Actual source code: sbaijov.c

petsc-3.10.5 2019-03-28
Report Typos and Errors
  2: /*
  3:    Routines to compute overlapping regions of a parallel MPI matrix.
  4:    Used for finding submatrices that were shared across processors.
  5: */
  6:  #include <../src/mat/impls/sbaij/mpi/mpisbaij.h>
  7:  #include <petscbt.h>

  9: static PetscErrorCode MatIncreaseOverlap_MPISBAIJ_Once(Mat,PetscInt,IS*);
 10: static PetscErrorCode MatIncreaseOverlap_MPISBAIJ_Local(Mat,PetscInt*,PetscInt,PetscInt*,PetscBT*);

 12: PetscErrorCode MatIncreaseOverlap_MPISBAIJ(Mat C,PetscInt is_max,IS is[],PetscInt ov)
 13: {
 15:   PetscInt       i,N=C->cmap->N, bs=C->rmap->bs,M=C->rmap->N,Mbs=M/bs,*nidx,isz,iov;
 16:   IS             *is_new,*is_row;
 17:   Mat            *submats;
 18:   Mat_MPISBAIJ   *c=(Mat_MPISBAIJ*)C->data;
 19:   Mat_SeqSBAIJ   *asub_i;
 20:   PetscBT        table;
 21:   PetscInt       *ai,brow,nz,nis,l,nmax,nstages_local,nstages,max_no,pos;
 22:   const PetscInt *idx;
 23:   PetscBool      flg;

 26:   PetscMalloc1(is_max,&is_new);
 27:   /* Convert the indices into block format */
 28:   ISCompressIndicesGeneral(N,C->rmap->n,bs,is_max,is,is_new);
 29:   if (ov < 0) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Negative overlap specified\n");

 31:   /* ----- previous non-scalable implementation ----- */
 32:   flg  = PETSC_FALSE;
 33:   PetscOptionsHasName(NULL,NULL, "-IncreaseOverlap_old", &flg);
 34:   if (flg) { /* previous non-scalable implementation */
 35:     printf("use previous non-scalable implementation...\n");
 36:     for (i=0; i<ov; ++i) {
 37:       MatIncreaseOverlap_MPISBAIJ_Once(C,is_max,is_new);
 38:     }
 39:   } else { /* implementation using modified BAIJ routines */

 41:     PetscMalloc1(Mbs+1,&nidx);
 42:     PetscBTCreate(Mbs,&table); /* for column search */

 44:     /* Create is_row */
 45:     PetscMalloc1(is_max,&is_row);
 46:     ISCreateStride(PETSC_COMM_SELF,Mbs,0,1,&is_row[0]);

 48:     for (i=1; i<is_max; i++) {
 49:       is_row[i]  = is_row[0]; /* reuse is_row[0] */
 50:     }

 52:     /* Allocate memory to hold all the submatrices - Modified from MatCreateSubMatrices_MPIBAIJ() */
 53:     PetscMalloc1(is_max+1,&submats);

 55:     /* Determine the number of stages through which submatrices are done */
 56:     nmax = 20*1000000 / (c->Nbs * sizeof(PetscInt));
 57:     if (!nmax) nmax = 1;
 58:     nstages_local = is_max/nmax + ((is_max % nmax) ? 1 : 0);

 60:     /* Make sure every processor loops through the nstages */
 61:     MPIU_Allreduce(&nstages_local,&nstages,1,MPIU_INT,MPI_MAX,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)C));

 63:     for (iov=0; iov<ov; ++iov) {
 64:       /* 1) Get submats for column search */
 65:       for (i=0,pos=0; i<nstages; i++) {
 66:         if (pos+nmax <= is_max) max_no = nmax;
 67:         else if (pos == is_max) max_no = 0;
 68:         else                    max_no = is_max-pos;
 69:         c->ijonly = PETSC_TRUE; /* only matrix data structures are requested */
 70:         MatCreateSubMatrices_MPIBAIJ_local(C,max_no,is_row+pos,is_new+pos,MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX,submats+pos);
 71:         pos      += max_no;
 72:       }

 74:       /* 2) Row search */
 75:       MatIncreaseOverlap_MPIBAIJ_Once(C,is_max,is_new);

 77:       /* 3) Column search */
 78:       for (i=0; i<is_max; i++) {
 79:         asub_i = (Mat_SeqSBAIJ*)submats[i]->data;
 80:         ai     = asub_i->i;;

 82:         /* put is_new obtained from MatIncreaseOverlap_MPIBAIJ() to table */
 83:         PetscBTMemzero(Mbs,table);

 85:         ISGetIndices(is_new[i],&idx);
 86:         ISGetLocalSize(is_new[i],&nis);
 87:         for (l=0; l<nis; l++) {
 88:           PetscBTSet(table,idx[l]);
 89:           nidx[l] = idx[l];
 90:         }
 91:         isz = nis;

 93:         /* add column entries to table */
 94:         for (brow=0; brow<Mbs; brow++) {
 95:           nz = ai[brow+1] - ai[brow];
 96:           if (nz) {
 97:             if (!PetscBTLookupSet(table,brow)) nidx[isz++] = brow;
 98:           }
 99:         }
100:         ISRestoreIndices(is_new[i],&idx);
101:         ISDestroy(&is_new[i]);

103:         /* create updated is_new */
104:         ISCreateGeneral(PETSC_COMM_SELF,isz,nidx,PETSC_COPY_VALUES,is_new+i);
105:       }

107:       /* Free tmp spaces */
108:       for (i=0; i<is_max; i++) {
109:         MatDestroy(&submats[i]);
110:       }
111:     }

113:     PetscBTDestroy(&table);
114:     PetscFree(submats);
115:     ISDestroy(&is_row[0]);
116:     PetscFree(is_row);
117:     PetscFree(nidx);

119:   }

121:   for (i=0; i<is_max; i++) {ISDestroy(&is[i]);}
122:   ISExpandIndicesGeneral(N,N,bs,is_max,is_new,is);

124:   for (i=0; i<is_max; i++) {ISDestroy(&is_new[i]);}
125:   PetscFree(is_new);
126:   return(0);
127: }

129: typedef enum {MINE,OTHER} WhoseOwner;
130: /*  data1, odata1 and odata2 are packed in the format (for communication):
131:        data[0]          = is_max, no of is
132:        data[1]          = size of is[0]
133:         ...
134:        data[is_max]     = size of is[is_max-1]
135:        data[is_max + 1] = data(is[0])
136:         ...
137:        data[is_max+1+sum(size of is[k]), k=0,...,i-1] = data(is[i])
138:         ...
139:    data2 is packed in the format (for creating output is[]):
140:        data[0]          = is_max, no of is
141:        data[1]          = size of is[0]
142:         ...
143:        data[is_max]     = size of is[is_max-1]
144:        data[is_max + 1] = data(is[0])
145:         ...
146:        data[is_max + 1 + Mbs*i) = data(is[i])
147:         ...
148: */
149: static PetscErrorCode MatIncreaseOverlap_MPISBAIJ_Once(Mat C,PetscInt is_max,IS is[])
150: {
151:   Mat_MPISBAIJ   *c = (Mat_MPISBAIJ*)C->data;
153:   PetscMPIInt    size,rank,tag1,tag2,*len_s,nrqr,nrqs,*id_r1,*len_r1,flag,len,*iwork;
154:   const PetscInt *idx_i;
155:   PetscInt       idx,isz,col,*n,*data1,**data1_start,*data2,*data2_i,*data,*data_i;
156:   PetscInt       Mbs,i,j,k,*odata1,*odata2;
157:   PetscInt       proc_id,**odata2_ptr,*ctable=0,*btable,len_max,len_est;
158:   PetscInt       proc_end=0,len_unused,nodata2;
159:   PetscInt       ois_max; /* max no of is[] in each of processor */
160:   char           *t_p;
161:   MPI_Comm       comm;
162:   MPI_Request    *s_waits1,*s_waits2,r_req;
163:   MPI_Status     *s_status,r_status;
164:   PetscBT        *table;  /* mark indices of this processor's is[] */
165:   PetscBT        table_i;
166:   PetscBT        otable; /* mark indices of other processors' is[] */
167:   PetscInt       bs=C->rmap->bs,Bn = c->B->cmap->n,Bnbs = Bn/bs,*Bowners;
168:   IS             garray_local,garray_gl;

171:   PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)C,&comm);
172:   size = c->size;
173:   rank = c->rank;
174:   Mbs  = c->Mbs;

176:   PetscObjectGetNewTag((PetscObject)C,&tag1);
177:   PetscObjectGetNewTag((PetscObject)C,&tag2);

179:   /* create tables used in
180:      step 1: table[i] - mark c->garray of proc [i]
181:      step 3: table[i] - mark indices of is[i] when whose=MINE
182:              table[0] - mark incideces of is[] when whose=OTHER */
183:   len  = PetscMax(is_max, size);
184:   PetscMalloc2(len,&table,(Mbs/PETSC_BITS_PER_BYTE+1)*len,&t_p);
185:   for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
186:     table[i] = t_p  + (Mbs/PETSC_BITS_PER_BYTE+1)*i;
187:   }

189:   MPIU_Allreduce(&is_max,&ois_max,1,MPIU_INT,MPI_MAX,comm);

191:   /* 1. Send this processor's is[] to other processors */
192:   /*---------------------------------------------------*/
193:   /* allocate spaces */
194:   PetscMalloc1(is_max,&n);
195:   len  = 0;
196:   for (i=0; i<is_max; i++) {
197:     ISGetLocalSize(is[i],&n[i]);
198:     len += n[i];
199:   }
200:   if (!len) {
201:     is_max = 0;
202:   } else {
203:     len += 1 + is_max; /* max length of data1 for one processor */
204:   }

207:   PetscMalloc1(size*len+1,&data1);
208:   PetscMalloc1(size,&data1_start);
209:   for (i=0; i<size; i++) data1_start[i] = data1 + i*len;

211:   PetscMalloc4(size,&len_s,size,&btable,size,&iwork,size+1,&Bowners);

213:   /* gather c->garray from all processors */
214:   ISCreateGeneral(comm,Bnbs,c->garray,PETSC_COPY_VALUES,&garray_local);
215:   ISAllGather(garray_local, &garray_gl);
216:   ISDestroy(&garray_local);
217:   MPI_Allgather(&Bnbs,1,MPIU_INT,Bowners+1,1,MPIU_INT,comm);

219:   Bowners[0] = 0;
220:   for (i=0; i<size; i++) Bowners[i+1] += Bowners[i];

222:   if (is_max) {
223:     /* hash table ctable which maps c->row to proc_id) */
224:     PetscMalloc1(Mbs,&ctable);
225:     for (proc_id=0,j=0; proc_id<size; proc_id++) {
226:       for (; j<C->rmap->range[proc_id+1]/bs; j++) ctable[j] = proc_id;
227:     }

229:     /* hash tables marking c->garray */
230:     ISGetIndices(garray_gl,&idx_i);
231:     for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
232:       table_i = table[i];
233:       PetscBTMemzero(Mbs,table_i);
234:       for (j = Bowners[i]; j<Bowners[i+1]; j++) { /* go through B cols of proc[i]*/
235:         PetscBTSet(table_i,idx_i[j]);
236:       }
237:     }
238:     ISRestoreIndices(garray_gl,&idx_i);
239:   }  /* if (is_max) */
240:   ISDestroy(&garray_gl);

242:   /* evaluate communication - mesg to who, length, and buffer space */
243:   for (i=0; i<size; i++) len_s[i] = 0;

245:   /* header of data1 */
246:   for (proc_id=0; proc_id<size; proc_id++) {
247:     iwork[proc_id]        = 0;
248:     *data1_start[proc_id] = is_max;
249:     data1_start[proc_id]++;
250:     for (j=0; j<is_max; j++) {
251:       if (proc_id == rank) {
252:         *data1_start[proc_id] = n[j];
253:       } else {
254:         *data1_start[proc_id] = 0;
255:       }
256:       data1_start[proc_id]++;
257:     }
258:   }

260:   for (i=0; i<is_max; i++) {
261:     ISGetIndices(is[i],&idx_i);
262:     for (j=0; j<n[i]; j++) {
263:       idx                = idx_i[j];
264:       *data1_start[rank] = idx; data1_start[rank]++; /* for local proccessing */
265:       proc_end           = ctable[idx];
266:       for (proc_id=0; proc_id<=proc_end; proc_id++) {  /* for others to process */
267:         if (proc_id == rank) continue; /* done before this loop */
268:         if (proc_id < proc_end && !PetscBTLookup(table[proc_id],idx)) continue; /* no need for sending idx to [proc_id] */
269:         *data1_start[proc_id] = idx; data1_start[proc_id]++;
270:         len_s[proc_id]++;
271:       }
272:     }
273:     /* update header data */
274:     for (proc_id=0; proc_id<size; proc_id++) {
275:       if (proc_id== rank) continue;
276:       *(data1 + proc_id*len + 1 + i) = len_s[proc_id] - iwork[proc_id];
277:       iwork[proc_id]                 = len_s[proc_id];
278:     }
279:     ISRestoreIndices(is[i],&idx_i);
280:   }

282:   nrqs = 0; nrqr = 0;
283:   for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
284:     data1_start[i] = data1 + i*len;
285:     if (len_s[i]) {
286:       nrqs++;
287:       len_s[i] += 1 + is_max; /* add no. of header msg */
288:     }
289:   }

291:   for (i=0; i<is_max; i++) {
292:     ISDestroy(&is[i]);
293:   }
294:   PetscFree(n);
295:   PetscFree(ctable);

297:   /* Determine the number of messages to expect, their lengths, from from-ids */
298:   PetscGatherNumberOfMessages(comm,NULL,len_s,&nrqr);
299:   PetscGatherMessageLengths(comm,nrqs,nrqr,len_s,&id_r1,&len_r1);

301:   /*  Now  post the sends */
302:   PetscMalloc2(size,&s_waits1,size,&s_waits2);
303:   k    = 0;
304:   for (proc_id=0; proc_id<size; proc_id++) {  /* send data1 to processor [proc_id] */
305:     if (len_s[proc_id]) {
306:       MPI_Isend(data1_start[proc_id],len_s[proc_id],MPIU_INT,proc_id,tag1,comm,s_waits1+k);
307:       k++;
308:     }
309:   }

311:   /* 2. Receive other's is[] and process. Then send back */
312:   /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
313:   len = 0;
314:   for (i=0; i<nrqr; i++) {
315:     if (len_r1[i] > len) len = len_r1[i];
316:   }
317:   PetscFree(len_r1);
318:   PetscFree(id_r1);

320:   for (proc_id=0; proc_id<size; proc_id++) len_s[proc_id] = iwork[proc_id] = 0;

322:   PetscMalloc1(len+1,&odata1);
323:   PetscMalloc1(size,&odata2_ptr);
324:   PetscBTCreate(Mbs,&otable);

326:   len_max = ois_max*(Mbs+1); /* max space storing all is[] for each receive */
327:   len_est = 2*len_max;       /* estimated space of storing is[] for all receiving messages */
328:   PetscMalloc1(len_est+1,&odata2);
329:   nodata2 = 0;               /* nodata2+1: num of PetscMalloc(,&odata2_ptr[]) called */

331:   odata2_ptr[nodata2] = odata2;

333:   len_unused = len_est; /* unused space in the array odata2_ptr[nodata2]-- needs to be >= len_max  */

335:   k = 0;
336:   while (k < nrqr) {
337:     /* Receive messages */
338:     MPI_Iprobe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE,tag1,comm,&flag,&r_status);
339:     if (flag) {
340:       MPI_Get_count(&r_status,MPIU_INT,&len);
341:       proc_id = r_status.MPI_SOURCE;
342:       MPI_Irecv(odata1,len,MPIU_INT,proc_id,r_status.MPI_TAG,comm,&r_req);
343:       MPI_Wait(&r_req,&r_status);

345:       /*  Process messages */
346:       /*  make sure there is enough unused space in odata2 array */
347:       if (len_unused < len_max) { /* allocate more space for odata2 */
348:         PetscMalloc1(len_est+1,&odata2);

350:         odata2_ptr[++nodata2] = odata2;

352:         len_unused = len_est;
353:       }

355:       MatIncreaseOverlap_MPISBAIJ_Local(C,odata1,OTHER,odata2,&otable);
356:       len  = 1 + odata2[0];
357:       for (i=0; i<odata2[0]; i++) len += odata2[1 + i];

359:       /* Send messages back */
360:       MPI_Isend(odata2,len,MPIU_INT,proc_id,tag2,comm,s_waits2+k);
361:       k++;
362:       odata2        += len;
363:       len_unused    -= len;
364:       len_s[proc_id] = len; /* num of messages sending back to [proc_id] by this proc */
365:     }
366:   }
367:   PetscFree(odata1);
368:   PetscBTDestroy(&otable);

370:   /* 3. Do local work on this processor's is[] */
371:   /*-------------------------------------------*/
372:   /* make sure there is enough unused space in odata2(=data) array */
373:   len_max = is_max*(Mbs+1); /* max space storing all is[] for this processor */
374:   if (len_unused < len_max) { /* allocate more space for odata2 */
375:     PetscMalloc1(len_est+1,&odata2);

377:     odata2_ptr[++nodata2] = odata2;
378:   }

380:   data = odata2;
381:   MatIncreaseOverlap_MPISBAIJ_Local(C,data1_start[rank],MINE,data,table);
382:   PetscFree(data1_start);

384:   /* 4. Receive work done on other processors, then merge */
385:   /*------------------------------------------------------*/
386:   /* get max number of messages that this processor expects to recv */
387:   MPIU_Allreduce(len_s,iwork,size,MPI_INT,MPI_MAX,comm);
388:   PetscMalloc1(iwork[rank]+1,&data2);
389:   PetscFree4(len_s,btable,iwork,Bowners);

391:   k = 0;
392:   while (k < nrqs) {
393:     /* Receive messages */
394:     MPI_Iprobe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE,tag2,comm,&flag,&r_status);
395:     if (flag) {
396:       MPI_Get_count(&r_status,MPIU_INT,&len);

398:       proc_id = r_status.MPI_SOURCE;

400:       MPI_Irecv(data2,len,MPIU_INT,proc_id,r_status.MPI_TAG,comm,&r_req);
401:       MPI_Wait(&r_req,&r_status);
402:       if (len > 1+is_max) { /* Add data2 into data */
403:         data2_i = data2 + 1 + is_max;
404:         for (i=0; i<is_max; i++) {
405:           table_i = table[i];
406:           data_i  = data + 1 + is_max + Mbs*i;
407:           isz     = data[1+i];
408:           for (j=0; j<data2[1+i]; j++) {
409:             col = data2_i[j];
410:             if (!PetscBTLookupSet(table_i,col)) data_i[isz++] = col;
411:           }
412:           data[1+i] = isz;
413:           if (i < is_max - 1) data2_i += data2[1+i];
414:         }
415:       }
416:       k++;
417:     }
418:   }
419:   PetscFree(data2);
420:   PetscFree2(table,t_p);

422:   /* phase 1 sends are complete */
423:   PetscMalloc1(size,&s_status);
424:   if (nrqs) {MPI_Waitall(nrqs,s_waits1,s_status);}
425:   PetscFree(data1);

427:   /* phase 2 sends are complete */
428:   if (nrqr) {MPI_Waitall(nrqr,s_waits2,s_status);}
429:   PetscFree2(s_waits1,s_waits2);
430:   PetscFree(s_status);

432:   /* 5. Create new is[] */
433:   /*--------------------*/
434:   for (i=0; i<is_max; i++) {
435:     data_i = data + 1 + is_max + Mbs*i;
436:     ISCreateGeneral(PETSC_COMM_SELF,data[1+i],data_i,PETSC_COPY_VALUES,is+i);
437:   }
438:   for (k=0; k<=nodata2; k++) {
439:     PetscFree(odata2_ptr[k]);
440:   }
441:   PetscFree(odata2_ptr);
442:   return(0);
443: }

445: /*
446:    MatIncreaseOverlap_MPISBAIJ_Local - Called by MatIncreaseOverlap, to do
447:        the work on the local processor.

449:      Inputs:
450:       C      - MAT_MPISBAIJ;
451:       data   - holds is[]. See MatIncreaseOverlap_MPISBAIJ_Once() for the format.
452:       whose  - whose is[] to be processed,
453:                MINE:  this processor's is[]
454:                OTHER: other processor's is[]
455:      Output:
456:        nidx  - whose = MINE:
457:                      holds input and newly found indices in the same format as data
458:                whose = OTHER:
459:                      only holds the newly found indices
460:        table - table[i]: mark the indices of is[i], i=0,...,is_max. Used only in the case 'whose=MINE'.
461: */
462: /* Would computation be reduced by swapping the loop 'for each is' and 'for each row'? */
463: static PetscErrorCode MatIncreaseOverlap_MPISBAIJ_Local(Mat C,PetscInt *data,PetscInt whose,PetscInt *nidx,PetscBT *table)
464: {
465:   Mat_MPISBAIJ   *c = (Mat_MPISBAIJ*)C->data;
466:   Mat_SeqSBAIJ   *a = (Mat_SeqSBAIJ*)(c->A)->data;
467:   Mat_SeqBAIJ    *b = (Mat_SeqBAIJ*)(c->B)->data;
469:   PetscInt       row,mbs,Mbs,*nidx_i,col,col_max,isz,isz0,*ai,*aj,*bi,*bj,*garray,rstart,l;
470:   PetscInt       a_start,a_end,b_start,b_end,i,j,k,is_max,*idx_i,n;
471:   PetscBT        table0;  /* mark the indices of input is[] for look up */
472:   PetscBT        table_i; /* poits to i-th table. When whose=OTHER, a single table is used for all is[] */

475:   Mbs    = c->Mbs; mbs = a->mbs;
476:   ai     = a->i; aj = a->j;
477:   bi     = b->i; bj = b->j;
478:   garray = c->garray;
479:   rstart = c->rstartbs;
480:   is_max = data[0];

482:   PetscBTCreate(Mbs,&table0);

484:   nidx[0] = is_max;
485:   idx_i   = data + is_max + 1; /* ptr to input is[0] array */
486:   nidx_i  = nidx + is_max + 1; /* ptr to output is[0] array */
487:   for (i=0; i<is_max; i++) { /* for each is */
488:     isz = 0;
489:     n   = data[1+i]; /* size of input is[i] */

491:     /* initialize and set table_i(mark idx and nidx) and table0(only mark idx) */
492:     if (whose == MINE) { /* process this processor's is[] */
493:       table_i = table[i];
494:       nidx_i  = nidx + 1+ is_max + Mbs*i;
495:     } else {            /* process other processor's is[] - only use one temp table */
496:       table_i = table[0];
497:     }
498:     PetscBTMemzero(Mbs,table_i);
499:     PetscBTMemzero(Mbs,table0);
500:     if (n==0) {
501:       nidx[1+i] = 0;  /* size of new is[i] */
502:       continue;
503:     }

505:     isz0 = 0; col_max = 0;
506:     for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
507:       col = idx_i[j];
508:       if (col >= Mbs) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"index col %D >= Mbs %D",col,Mbs);
509:       if (!PetscBTLookupSet(table_i,col)) {
510:         PetscBTSet(table0,col);
511:         if (whose == MINE) nidx_i[isz0] = col;
512:         if (col_max < col) col_max = col;
513:         isz0++;
514:       }
515:     }

517:     if (whose == MINE) isz = isz0;
518:     k = 0;  /* no. of indices from input is[i] that have been examined */
519:     for (row=0; row<mbs; row++) {
520:       a_start = ai[row]; a_end = ai[row+1];
521:       b_start = bi[row]; b_end = bi[row+1];
522:       if (PetscBTLookup(table0,row+rstart)) { /* row is on input is[i]:
523:                                                 do row search: collect all col in this row */
524:         for (l = a_start; l<a_end ; l++) { /* Amat */
525:           col = aj[l] + rstart;
526:           if (!PetscBTLookupSet(table_i,col)) nidx_i[isz++] = col;
527:         }
528:         for (l = b_start; l<b_end ; l++) { /* Bmat */
529:           col = garray[bj[l]];
530:           if (!PetscBTLookupSet(table_i,col)) nidx_i[isz++] = col;
531:         }
532:         k++;
533:         if (k >= isz0) break; /* for (row=0; row<mbs; row++) */
534:       } else { /* row is not on input is[i]:
535:                   do col serach: add row onto nidx_i if there is a col in nidx_i */
536:         for (l = a_start; l<a_end; l++) {  /* Amat */
537:           col = aj[l] + rstart;
538:           if (col > col_max) break;
539:           if (PetscBTLookup(table0,col)) {
540:             if (!PetscBTLookupSet(table_i,row+rstart)) nidx_i[isz++] = row+rstart;
541:             break; /* for l = start; l<end ; l++) */
542:           }
543:         }
544:         for (l = b_start; l<b_end; l++) {  /* Bmat */
545:           col = garray[bj[l]];
546:           if (col > col_max) break;
547:           if (PetscBTLookup(table0,col)) {
548:             if (!PetscBTLookupSet(table_i,row+rstart)) nidx_i[isz++] = row+rstart;
549:             break; /* for l = start; l<end ; l++) */
550:           }
551:         }
552:       }
553:     }

555:     if (i < is_max - 1) {
556:       idx_i  += n;   /* ptr to input is[i+1] array */
557:       nidx_i += isz; /* ptr to output is[i+1] array */
558:     }
559:     nidx[1+i] = isz; /* size of new is[i] */
560:   } /* for each is */
561:   PetscBTDestroy(&table0);
562:   return(0);
563: }