFFDDSSetUmin_DS(Mat mat,PetscReal umin)
177: {
178:   MatMFFD    ctx = (MatMFFD)mat->data;
179:   MatMFFD_DS *hctx;

182:   if (!ctx) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"MatMFFDDSSetUmin() attached to non-shell matrix");
183:   hctx       = (MatMFFD_DS*)ctx->hctx;
184:   hctx->umin = umin;
185:   return(0);
186: }

188: /*@
189:     MatMFFDDSSetUmin - Sets the "umin" parameter used by the
190:     PETSc routine for computing the differencing parameter, h, which is used
191:     for matrix-free Jacobian-vector products.

193:    Input Parameters:
194: +  A - the matrix created with MatCreateSNESMF()
195: -  umin - the parameter

197:    Level: advanced

199:    Notes:
200:    See the manual page for MatCreateSNESMF() for a complete description of the
201:    algorithm used to compute h.

203: .seealso: MatMFFDSetFunctionError(), MatCreateSNESMF()

205: @*/
206: PetscErrorCode  MatMFFDDSSetUmin(Mat A,PetscReal umin)
207: {

212:   PetscTryMethod(A,"MatMFFDDSSetUmin_C",(Mat,PetscReal),(A,umin));
213:   return(0);
214: }

216: /*MC
217:      MATMFFD_DS - the code for compute the "h" used in the finite difference
218:             matrix-free matrix vector product.  This code
219:         implements the strategy in Dennis and Schnabel, "Numerical Methods for Unconstrained
220:         Optimization and Nonlinear Equations".

222:    Options Database Keys:
223: .  -mat_mffd_umin <umin> see MatMFFDDSSetUmin()

225:    Level: intermediate

227:    Notes:
228:     Requires 2 norms and 1 inner product, but they are computed together
229:        so only one parallel collective operation is needed. See MATMFFD_WP for a method
230:        (with GMRES) that requires NO collective operations.

232:    Formula used:
233:      F'(u)*a = [F(u+h*a) - F(u)]/h where
234:      h = error_rel*u'a/||a||^2                        if  |u'a| > umin*||a||_{1}
235:        = error_rel*umin*sign(u'a)*||a||_{1}/||a||^2   otherwise
236:  where
237:      error_rel = square root of relative error in function evaluation
238:      umin = minimum iterate parameter

240: .seealso: MATMFFD, MatCreateMFFD(), MatCreateSNESMF(), MATMFFD_WP, MatMFFDDSSetUmin()

242: M*/
243: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode MatCreateMFFD_DS(MatMFFD ctx)
244: {
245:   MatMFFD_DS     *hctx;

249:   /* allocate my own private data structure */
250:   PetscNewLog(ctx,&hctx);
251:   ctx->hctx = (void*)hctx;
252:   /* set a default for my parameter */
253:   hctx->umin = 1.e-6;

255:   /* set the functions I am providing */
256:   ctx->ops->compute        = MatMFFDCompute_DS;
257:   ctx->ops->destroy        = MatMFFDDestroy_DS;
258:   ctx->ops->view           = MatMFFDView_DS;
259:   ctx->ops->setfromoptions = MatMFFDSetFromOptions_DS;

261:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)ctx->mat,"MatMFFDDSSetUmin_C",MatMFFDDSSetUmin_DS);
262:   return(0);
263: }