Actual source code: matptap.c

petsc-3.10.5 2019-03-28
Report Typos and Errors
  2: /*
  3:   Defines projective product routines where A is a SeqAIJ matrix
  4:           C = P^T * A * P
  5: */

  7:  #include <../src/mat/impls/aij/seq/aij.h>
  8:  #include <../src/mat/utils/freespace.h>
  9:  #include <petscbt.h>
 10:  #include <petsctime.h>

 12: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_HYPRE)
 13: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatPtAPSymbolic_AIJ_AIJ_wHYPRE(Mat,Mat,PetscReal,Mat*);
 14: #endif

 16: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatPtAP_SeqAIJ_SeqAIJ(Mat A,Mat P,MatReuse scall,PetscReal fill,Mat *C)
 17: {
 18:   PetscErrorCode      ierr;
 19: #if !defined(PETSC_HAVE_HYPRE)
 20:   const char          *algTypes[2] = {"scalable","rap"};
 21:   PetscInt            nalg = 2;
 22: #else
 23:   const char          *algTypes[3] = {"scalable","rap","hypre"};
 24:   PetscInt            nalg = 3;
 25: #endif
 26:   PetscInt            alg = 1; /* set default algorithm */
 27:   Mat                 Pt;
 28:   Mat_MatTransMatMult *atb;
 29:   Mat_SeqAIJ          *c;

 32:   if (scall == MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX) {
 33:     /*
 34:      Alg 'scalable' determines which implementations to be used:
 35:        "rap":      Pt = P^T and C = Pt*A*P
 36:        "scalable": do outer product and two sparse axpy in MatPtAPNumeric() - might slow, does not store structure of A*P.
 37:        "hypre":    use boomerAMGBuildCoarseOperator.
 38:      */
 39:     PetscObjectOptionsBegin((PetscObject)A);
 40:     PetscOptionsObject->alreadyprinted = PETSC_FALSE; /* a hack to ensure the option shows in '-help' */
 41:     PetscOptionsEList("-matptap_via","Algorithmic approach","MatPtAP",algTypes,nalg,algTypes[0],&alg,NULL);
 42:     PetscOptionsEnd();
 43:     switch (alg) {
 44:     case 1:
 45:       PetscNew(&atb);
 46:       MatTranspose_SeqAIJ(P,MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX,&Pt);
 47:       MatMatMatMult(Pt,A,P,MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX,fill,C);

 49:       c                      = (Mat_SeqAIJ*)(*C)->data;
 50:       c->atb                 = atb;
 51:       atb->At                = Pt;
 52:       atb->destroy           = (*C)->ops->destroy;
 53:       (*C)->ops->destroy     = MatDestroy_SeqAIJ_MatTransMatMult;
 54:       (*C)->ops->ptapnumeric = MatPtAPNumeric_SeqAIJ_SeqAIJ;
 55:       return(0);
 56:       break;
 57: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_HYPRE)
 58:     case 2:
 59:       PetscLogEventBegin(MAT_PtAPSymbolic,A,P,0,0);
 60:       MatPtAPSymbolic_AIJ_AIJ_wHYPRE(A,P,fill,C);
 61:       PetscLogEventEnd(MAT_PtAPSymbolic,A,P,0,0);
 62:       break;
 63: #endif
 64:     default:
 65:       PetscLogEventBegin(MAT_PtAPSymbolic,A,P,0,0);
 66:       MatPtAPSymbolic_SeqAIJ_SeqAIJ_SparseAxpy(A,P,fill,C);
 67:       PetscLogEventEnd(MAT_PtAPSymbolic,A,P,0,0);
 68:       break;
 69:     }
 70:   }
 71:   PetscLogEventBegin(MAT_PtAPNumeric,A,P,0,0);
 72:   (*(*C)->ops->ptapnumeric)(A,P,*C);
 73:   PetscLogEventEnd(MAT_PtAPNumeric,A,P,0,0);
 74:   return(0);
 75: }

 77: PetscErrorCode MatDestroy_SeqAIJ_PtAP(Mat A)
 78: {
 80:   Mat_SeqAIJ     *a    = (Mat_SeqAIJ*)A->data;
 81:   Mat_PtAP       *ptap = a->ptap;

 84:   PetscFree(ptap->apa);
 85:   PetscFree(ptap->api);
 86:   PetscFree(ptap->apj);
 87:   (ptap->destroy)(A);
 88:   PetscFree(ptap);
 89:   return(0);
 90: }

 92: PetscErrorCode MatPtAPSymbolic_SeqAIJ_SeqAIJ_SparseAxpy(Mat A,Mat P,PetscReal fill,Mat *C)
 93: {
 94:   PetscErrorCode     ierr;
 95:   PetscFreeSpaceList free_space=NULL,current_space=NULL;
 96:   Mat_SeqAIJ         *a        = (Mat_SeqAIJ*)A->data,*p = (Mat_SeqAIJ*)P->data,*c;
 97:   PetscInt           *pti,*ptj,*ptJ,*ai=a->i,*aj=a->j,*ajj,*pi=p->i,*pj=p->j,*pjj;
 98:   PetscInt           *ci,*cj,*ptadenserow,*ptasparserow,*ptaj,nspacedouble=0;
 99:   PetscInt           an=A->cmap->N,am=A->rmap->N,pn=P->cmap->N,pm=P->rmap->N;
100:   PetscInt           i,j,k,ptnzi,arow,anzj,ptanzi,prow,pnzj,cnzi,nlnk,*lnk;
101:   MatScalar          *ca;
102:   PetscBT            lnkbt;
103:   PetscReal          afill;

106:   /* Get ij structure of P^T */
107:   MatGetSymbolicTranspose_SeqAIJ(P,&pti,&ptj);
108:   ptJ  = ptj;

110:   /* Allocate ci array, arrays for fill computation and */
111:   /* free space for accumulating nonzero column info */
112:   PetscMalloc1(pn+1,&ci);
113:   ci[0] = 0;

115:   PetscCalloc1(2*an+1,&ptadenserow);
116:   ptasparserow = ptadenserow  + an;

118:   /* create and initialize a linked list */
119:   nlnk = pn+1;
120:   PetscLLCreate(pn,pn,nlnk,lnk,lnkbt);

122:   /* Set initial free space to be fill*(nnz(A)+ nnz(P)) */
123:   PetscFreeSpaceGet(PetscRealIntMultTruncate(fill,PetscIntSumTruncate(ai[am],pi[pm])),&free_space);
124:   current_space = free_space;

126:   /* Determine symbolic info for each row of C: */
127:   for (i=0; i<pn; i++) {
128:     ptnzi  = pti[i+1] - pti[i];
129:     ptanzi = 0;
130:     /* Determine symbolic row of PtA: */
131:     for (j=0; j<ptnzi; j++) {
132:       arow = *ptJ++;
133:       anzj = ai[arow+1] - ai[arow];
134:       ajj  = aj + ai[arow];
135:       for (k=0; k<anzj; k++) {
136:         if (!ptadenserow[ajj[k]]) {
137:           ptadenserow[ajj[k]]    = -1;
138:           ptasparserow[ptanzi++] = ajj[k];
139:         }
140:       }
141:     }
142:     /* Using symbolic info for row of PtA, determine symbolic info for row of C: */
143:     ptaj = ptasparserow;
144:     cnzi = 0;
145:     for (j=0; j<ptanzi; j++) {
146:       prow = *ptaj++;
147:       pnzj = pi[prow+1] - pi[prow];
148:       pjj  = pj + pi[prow];
149:       /* add non-zero cols of P into the sorted linked list lnk */
150:       PetscLLAddSorted(pnzj,pjj,pn,nlnk,lnk,lnkbt);
151:       cnzi += nlnk;
152:     }

154:     /* If free space is not available, make more free space */
155:     /* Double the amount of total space in the list */
156:     if (current_space->local_remaining<cnzi) {
157:       PetscFreeSpaceGet(PetscIntSumTruncate(cnzi,current_space->total_array_size),&current_space);
158:       nspacedouble++;
159:     }

161:     /* Copy data into free space, and zero out denserows */
162:     PetscLLClean(pn,pn,cnzi,lnk,current_space->array,lnkbt);

164:     current_space->array           += cnzi;
165:     current_space->local_used      += cnzi;
166:     current_space->local_remaining -= cnzi;

168:     for (j=0; j<ptanzi; j++) ptadenserow[ptasparserow[j]] = 0;

170:     /* Aside: Perhaps we should save the pta info for the numerical factorization. */
171:     /*        For now, we will recompute what is needed. */
172:     ci[i+1] = ci[i] + cnzi;
173:   }
174:   /* nnz is now stored in ci[ptm], column indices are in the list of free space */
175:   /* Allocate space for cj, initialize cj, and */
176:   /* destroy list of free space and other temporary array(s) */
177:   PetscMalloc1(ci[pn]+1,&cj);
178:   PetscFreeSpaceContiguous(&free_space,cj);
179:   PetscFree(ptadenserow);
180:   PetscLLDestroy(lnk,lnkbt);

182:   PetscCalloc1(ci[pn]+1,&ca);

184:   /* put together the new matrix */
185:   MatCreateSeqAIJWithArrays(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A),pn,pn,ci,cj,ca,C);
186:   MatSetBlockSizes(*C,PetscAbs(P->cmap->bs),PetscAbs(P->cmap->bs));

188:   /* MatCreateSeqAIJWithArrays flags matrix so PETSc doesn't free the user's arrays. */
189:   /* Since these are PETSc arrays, change flags to free them as necessary. */
190:   c          = (Mat_SeqAIJ*)((*C)->data);
191:   c->free_a  = PETSC_TRUE;
192:   c->free_ij = PETSC_TRUE;
193:   c->nonew   = 0;
194:   (*C)->ops->ptapnumeric = MatPtAPNumeric_SeqAIJ_SeqAIJ_SparseAxpy;

196:   /* set MatInfo */
197:   afill = (PetscReal)ci[pn]/(ai[am]+pi[pm] + 1.e-5);
198:   if (afill < 1.0) afill = 1.0;
199:   c->maxnz                     = ci[pn];
200:   c->nz                        = ci[pn];
201:   (*C)->info.mallocs           = nspacedouble;
202:   (*C)->info.fill_ratio_given  = fill;
203:   (*C)->info.fill_ratio_needed = afill;

205:   /* Clean up. */
206:   MatRestoreSymbolicTranspose_SeqAIJ(P,&pti,&ptj);
207: #if defined(PETSC_USE_INFO)
208:   if (ci[pn] != 0) {
209:     PetscInfo3((*C),"Reallocs %D; Fill ratio: given %g needed %g.\n",nspacedouble,(double)fill,(double)afill);
210:     PetscInfo1((*C),"Use MatPtAP(A,P,MatReuse,%g,&C) for best performance.\n",(double)afill);
211:   } else {
212:     PetscInfo((*C),"Empty matrix product\n");
213:   }
214: #endif
215:   return(0);
216: }

218: PetscErrorCode MatPtAPNumeric_SeqAIJ_SeqAIJ_SparseAxpy(Mat A,Mat P,Mat C)
219: {
221:   Mat_SeqAIJ     *a = (Mat_SeqAIJ*) A->data;
222:   Mat_SeqAIJ     *p = (Mat_SeqAIJ*) P->data;
223:   Mat_SeqAIJ     *c = (Mat_SeqAIJ*) C->data;
224:   PetscInt       *ai=a->i,*aj=a->j,*apj,*apjdense,*pi=p->i,*pj=p->j,*pJ=p->j,*pjj;
225:   PetscInt       *ci=c->i,*cj=c->j,*cjj;
226:   PetscInt       am =A->rmap->N,cn=C->cmap->N,cm=C->rmap->N;
227:   PetscInt       i,j,k,anzi,pnzi,apnzj,nextap,pnzj,prow,crow;
228:   MatScalar      *aa=a->a,*apa,*pa=p->a,*pA=p->a,*paj,*ca=c->a,*caj;

231:   /* Allocate temporary array for storage of one row of A*P (cn: non-scalable) */
232:   PetscMalloc3(cn,&apa,cn,&apjdense,cn,&apj);
233:   PetscMemzero(apa,cn*sizeof(MatScalar));
234:   PetscMemzero(apjdense,cn*sizeof(PetscInt));

236:   /* Clear old values in C */
237:   PetscMemzero(ca,ci[cm]*sizeof(MatScalar));

239:   for (i=0; i<am; i++) {
240:     /* Form sparse row of A*P */
241:     anzi  = ai[i+1] - ai[i];
242:     apnzj = 0;
243:     for (j=0; j<anzi; j++) {
244:       prow = *aj++;
245:       pnzj = pi[prow+1] - pi[prow];
246:       pjj  = pj + pi[prow];
247:       paj  = pa + pi[prow];
248:       for (k=0; k<pnzj; k++) {
249:         if (!apjdense[pjj[k]]) {
250:           apjdense[pjj[k]] = -1;
251:           apj[apnzj++]     = pjj[k];
252:         }
253:         apa[pjj[k]] += (*aa)*paj[k];
254:       }
255:       PetscLogFlops(2.0*pnzj);
256:       aa++;
257:     }

259:     /* Sort the j index array for quick sparse axpy. */
260:     /* Note: a array does not need sorting as it is in dense storage locations. */
261:     PetscSortInt(apnzj,apj);

263:     /* Compute P^T*A*P using outer product (P^T)[:,j]*(A*P)[j,:]. */
264:     pnzi = pi[i+1] - pi[i];
265:     for (j=0; j<pnzi; j++) {
266:       nextap = 0;
267:       crow   = *pJ++;
268:       cjj    = cj + ci[crow];
269:       caj    = ca + ci[crow];
270:       /* Perform sparse axpy operation.  Note cjj includes apj. */
271:       for (k=0; nextap<apnzj; k++) {
272: #if defined(PETSC_USE_DEBUG)
273:         if (k >= ci[crow+1] - ci[crow]) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"k too large k %d, crow %d",k,crow);
274: #endif
275:         if (cjj[k]==apj[nextap]) {
276:           caj[k] += (*pA)*apa[apj[nextap++]];
277:         }
278:       }
279:       PetscLogFlops(2.0*apnzj);
280:       pA++;
281:     }

283:     /* Zero the current row info for A*P */
284:     for (j=0; j<apnzj; j++) {
285:       apa[apj[j]]      = 0.;
286:       apjdense[apj[j]] = 0;
287:     }
288:   }

290:   /* Assemble the final matrix and clean up */
291:   MatAssemblyBegin(C,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
292:   MatAssemblyEnd(C,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);

294:   PetscFree3(apa,apjdense,apj);
295:   return(0);
296: }

298: PetscErrorCode MatPtAPNumeric_SeqAIJ_SeqAIJ(Mat A,Mat P,Mat C)
299: {
300:   PetscErrorCode      ierr;
301:   Mat_SeqAIJ          *c = (Mat_SeqAIJ*)C->data;
302:   Mat_MatTransMatMult *atb = c->atb;
303:   Mat                 Pt = atb->At;

306:   MatTranspose_SeqAIJ(P,MAT_REUSE_MATRIX,&Pt);
307:   (C->ops->matmatmultnumeric)(Pt,A,P,C);
308:   return(0);
309: }