Actual source code: fetidp.c

petsc-3.10.5 2019-03-28
Report Typos and Errors
  1: #include <petsc/private/kspimpl.h> /*I <petscksp.h> I*/
  2:  #include <../src/ksp/pc/impls/bddc/bddc.h>
  3:  #include <../src/ksp/pc/impls/bddc/bddcprivate.h>
  4:  #include <petscdm.h>

  6: static PetscBool  cited  = PETSC_FALSE;
  7: static PetscBool  cited2 = PETSC_FALSE;
  8: static const char citation[] =
  9: "@article{ZampiniPCBDDC,\n"
 10: "author = {Stefano Zampini},\n"
 11: "title = {{PCBDDC}: A Class of Robust Dual-Primal Methods in {PETS}c},\n"
 12: "journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},\n"
 13: "volume = {38},\n"
 14: "number = {5},\n"
 15: "pages = {S282-S306},\n"
 16: "year = {2016},\n"
 17: "doi = {10.1137/15M1025785},\n"
 18: "URL = {},\n"
 19: "eprint = {}\n"
 20: "}\n"
 21: "@article{ZampiniDualPrimal,\n"
 22: "author = {Stefano Zampini},\n"
 23: "title = {{D}ual-{P}rimal methods for the cardiac {B}idomain model},\n"
 24: "volume = {24},\n"
 25: "number = {04},\n"
 26: "pages = {667-696},\n"
 27: "year = {2014},\n"
 28: "doi = {10.1142/S0218202513500632},\n"
 29: "URL = {},\n"
 30: "eprint = {}\n"
 31: "}\n";
 32: static const char citation2[] =
 33: "@article{li2013nonoverlapping,\n"
 34: "title={A nonoverlapping domain decomposition method for incompressible Stokes equations with continuous pressures},\n"
 35: "author={Li, Jing and Tu, Xuemin},\n"
 36: "journal={SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},\n"
 37: "volume={51},\n"
 38: "number={2},\n"
 39: "pages={1235--1253},\n"
 40: "year={2013},\n"
 41: "publisher={Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}\n"
 42: "}\n";

 44: /*
 45:     This file implements the FETI-DP method in PETSc as part of KSP.
 46: */
 47: typedef struct {
 48:   KSP parentksp;
 49: } KSP_FETIDPMon;

 51: typedef struct {
 52:   KSP              innerksp;         /* the KSP for the Lagrange multipliers */
 53:   PC               innerbddc;        /* the inner BDDC object */
 54:   PetscBool        fully_redundant;  /* true for using a fully redundant set of multipliers */
 55:   PetscBool        userbddc;         /* true if the user provided the PCBDDC object */
 56:   PetscBool        saddlepoint;      /* support for saddle point problems */
 57:   IS               pP;               /* index set for pressure variables */
 58:   Vec              rhs_flip;         /* see KSPFETIDPSetUpOperators */
 59:   KSP_FETIDPMon    *monctx;          /* monitor context, used to pass user defined monitors
 60:                                         in the physical space */
 61:   PetscObjectState matstate;         /* these are needed just in the saddle point case */
 62:   PetscObjectState matnnzstate;      /* where we are going to use MatZeroRows on pmat */
 63:   PetscBool        statechanged;
 64:   PetscBool        check;
 65: } KSP_FETIDP;

 67: static PetscErrorCode KSPFETIDPSetPressureOperator_FETIDP(KSP ksp, Mat P)
 68: {
 69:   KSP_FETIDP     *fetidp = (KSP_FETIDP*)ksp->data;

 73:   if (P) fetidp->saddlepoint = PETSC_TRUE;
 74:   PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc,"__KSPFETIDP_PPmat",(PetscObject)P);
 75:   return(0);
 76: }

 78: /*@
 79:  KSPFETIDPSetPressureOperator - Sets the operator used to setup the pressure preconditioner for saddle point FETI-DP.

 81:    Collective on KSP

 83:    Input Parameters:
 84: +  ksp - the FETI-DP Krylov solver
 85: -  P - the linear operator to be preconditioned, usually the mass matrix.

 87:    Level: advanced

 89:    Notes:
 90:     The operator can be either passed in a) monolithic global ordering, b) pressure-only global ordering
 91:           or c) interface pressure ordering (if -ksp_fetidp_pressure_all false).
 92:           In cases b) and c), the pressure ordering of dofs needs to satisfy
 93:              pid_1 < pid_2  iff  gid_1 < gid_2
 94:           where pid_1 and pid_2 are two different pressure dof numbers and gid_1 and gid_2 the corresponding
 95:           id in the monolithic global ordering.

 97: .seealso: MATIS, PCBDDC, KSPFETIDPGetInnerBDDC, KSPFETIDPGetInnerKSP, KSPSetOperators
 98: @*/
 99: PetscErrorCode KSPFETIDPSetPressureOperator(KSP ksp, Mat P)
100: {

106:   PetscTryMethod(ksp,"KSPFETIDPSetPressureOperator_C",(KSP,Mat),(ksp,P));
107:   return(0);
108: }

110: static PetscErrorCode KSPFETIDPGetInnerKSP_FETIDP(KSP ksp, KSP* innerksp)
111: {
112:   KSP_FETIDP     *fetidp = (KSP_FETIDP*)ksp->data;

115:   *innerksp = fetidp->innerksp;
116:   return(0);
117: }

119: /*@
120:  KSPFETIDPGetInnerKSP - Gets the KSP object for the Lagrange multipliers

122:    Input Parameters:
123: +  ksp - the FETI-DP KSP
124: -  innerksp - the KSP for the multipliers

126:    Level: advanced

128:    Notes:

131: @*/
132: PetscErrorCode KSPFETIDPGetInnerKSP(KSP ksp, KSP* innerksp)
133: {

139:   PetscUseMethod(ksp,"KSPFETIDPGetInnerKSP_C",(KSP,KSP*),(ksp,innerksp));
140:   return(0);
141: }

143: static PetscErrorCode KSPFETIDPGetInnerBDDC_FETIDP(KSP ksp, PC* pc)
144: {
145:   KSP_FETIDP     *fetidp = (KSP_FETIDP*)ksp->data;

148:   *pc = fetidp->innerbddc;
149:   return(0);
150: }

152: /*@
153:  KSPFETIDPGetInnerBDDC - Gets the BDDC preconditioner used to setup the FETI-DP matrix for the Lagrange multipliers

155:    Input Parameters:
156: +  ksp - the FETI-DP Krylov solver
157: -  pc - the BDDC preconditioner

159:    Level: advanced

161:    Notes:

164: @*/
165: PetscErrorCode KSPFETIDPGetInnerBDDC(KSP ksp, PC* pc)
166: {

172:   PetscUseMethod(ksp,"KSPFETIDPGetInnerBDDC_C",(KSP,PC*),(ksp,pc));
173:   return(0);
174: }

176: static PetscErrorCode KSPFETIDPSetInnerBDDC_FETIDP(KSP ksp, PC pc)
177: {
178:   KSP_FETIDP     *fetidp = (KSP_FETIDP*)ksp->data;

182:   PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)pc);
183:   PCDestroy(&fetidp->innerbddc);
184:   fetidp->innerbddc = pc;
185:   fetidp->userbddc  = PETSC_TRUE;
186:   return(0);
187: }

189: /*@
190:  KSPFETIDPSetInnerBDDC - Sets the BDDC preconditioner used to setup the FETI-DP matrix for the Lagrange multipliers

192:    Collective on KSP

194:    Input Parameters:
195: +  ksp - the FETI-DP Krylov solver
196: -  pc - the BDDC preconditioner

198:    Level: advanced

200:    Notes:

203: @*/
204: PetscErrorCode KSPFETIDPSetInnerBDDC(KSP ksp, PC pc)
205: {
206:   PetscBool      isbddc;

212:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)pc,PCBDDC,&isbddc);
213:   if (!isbddc) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"KSPFETIDPSetInnerBDDC need a PCBDDC preconditioner");
214:   PetscTryMethod(ksp,"KSPFETIDPSetInnerBDDC_C",(KSP,PC),(ksp,pc));
215:   return(0);
216: }

218: static PetscErrorCode KSPBuildSolution_FETIDP(KSP ksp,Vec v,Vec *V)
219: {
220:   KSP_FETIDP     *fetidp = (KSP_FETIDP*)ksp->data;
221:   Mat            F;
222:   Vec            Xl;

226:   KSPGetOperators(fetidp->innerksp,&F,NULL);
227:   KSPBuildSolution(fetidp->innerksp,NULL,&Xl);
228:   if (v) {
229:     PCBDDCMatFETIDPGetSolution(F,Xl,v);
230:     *V   = v;
231:   } else {
232:     PCBDDCMatFETIDPGetSolution(F,Xl,*V);
233:   }
234:   return(0);
235: }

237: static PetscErrorCode KSPMonitor_FETIDP(KSP ksp,PetscInt it,PetscReal rnorm,void* ctx)
238: {
239:   KSP_FETIDPMon  *monctx = (KSP_FETIDPMon*)ctx;

243:   KSPMonitor(monctx->parentksp,it,rnorm);
244:   return(0);
245: }

247: static PetscErrorCode KSPComputeEigenvalues_FETIDP(KSP ksp,PetscInt nmax,PetscReal *r,PetscReal *c,PetscInt *neig)
248: {
249:   KSP_FETIDP     *fetidp = (KSP_FETIDP*)ksp->data;

253:   KSPComputeEigenvalues(fetidp->innerksp,nmax,r,c,neig);
254:   return(0);
255: }

257: static PetscErrorCode KSPComputeExtremeSingularValues_FETIDP(KSP ksp,PetscReal *emax,PetscReal *emin)
258: {
259:   KSP_FETIDP     *fetidp = (KSP_FETIDP*)ksp->data;

263:   KSPComputeExtremeSingularValues(fetidp->innerksp,emax,emin);
264:   return(0);
265: }

267: static PetscErrorCode KSPFETIDPCheckOperators(KSP ksp, PetscViewer viewer)
268: {
269:   KSP_FETIDP     *fetidp = (KSP_FETIDP*)ksp->data;
270:   PC_BDDC        *pcbddc = (PC_BDDC*)fetidp->innerbddc->data;
271:   PC_IS          *pcis = (PC_IS*)fetidp->innerbddc->data;
272:   Mat_IS         *matis = (Mat_IS*)fetidp->innerbddc->pmat->data;
273:   Mat            F;
274:   FETIDPMat_ctx  fetidpmat_ctx;
275:   Vec            test_vec,test_vec_p = NULL,fetidp_global;
276:   IS             dirdofs,isvert;
277:   MPI_Comm       comm = PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp);
278:   PetscScalar    sval,*array;
279:   PetscReal      val,rval;
280:   const PetscInt *vertex_indices;
281:   PetscInt       i,n_vertices;
282:   PetscBool      isascii;

287:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSCVIEWERASCII,&isascii);
288:   if (!isascii) SETERRQ(comm,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Unsupported viewer");
289:   PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"----------FETI-DP MAT  --------------\n");
290:   PetscViewerASCIIAddTab(viewer,2);
291:   KSPGetOperators(fetidp->innerksp,&F,NULL);
292:   PetscViewerPushFormat(viewer,PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII_INFO);
293:   MatView(F,viewer);
294:   PetscViewerPopFormat(viewer);
295:   PetscViewerASCIISubtractTab(viewer,2);
296:   MatShellGetContext(F,(void**)&fetidpmat_ctx);
297:   PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"----------FETI-DP TESTS--------------\n");
298:   PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"All tests should return zero!\n");
299:   PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"FETIDP MAT context in the ");
300:   if (fetidp->fully_redundant) {
301:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"fully redundant case for lagrange multipliers.\n");
302:   } else {
303:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Non-fully redundant case for lagrange multiplier.\n");
304:   }
305:   PetscViewerFlush(viewer);

307:   /* Get Vertices used to define the BDDC */
308:   PCBDDCGraphGetCandidatesIS(pcbddc->mat_graph,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,&isvert);
309:   ISGetLocalSize(isvert,&n_vertices);
310:   ISGetIndices(isvert,&vertex_indices);

312:   /******************************************************************/
313:   /* TEST A/B: Test numbering of global fetidp dofs                 */
314:   /******************************************************************/
315:   MatCreateVecs(F,&fetidp_global,NULL);
316:   VecDuplicate(fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local,&test_vec);
317:   VecSet(fetidp_global,1.0);
318:   VecSet(test_vec,1.);
319:   VecScatterBegin(fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_lambda,fetidp_global,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_REVERSE);
320:   VecScatterEnd(fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_lambda,fetidp_global,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_REVERSE);
321:   if (fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_p) {
322:     VecDuplicate(fetidpmat_ctx->vP,&test_vec_p);
323:     VecSet(test_vec_p,1.);
324:     VecScatterBegin(fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_p,fetidp_global,fetidpmat_ctx->vP,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_REVERSE);
325:     VecScatterEnd(fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_p,fetidp_global,fetidpmat_ctx->vP,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_REVERSE);
326:   }
327:   VecAXPY(test_vec,-1.0,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local);
328:   VecNorm(test_vec,NORM_INFINITY,&val);
329:   VecDestroy(&test_vec);
330:   MPI_Reduce(&val,&rval,1,MPIU_REAL,MPI_MAX,0,comm);
331:   PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"A: CHECK glob to loc: % 1.14e\n",rval);

333:   if (fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_p) {
334:     VecAXPY(test_vec_p,-1.0,fetidpmat_ctx->vP);
335:     VecNorm(test_vec_p,NORM_INFINITY,&val);
336:     MPI_Reduce(&val,&rval,1,MPIU_REAL,MPI_MAX,0,comm);
337:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"A: CHECK glob to loc (p): % 1.14e\n",rval);
338:   }

340:   if (fetidp->fully_redundant) {
341:     VecSet(fetidp_global,0.0);
342:     VecSet(fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local,0.5);
343:     VecScatterBegin(fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_lambda,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local,fetidp_global,ADD_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
344:     VecScatterEnd(fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_lambda,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local,fetidp_global,ADD_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
345:     VecSum(fetidp_global,&sval);
346:     val  = PetscRealPart(sval)-fetidpmat_ctx->n_lambda;
347:     MPI_Reduce(&val,&rval,1,MPIU_REAL,MPI_MAX,0,comm);
348:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"B: CHECK loc to glob: % 1.14e\n",rval);
349:   }

351:   if (fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_p) {
352:     VecSet(pcis->vec1_N,1.0);
353:     VecSet(pcis->vec1_global,0.0);
354:     VecScatterBegin(matis->rctx,pcis->vec1_N,pcis->vec1_global,ADD_VALUES,SCATTER_REVERSE);
355:     VecScatterEnd(matis->rctx,pcis->vec1_N,pcis->vec1_global,ADD_VALUES,SCATTER_REVERSE);

357:     VecSet(fetidp_global,0.0);
358:     VecSet(fetidpmat_ctx->vP,-1.0);
359:     VecScatterBegin(fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_p,fetidpmat_ctx->vP,fetidp_global,ADD_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
360:     VecScatterEnd(fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_p,fetidpmat_ctx->vP,fetidp_global,ADD_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
361:     VecScatterBegin(fetidpmat_ctx->g2g_p,fetidp_global,pcis->vec1_global,ADD_VALUES,SCATTER_REVERSE);
362:     VecScatterEnd(fetidpmat_ctx->g2g_p,fetidp_global,pcis->vec1_global,ADD_VALUES,SCATTER_REVERSE);
363:     VecScatterBegin(fetidpmat_ctx->g2g_p,pcis->vec1_global,fetidp_global,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
364:     VecScatterEnd(fetidpmat_ctx->g2g_p,pcis->vec1_global,fetidp_global,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
365:     VecSum(fetidp_global,&sval);
366:     val  = PetscRealPart(sval);
367:     MPI_Reduce(&val,&rval,1,MPIU_REAL,MPI_MAX,0,comm);
368:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"B: CHECK loc to glob (p): % 1.14e\n",rval);
369:   }

371:   /******************************************************************/
372:   /* TEST C: It should hold B_delta*w=0, w\in\widehat{W}            */
373:   /* This is the meaning of the B matrix                            */
374:   /******************************************************************/

376:   VecSetRandom(pcis->vec1_N,NULL);
377:   VecSet(pcis->vec1_global,0.0);
378:   VecScatterBegin(matis->rctx,pcis->vec1_N,pcis->vec1_global,ADD_VALUES,SCATTER_REVERSE);
379:   VecScatterEnd(matis->rctx,pcis->vec1_N,pcis->vec1_global,ADD_VALUES,SCATTER_REVERSE);
380:   VecScatterBegin(matis->rctx,pcis->vec1_global,pcis->vec1_N,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
381:   VecScatterEnd(matis->rctx,pcis->vec1_global,pcis->vec1_N,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
382:   VecScatterBegin(pcis->N_to_B,pcis->vec1_N,pcis->vec1_B,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
383:   VecScatterEnd(pcis->N_to_B,pcis->vec1_N,pcis->vec1_B,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
384:   /* Action of B_delta */
385:   MatMult(fetidpmat_ctx->B_delta,pcis->vec1_B,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local);
386:   VecSet(fetidp_global,0.0);
387:   VecScatterBegin(fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_lambda,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local,fetidp_global,ADD_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
388:   VecScatterEnd(fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_lambda,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local,fetidp_global,ADD_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
389:   VecNorm(fetidp_global,NORM_INFINITY,&val);
390:   PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"C: CHECK infty norm of B_delta*w (w continuous): % 1.14e\n",val);

392:   /******************************************************************/
393:   /* TEST D: It should hold E_Dw = w - P_Dw w\in\widetilde{W}       */
394:   /* E_D = R_D^TR                                                   */
395:   /* P_D = B_{D,delta}^T B_{delta}                                  */
396:   /* eq.44 Mandel Tezaur and Dohrmann 2005                          */
397:   /******************************************************************/

399:   /* compute a random vector in \widetilde{W} */
400:   VecSetRandom(pcis->vec1_N,NULL);
401:   /* set zero at vertices and essential dofs */
402:   VecGetArray(pcis->vec1_N,&array);
403:   for (i=0;i<n_vertices;i++) array[vertex_indices[i]] = 0.0;
404:   PCBDDCGraphGetDirichletDofs(pcbddc->mat_graph,&dirdofs);
405:   if (dirdofs) {
406:     const PetscInt *idxs;
407:     PetscInt       ndir;

409:     ISGetLocalSize(dirdofs,&ndir);
410:     ISGetIndices(dirdofs,&idxs);
411:     for (i=0;i<ndir;i++) array[idxs[i]] = 0.0;
412:     ISRestoreIndices(dirdofs,&idxs);
413:   }
414:   VecRestoreArray(pcis->vec1_N,&array);
415:   /* store w for final comparison */
416:   VecDuplicate(pcis->vec1_B,&test_vec);
417:   VecScatterBegin(pcis->N_to_B,pcis->vec1_N,test_vec,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
418:   VecScatterEnd(pcis->N_to_B,pcis->vec1_N,test_vec,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);

420:   /* Jump operator P_D : results stored in pcis->vec1_B */
421:   /* Action of B_delta */
422:   MatMult(fetidpmat_ctx->B_delta,test_vec,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local);
423:   VecSet(fetidp_global,0.0);
424:   VecScatterBegin(fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_lambda,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local,fetidp_global,ADD_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
425:   VecScatterEnd(fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_lambda,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local,fetidp_global,ADD_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
426:   /* Action of B_Ddelta^T */
427:   VecScatterBegin(fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_lambda,fetidp_global,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_REVERSE);
428:   VecScatterEnd(fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_lambda,fetidp_global,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_REVERSE);
429:   MatMultTranspose(fetidpmat_ctx->B_Ddelta,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local,pcis->vec1_B);

431:   /* Average operator E_D : results stored in pcis->vec2_B */
432:   PCBDDCScalingExtension(fetidpmat_ctx->pc,test_vec,pcis->vec1_global);
433:   VecScatterBegin(pcis->global_to_B,pcis->vec1_global,pcis->vec2_B,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
434:   VecScatterEnd(pcis->global_to_B,pcis->vec1_global,pcis->vec2_B,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);

436:   /* test E_D=I-P_D */
437:   VecAXPY(pcis->vec1_B,1.0,pcis->vec2_B);
438:   VecAXPY(pcis->vec1_B,-1.0,test_vec);
439:   VecNorm(pcis->vec1_B,NORM_INFINITY,&val);
440:   VecDestroy(&test_vec);
441:   MPI_Reduce(&val,&rval,1,MPIU_REAL,MPI_MAX,0,comm);
442:   PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"D: CHECK infty norm of E_D + P_D - I: % 1.14e\n",PetscGlobalRank,val);

444:   /******************************************************************/
445:   /* TEST E: It should hold R_D^TP_Dw=0 w\in\widetilde{W}           */
446:   /* eq.48 Mandel Tezaur and Dohrmann 2005                          */
447:   /******************************************************************/

449:   VecSetRandom(pcis->vec1_N,NULL);
450:   /* set zero at vertices and essential dofs */
451:   VecGetArray(pcis->vec1_N,&array);
452:   for (i=0;i<n_vertices;i++) array[vertex_indices[i]] = 0.0;
453:   if (dirdofs) {
454:     const PetscInt *idxs;
455:     PetscInt       ndir;

457:     ISGetLocalSize(dirdofs,&ndir);
458:     ISGetIndices(dirdofs,&idxs);
459:     for (i=0;i<ndir;i++) array[idxs[i]] = 0.0;
460:     ISRestoreIndices(dirdofs,&idxs);
461:   }
462:   VecRestoreArray(pcis->vec1_N,&array);

464:   /* Jump operator P_D : results stored in pcis->vec1_B */

466:   VecScatterBegin(pcis->N_to_B,pcis->vec1_N,pcis->vec1_B,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
467:   VecScatterEnd(pcis->N_to_B,pcis->vec1_N,pcis->vec1_B,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
468:   /* Action of B_delta */
469:   MatMult(fetidpmat_ctx->B_delta,pcis->vec1_B,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local);
470:   VecSet(fetidp_global,0.0);
471:   VecScatterBegin(fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_lambda,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local,fetidp_global,ADD_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
472:   VecScatterEnd(fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_lambda,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local,fetidp_global,ADD_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
473:   /* Action of B_Ddelta^T */
474:   VecScatterBegin(fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_lambda,fetidp_global,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_REVERSE);
475:   VecScatterEnd(fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_lambda,fetidp_global,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_REVERSE);
476:   MatMultTranspose(fetidpmat_ctx->B_Ddelta,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local,pcis->vec1_B);
477:   /* scaling */
478:   PCBDDCScalingExtension(fetidpmat_ctx->pc,pcis->vec1_B,pcis->vec1_global);
479:   VecNorm(pcis->vec1_global,NORM_INFINITY,&val);
480:   PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"E: CHECK infty norm of R^T_D P_D: % 1.14e\n",val);

482:   if (!fetidp->fully_redundant) {
483:     /******************************************************************/
484:     /* TEST F: It should holds B_{delta}B^T_{D,delta}=I               */
485:     /* Corollary thm 14 Mandel Tezaur and Dohrmann 2005               */
486:     /******************************************************************/
487:     VecDuplicate(fetidp_global,&test_vec);
488:     VecSetRandom(fetidp_global,NULL);
489:     if (fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_p) {
490:       VecSet(fetidpmat_ctx->vP,0.);
491:       VecScatterBegin(fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_p,fetidpmat_ctx->vP,fetidp_global,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
492:       VecScatterEnd(fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_p,fetidpmat_ctx->vP,fetidp_global,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
493:     }
494:     /* Action of B_Ddelta^T */
495:     VecScatterBegin(fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_lambda,fetidp_global,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_REVERSE);
496:     VecScatterEnd(fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_lambda,fetidp_global,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_REVERSE);
497:     MatMultTranspose(fetidpmat_ctx->B_Ddelta,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local,pcis->vec1_B);
498:     /* Action of B_delta */
499:     MatMult(fetidpmat_ctx->B_delta,pcis->vec1_B,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local);
500:     VecSet(test_vec,0.0);
501:     VecScatterBegin(fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_lambda,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local,test_vec,ADD_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
502:     VecScatterEnd(fetidpmat_ctx->l2g_lambda,fetidpmat_ctx->lambda_local,test_vec,ADD_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
503:     VecAXPY(fetidp_global,-1.,test_vec);
504:     VecNorm(fetidp_global,NORM_INFINITY,&val);
505:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"E: CHECK infty norm of P^T_D - I: % 1.14e\n",val);
506:     VecDestroy(&test_vec);
507:   }
508:   PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"-------------------------------------\n");
509:   PetscViewerFlush(viewer);
510:   VecDestroy(&test_vec_p);
511:   ISDestroy(&dirdofs);
512:   VecDestroy(&fetidp_global);
513:   ISRestoreIndices(isvert,&vertex_indices);
514:   PCBDDCGraphRestoreCandidatesIS(pcbddc->mat_graph,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,&isvert);
515:   return(0);
516: }

518: static PetscErrorCode KSPFETIDPSetUpOperators(KSP ksp)
519: {
520:   KSP_FETIDP       *fetidp = (KSP_FETIDP*)ksp->data;
521:   PC_BDDC          *pcbddc = (PC_BDDC*)fetidp->innerbddc->data;
522:   Mat              A,Ap;
523:   PetscInt         fid = -1;
524:   PetscMPIInt      size;
525:   PetscBool        ismatis,pisz,allp,schp;
526:   PetscBool        flip; /* Usually, Stokes is written (B = -\int_\Omega \nabla \cdot u q)
527:                            | A B'| | v | = | f |
528:                            | B 0 | | p | = | g |
529:                             If -ksp_fetidp_saddlepoint_flip is true, the code assumes it is written as
530:                            | A B'| | v | = | f |
531:                            |-B 0 | | p | = |-g |
532:                          */
533:   PetscObjectState matstate, matnnzstate;
534:   PetscErrorCode   ierr;

537:   pisz = PETSC_FALSE;
538:   flip = PETSC_FALSE;
539:   allp = PETSC_FALSE;
540:   schp = PETSC_FALSE;
541:   PetscOptionsBegin(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),((PetscObject)ksp)->prefix,"FETI-DP options","PC");
542:   PetscOptionsInt("-ksp_fetidp_pressure_field","Field id for pressures for saddle-point problems",NULL,fid,&fid,NULL);
543:   PetscOptionsBool("-ksp_fetidp_pressure_all","Use the whole pressure set instead of just that at the interface",NULL,allp,&allp,NULL);
544:   PetscOptionsBool("-ksp_fetidp_saddlepoint_flip","Flip the sign of the pressure-velocity (lower-left) block",NULL,flip,&flip,NULL);
545:   PetscOptionsBool("-ksp_fetidp_pressure_schur","Use a BDDC solver for pressure",NULL,schp,&schp,NULL);
546:   PetscOptionsEnd();

548:   MPI_Comm_size(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),&size);
549:   fetidp->saddlepoint = (fid >= 0 ? PETSC_TRUE : fetidp->saddlepoint);
550:   if (size == 1) fetidp->saddlepoint = PETSC_FALSE;

552:   KSPGetOperators(ksp,&A,&Ap);
553:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A,MATIS,&ismatis);
554:   if (!ismatis) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),PETSC_ERR_USER,"Amat should be of type MATIS");

556:   /* Quiet return if the matrix states are unchanged.
557:      Needed only for the saddle point case since it uses MatZeroRows
558:      on a matrix that may not have changed */
559:   PetscObjectStateGet((PetscObject)A,&matstate);
560:   MatGetNonzeroState(A,&matnnzstate);
561:   if (matstate == fetidp->matstate && matnnzstate == fetidp->matnnzstate) return(0);
562:   fetidp->matstate     = matstate;
563:   fetidp->matnnzstate  = matnnzstate;
564:   fetidp->statechanged = fetidp->saddlepoint;

566:   /* see if we have some fields attached */
567:   if (!pcbddc->n_ISForDofsLocal && !pcbddc->n_ISForDofs) {
568:     DM             dm;
569:     PetscContainer c;

571:     KSPGetDM(ksp,&dm);
572:     PetscObjectQuery((PetscObject)A,"_convert_nest_lfields",(PetscObject*)&c);
573:     if (dm) {
574:       IS      *fields;
575:       PetscInt nf,i;

577:       DMCreateFieldDecomposition(dm,&nf,NULL,&fields,NULL);
578:       PCBDDCSetDofsSplitting(fetidp->innerbddc,nf,fields);
579:       for (i=0;i<nf;i++) {
580:         ISDestroy(&fields[i]);
581:       }
582:       PetscFree(fields);
583:     } else if (c) {
584:       MatISLocalFields lf;

586:       PetscContainerGetPointer(c,(void**)&lf);
587:       PCBDDCSetDofsSplittingLocal(fetidp->innerbddc,lf->nr,lf->rf);
588:     }
589:   }

591:   if (!fetidp->saddlepoint) {
592:     PCSetOperators(fetidp->innerbddc,A,A);
593:   } else {
594:     Mat          nA,lA,PPmat;
595:     MatNullSpace nnsp;
596:     IS           pP;
597:     PetscInt     totP;

599:     MatISGetLocalMat(A,&lA);
600:     PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc,"__KSPFETIDP_lA",(PetscObject)lA);

602:     pP = fetidp->pP;
603:     if (!pP) { /* first time, need to compute pressure dofs */
604:       PC_IS                  *pcis = (PC_IS*)fetidp->innerbddc->data;
605:       Mat_IS                 *matis = (Mat_IS*)(A->data);
606:       ISLocalToGlobalMapping l2g;
607:       IS                     lP = NULL,II,pII,lPall,Pall,is1,is2;
608:       const PetscInt         *idxs;
609:       PetscInt               nl,ni,*widxs;
610:       PetscInt               i,j,n_neigh,*neigh,*n_shared,**shared,*count;
611:       PetscInt               rst,ren,n;
612:       PetscBool              ploc;

614:       MatGetLocalSize(A,&nl,NULL);
615:       MatGetOwnershipRange(A,&rst,&ren);
616:       MatGetLocalSize(lA,&n,NULL);
617:       MatGetLocalToGlobalMapping(A,&l2g,NULL);

619:       if (!pcis->is_I_local) { /* need to compute interior dofs */
620:         PetscCalloc1(n,&count);
621:         ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetInfo(l2g,&n_neigh,&neigh,&n_shared,&shared);
622:         for (i=1;i<n_neigh;i++)
623:           for (j=0;j<n_shared[i];j++)
624:             count[shared[i][j]] += 1;
625:         for (i=0,j=0;i<n;i++) if (!count[i]) count[j++] = i;
626:         ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreInfo(l2g,&n_neigh,&neigh,&n_shared,&shared);
627:         ISCreateGeneral(PETSC_COMM_SELF,j,count,PETSC_OWN_POINTER,&II);
628:       } else {
629:         PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)pcis->is_I_local);
630:         II   = pcis->is_I_local;
631:       }

633:       /* interior dofs in layout */
634:       MatISSetUpSF(A);
635:       PetscMemzero(matis->sf_leafdata,n*sizeof(PetscInt));
636:       PetscMemzero(matis->sf_rootdata,nl*sizeof(PetscInt));
637:       ISGetLocalSize(II,&ni);
638:       ISGetIndices(II,&idxs);
639:       for (i=0;i<ni;i++) matis->sf_leafdata[idxs[i]] = 1;
640:       ISRestoreIndices(II,&idxs);
641:       PetscSFReduceBegin(matis->sf,MPIU_INT,matis->sf_leafdata,matis->sf_rootdata,MPIU_REPLACE);
642:       PetscSFReduceEnd(matis->sf,MPIU_INT,matis->sf_leafdata,matis->sf_rootdata,MPIU_REPLACE);
643:       PetscMalloc1(PetscMax(nl,n),&widxs);
644:       for (i=0,ni=0;i<nl;i++) if (matis->sf_rootdata[i]) widxs[ni++] = i+rst;
645:       ISCreateGeneral(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),ni,widxs,PETSC_COPY_VALUES,&pII);

647:       /* pressure dofs */
648:       Pall  = NULL;
649:       lPall = NULL;
650:       ploc  = PETSC_FALSE;
651:       if (fid < 0) { /* zero pressure block */
652:         PetscInt np;

654:         MatFindZeroDiagonals(A,&Pall);
655:         ISGetSize(Pall,&np);
656:         if (!np) { /* zero-block not found, defaults to last field (if set) */
657:           fid  = pcbddc->n_ISForDofsLocal ? pcbddc->n_ISForDofsLocal - 1 : pcbddc->n_ISForDofs - 1;
658:           ISDestroy(&Pall);
659:         } else if (!pcbddc->n_ISForDofsLocal && !pcbddc->n_ISForDofs) {
660:           PCBDDCSetDofsSplitting(fetidp->innerbddc,1,&Pall);
661:         }
662:       }
663:       if (!Pall) { /* look for registered fields */
664:         if (pcbddc->n_ISForDofsLocal) {
665:           PetscInt np;

667:           if (fid < 0 || fid >= pcbddc->n_ISForDofsLocal) SETERRQ2(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),PETSC_ERR_USER,"Invalid field id for pressure %D, max %D",fid,pcbddc->n_ISForDofsLocal);
668:           /* need a sequential IS */
669:           ISGetLocalSize(pcbddc->ISForDofsLocal[fid],&np);
670:           ISGetIndices(pcbddc->ISForDofsLocal[fid],&idxs);
671:           ISCreateGeneral(PETSC_COMM_SELF,np,idxs,PETSC_COPY_VALUES,&lPall);
672:           ISRestoreIndices(pcbddc->ISForDofsLocal[fid],&idxs);
673:           ploc = PETSC_TRUE;
674:         } else if (pcbddc->n_ISForDofs) {
675:           if (fid < 0 || fid >= pcbddc->n_ISForDofs) SETERRQ2(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),PETSC_ERR_USER,"Invalid field id for pressure %D, max %D",fid,pcbddc->n_ISForDofs);
676:           PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)pcbddc->ISForDofs[fid]);
677:           Pall = pcbddc->ISForDofs[fid];
678:         } else SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),PETSC_ERR_USER,"Cannot detect pressure field! Use KSPFETIDPGetInnerBDDC() + PCBDDCSetDofsSplitting or PCBDDCSetDofsSplittingLocal");
679:       }

681:       /* if the user requested the entire pressure,
682:          remove the interior pressure dofs from II (or pII) */
683:       if (allp) {
684:         if (ploc) {
685:           IS nII;
686:           ISDifference(II,lPall,&nII);
687:           ISDestroy(&II);
688:           II   = nII;
689:         } else {
690:           IS nII;
691:           ISDifference(pII,Pall,&nII);
692:           ISDestroy(&pII);
693:           pII  = nII;
694:         }
695:       }
696:       if (ploc) {
697:         ISDifference(lPall,II,&lP);
698:         PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc,"__KSPFETIDP_lP",(PetscObject)lP);
699:       } else {
700:         ISDifference(Pall,pII,&pP);
701:         PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc,"__KSPFETIDP_pP",(PetscObject)pP);
702:         /* need all local pressure dofs */
703:         PetscMemzero(matis->sf_leafdata,n*sizeof(PetscInt));
704:         PetscMemzero(matis->sf_rootdata,nl*sizeof(PetscInt));
705:         ISGetLocalSize(Pall,&ni);
706:         ISGetIndices(Pall,&idxs);
707:         for (i=0;i<ni;i++) matis->sf_rootdata[idxs[i]-rst] = 1;
708:         ISRestoreIndices(Pall,&idxs);
709:         PetscSFBcastBegin(matis->sf,MPIU_INT,matis->sf_rootdata,matis->sf_leafdata);
710:         PetscSFBcastEnd(matis->sf,MPIU_INT,matis->sf_rootdata,matis->sf_leafdata);
711:         for (i=0,ni=0;i<n;i++) if (matis->sf_leafdata[i]) widxs[ni++] = i;
712:         ISCreateGeneral(PETSC_COMM_SELF,ni,widxs,PETSC_COPY_VALUES,&lPall);
713:       }

715:       if (!Pall) {
716:         PetscMemzero(matis->sf_leafdata,n*sizeof(PetscInt));
717:         PetscMemzero(matis->sf_rootdata,nl*sizeof(PetscInt));
718:         ISGetLocalSize(lPall,&ni);
719:         ISGetIndices(lPall,&idxs);
720:         for (i=0;i<ni;i++) matis->sf_leafdata[idxs[i]] = 1;
721:         ISRestoreIndices(lPall,&idxs);
722:         PetscSFReduceBegin(matis->sf,MPIU_INT,matis->sf_leafdata,matis->sf_rootdata,MPIU_REPLACE);
723:         PetscSFReduceEnd(matis->sf,MPIU_INT,matis->sf_leafdata,matis->sf_rootdata,MPIU_REPLACE);
724:         for (i=0,ni=0;i<nl;i++) if (matis->sf_rootdata[i]) widxs[ni++] = i+rst;
725:         ISCreateGeneral(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),ni,widxs,PETSC_COPY_VALUES,&Pall);
726:       }
727:       PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc,"__KSPFETIDP_aP",(PetscObject)Pall);

729:       if (flip) {
730:         PetscInt npl;
731:         ISGetLocalSize(Pall,&npl);
732:         ISGetIndices(Pall,&idxs);
733:         MatCreateVecs(A,NULL,&fetidp->rhs_flip);
734:         VecSet(fetidp->rhs_flip,1.);
735:         VecSetOption(fetidp->rhs_flip,VEC_IGNORE_OFF_PROC_ENTRIES,PETSC_TRUE);
736:         for (i=0;i<npl;i++) {
737:           VecSetValue(fetidp->rhs_flip,idxs[i],-1.,INSERT_VALUES);
738:         }
739:         VecAssemblyBegin(fetidp->rhs_flip);
740:         VecAssemblyEnd(fetidp->rhs_flip);
741:         PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc,"__KSPFETIDP_flip",(PetscObject)fetidp->rhs_flip);
742:         ISRestoreIndices(Pall,&idxs);
743:       }
744:       ISDestroy(&Pall);
745:       ISDestroy(&pII);

747:       /* local selected pressures in subdomain-wise and global ordering */
748:       PetscMemzero(matis->sf_leafdata,n*sizeof(PetscInt));
749:       PetscMemzero(matis->sf_rootdata,nl*sizeof(PetscInt));
750:       if (!ploc) {
751:         PetscInt *widxs2;

753:         if (!pP) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"Missing parallel pressure IS");
754:         ISGetLocalSize(pP,&ni);
755:         ISGetIndices(pP,&idxs);
756:         for (i=0;i<ni;i++) matis->sf_rootdata[idxs[i]-rst] = 1;
757:         ISRestoreIndices(pP,&idxs);
758:         PetscSFBcastBegin(matis->sf,MPIU_INT,matis->sf_rootdata,matis->sf_leafdata);
759:         PetscSFBcastEnd(matis->sf,MPIU_INT,matis->sf_rootdata,matis->sf_leafdata);
760:         for (i=0,ni=0;i<n;i++) if (matis->sf_leafdata[i]) widxs[ni++] = i;
761:         PetscMalloc1(ni,&widxs2);
762:         ISLocalToGlobalMappingApply(l2g,ni,widxs,widxs2);
763:         ISCreateGeneral(PETSC_COMM_SELF,ni,widxs,PETSC_COPY_VALUES,&lP);
764:         PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc,"__KSPFETIDP_lP",(PetscObject)lP);
765:         ISCreateGeneral(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),ni,widxs2,PETSC_OWN_POINTER,&is1);
766:         PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc,"__KSPFETIDP_gP",(PetscObject)is1);
767:         ISDestroy(&is1);
768:       } else {
769:         if (!lP) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"Missing sequential pressure IS");
770:         ISGetLocalSize(lP,&ni);
771:         ISGetIndices(lP,&idxs);
772:         for (i=0;i<ni;i++)
773:           if (idxs[i] >=0 && idxs[i] < n)
774:             matis->sf_leafdata[idxs[i]] = 1;
775:         ISRestoreIndices(lP,&idxs);
776:         PetscSFReduceBegin(matis->sf,MPIU_INT,matis->sf_leafdata,matis->sf_rootdata,MPIU_REPLACE);
777:         ISLocalToGlobalMappingApply(l2g,ni,idxs,widxs);
778:         ISCreateGeneral(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),ni,widxs,PETSC_COPY_VALUES,&is1);
779:         PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc,"__KSPFETIDP_gP",(PetscObject)is1);
780:         ISDestroy(&is1);
781:         PetscSFReduceEnd(matis->sf,MPIU_INT,matis->sf_leafdata,matis->sf_rootdata,MPIU_REPLACE);
782:         for (i=0,ni=0;i<nl;i++) if (matis->sf_rootdata[i]) widxs[ni++] = i+rst;
783:         ISCreateGeneral(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),ni,widxs,PETSC_COPY_VALUES,&pP);
784:         PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc,"__KSPFETIDP_pP",(PetscObject)pP);
785:       }
786:       PetscFree(widxs);

788:       /* If there's any "interior pressure",
789:          we may want to use a discrete harmonic solver instead
790:          of a Stokes harmonic for the Dirichlet preconditioner
791:          Need to extract the interior velocity dofs in interior dofs ordering (iV)
792:          and interior pressure dofs in local ordering (iP) */
793:       if (!allp) {
794:         ISLocalToGlobalMapping l2g_t;

796:         ISDifference(lPall,lP,&is1);
797:         PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc,"__KSPFETIDP_iP",(PetscObject)is1);
798:         ISDifference(II,is1,&is2);
799:         ISDestroy(&is1);
800:         ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreateIS(II,&l2g_t);
801:         ISGlobalToLocalMappingApplyIS(l2g_t,IS_GTOLM_DROP,is2,&is1);
802:         ISGetLocalSize(is1,&i);
803:         ISGetLocalSize(is2,&j);
804:         if (i != j) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"Inconsistent local sizes %D and %D for iV",i,j);
805:         PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc,"__KSPFETIDP_iV",(PetscObject)is1);
806:         ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(&l2g_t);
807:         ISDestroy(&is1);
808:         ISDestroy(&is2);
809:       }
810:       ISDestroy(&II);

812:       /* exclude selected pressures from the inner BDDC */
813:       if (pcbddc->DirichletBoundariesLocal) {
814:         IS       list[2],plP,isout;
815:         PetscInt np;

817:         /* need a parallel IS */
818:         ISGetLocalSize(lP,&np);
819:         ISGetIndices(lP,&idxs);
820:         ISCreateGeneral(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),np,idxs,PETSC_USE_POINTER,&plP);
821:         list[0] = plP;
822:         list[1] = pcbddc->DirichletBoundariesLocal;
823:         ISConcatenate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),2,list,&isout);
824:         ISSortRemoveDups(isout);
825:         ISDestroy(&plP);
826:         ISRestoreIndices(lP,&idxs);
827:         PCBDDCSetDirichletBoundariesLocal(fetidp->innerbddc,isout);
828:         ISDestroy(&isout);
829:       } else if (pcbddc->DirichletBoundaries) {
830:         IS list[2],isout;

832:         list[0] = pP;
833:         list[1] = pcbddc->DirichletBoundaries;
834:         ISConcatenate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),2,list,&isout);
835:         ISSortRemoveDups(isout);
836:         PCBDDCSetDirichletBoundaries(fetidp->innerbddc,isout);
837:         ISDestroy(&isout);
838:       } else {
839:         IS       plP;
840:         PetscInt np;

842:         /* need a parallel IS */
843:         ISGetLocalSize(lP,&np);
844:         ISGetIndices(lP,&idxs);
845:         ISCreateGeneral(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),np,idxs,PETSC_COPY_VALUES,&plP);
846:         PCBDDCSetDirichletBoundariesLocal(fetidp->innerbddc,plP);
847:         ISDestroy(&plP);
848:         ISRestoreIndices(lP,&idxs);
849:       }

851:       /* save CSR information for the pressure BDDC solver (if any) */
852:       if (schp) {
853:         PetscInt np,nt;

855:         MatGetSize(matis->A,&nt,NULL);
856:         ISGetLocalSize(lP,&np);
857:         if (np) {
858:           PetscInt *xadj = pcbddc->mat_graph->xadj;
859:           PetscInt *adjn = pcbddc->mat_graph->adjncy;
860:           PetscInt nv = pcbddc->mat_graph->nvtxs_csr;

862:           if (nv && nv == nt) {
863:             ISLocalToGlobalMapping pmap;
864:             PetscInt               *schp_csr,*schp_xadj,*schp_adjn,p;
865:             PetscContainer         c;

867:             ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreateIS(lPall,&pmap);
868:             ISGetIndices(lPall,&idxs);
869:             for (p = 0, nv = 0; p < np; p++) {
870:               PetscInt x,n = idxs[p];

872:               ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply(pmap,IS_GTOLM_DROP,xadj[n+1]-xadj[n],adjn+xadj[n],&x,NULL);
873:               nv  += x;
874:             }
875:             PetscMalloc1(np + 1 + nv,&schp_csr);
876:             schp_xadj = schp_csr;
877:             schp_adjn = schp_csr + np + 1;
878:             for (p = 0, schp_xadj[0] = 0; p < np; p++) {
879:               PetscInt x,n = idxs[p];

881:               ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply(pmap,IS_GTOLM_DROP,xadj[n+1]-xadj[n],adjn+xadj[n],&x,schp_adjn + schp_xadj[p]);
882:               schp_xadj[p+1] = schp_xadj[p] + x;
883:             }
884:             ISRestoreIndices(lPall,&idxs);
885:             ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(&pmap);
886:             PetscContainerCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF,&c);
887:             PetscContainerSetPointer(c,schp_csr);
888:             PetscContainerSetUserDestroy(c,PetscContainerUserDestroyDefault);
889:             PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc,"__KSPFETIDP_pCSR",(PetscObject)c);
890:             PetscContainerDestroy(&c);

892:           }
893:         }
894:       }
895:       ISDestroy(&lPall);
896:       ISDestroy(&lP);
897:       fetidp->pP = pP;
898:     }

900:     /* total number of selected pressure dofs */
901:     ISGetSize(fetidp->pP,&totP);

903:     /* Set operator for inner BDDC */
904:     if (totP || fetidp->rhs_flip) {
905:       MatDuplicate(A,MAT_COPY_VALUES,&nA);
906:     } else {
907:       PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)A);
908:       nA   = A;
909:     }
910:     if (fetidp->rhs_flip) {
911:       MatDiagonalScale(nA,fetidp->rhs_flip,NULL);
912:       if (totP) {
913:         Mat lA2;

915:         MatISGetLocalMat(nA,&lA);
916:         MatDuplicate(lA,MAT_COPY_VALUES,&lA2);
917:         PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc,"__KSPFETIDP_lA",(PetscObject)lA2);
918:         MatDestroy(&lA2);
919:       }
920:     }

922:     if (totP) {
924:       MatZeroRowsColumnsIS(nA,fetidp->pP,1.,NULL,NULL);
925:     } else {
926:       PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc,"__KSPFETIDP_lA",NULL);
927:     }
928:     MatGetNearNullSpace(Ap,&nnsp);
929:     if (!nnsp) {
930:       MatGetNullSpace(Ap,&nnsp);
931:     }
932:     if (!nnsp) {
933:       MatGetNearNullSpace(A,&nnsp);
934:     }
935:     if (!nnsp) {
936:       MatGetNullSpace(A,&nnsp);
937:     }
938:     MatSetNearNullSpace(nA,nnsp);
939:     PCSetOperators(fetidp->innerbddc,nA,nA);
940:     MatDestroy(&nA);

942:     /* non-zero rhs on interior dofs when applying the preconditioner */
943:     if (totP) pcbddc->switch_static = PETSC_TRUE;

945:     /* if there are no interface pressures, set inner bddc flag for benign saddle point */
946:     if (!totP) {
947:       pcbddc->benign_saddle_point = PETSC_TRUE;
948:       pcbddc->compute_nonetflux   = PETSC_TRUE;
949:     }

951:     /* Operators for pressure preconditioner */
952:     if (totP) {
953:       /* Extract pressure block if needed */
954:       if (!pisz) {
955:         Mat C;
956:         IS  nzrows = NULL;

958:         MatCreateSubMatrix(A,fetidp->pP,fetidp->pP,MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX,&C);
959:         MatFindNonzeroRows(C,&nzrows);
960:         if (nzrows) {
961:           PetscInt i;

963:           ISGetSize(nzrows,&i);
964:           ISDestroy(&nzrows);
965:           if (!i) pisz = PETSC_TRUE;
966:         }
967:         if (!pisz) {
968:           MatScale(C,-1.); /* i.e. Almost Incompressible Elasticity, Stokes discretized with Q1xQ1_stabilized */
969:           PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc,"__KSPFETIDP_C",(PetscObject)C);
970:         }
971:         MatDestroy(&C);
972:       }
973:       /* Divergence mat */
974:       if (!pcbddc->divudotp) {
975:         Mat       B;
976:         IS        P;
977:         IS        l2l = NULL;
978:         PetscBool save;

980:         PetscObjectQuery((PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc,"__KSPFETIDP_aP",(PetscObject*)&P);
981:         if (!pisz) {
982:           IS       F,V;
983:           PetscInt m,M;

985:           MatGetOwnershipRange(A,&m,&M);
986:           ISCreateStride(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A),M-m,m,1,&F);
987:           ISComplement(P,m,M,&V);
988:           MatCreateSubMatrix(A,P,V,MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX,&B);
989:           {
990:             Mat_IS *Bmatis = (Mat_IS*)B->data;
991:             PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)Bmatis->getsub_cis);
992:             l2l  = Bmatis->getsub_cis;
993:           }
994:           ISDestroy(&V);
995:           ISDestroy(&F);
996:         } else {
997:           MatCreateSubMatrix(A,P,NULL,MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX,&B);
998:         }
999:         save = pcbddc->compute_nonetflux; /* SetDivergenceMat activates nonetflux computation */
1000:         PCBDDCSetDivergenceMat(fetidp->innerbddc,B,PETSC_FALSE,l2l);
1001:         pcbddc->compute_nonetflux = save;
1002:         MatDestroy(&B);
1003:         ISDestroy(&l2l);
1004:       }
1005:       if (A != Ap) { /* user has provided a different Pmat, this always superseeds the setter (TODO: is it OK?) */
1006:         /* use monolithic operator, we restrict later */
1007:         KSPFETIDPSetPressureOperator(ksp,Ap);
1008:       }
1009:       PetscObjectQuery((PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc,"__KSPFETIDP_PPmat",(PetscObject*)&PPmat);

1011:       /* PPmat not present, use some default choice */
1012:       if (!PPmat) {
1013:         Mat C;

1015:         PetscObjectQuery((PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc,"__KSPFETIDP_C",(PetscObject*)&C);
1016:         if (!schp && C) { /* non-zero pressure block, most likely Almost Incompressible Elasticity */
1017:           KSPFETIDPSetPressureOperator(ksp,C);
1018:         } else if (!pisz && schp) { /* we need the whole pressure mass matrix to define the interface BDDC */
1019:           IS  P;

1021:           PetscObjectQuery((PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc,"__KSPFETIDP_aP",(PetscObject*)&P);
1022:           MatCreateSubMatrix(A,P,P,MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX,&C);
1023:           MatScale(C,-1.);
1024:           KSPFETIDPSetPressureOperator(ksp,C);
1025:           MatDestroy(&C);
1026:         } else { /* identity (need to be scaled properly by the user using e.g. a Richardson method */
1027:           PetscInt nl;

1029:           ISGetLocalSize(fetidp->pP,&nl);
1030:           MatCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),&C);
1031:           MatSetSizes(C,nl,nl,totP,totP);
1032:           MatSetType(C,MATAIJ);
1033:           MatMPIAIJSetPreallocation(C,1,NULL,0,NULL);
1034:           MatSeqAIJSetPreallocation(C,1,NULL);
1035:           MatAssemblyBegin(C,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
1036:           MatAssemblyEnd(C,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
1037:           MatShift(C,1.);
1038:           KSPFETIDPSetPressureOperator(ksp,C);
1039:           MatDestroy(&C);
1040:         }
1041:       }

1043:       /* Preconditioned operator for the pressure block */
1044:       PetscObjectQuery((PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc,"__KSPFETIDP_PPmat",(PetscObject*)&PPmat);
1045:       if (PPmat) {
1046:         Mat      C;
1047:         IS       Pall;
1048:         PetscInt AM,PAM,PAN,pam,pan,am,an,pl,pIl,pAg,pIg;

1050:         PetscObjectQuery((PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc,"__KSPFETIDP_aP",(PetscObject*)&Pall);
1051:         MatGetSize(A,&AM,NULL);
1052:         MatGetSize(PPmat,&PAM,&PAN);
1053:         ISGetSize(Pall,&pAg);
1054:         ISGetSize(fetidp->pP,&pIg);
1055:         MatGetLocalSize(PPmat,&pam,&pan);
1056:         MatGetLocalSize(A,&am,&an);
1057:         ISGetLocalSize(Pall,&pIl);
1058:         ISGetLocalSize(fetidp->pP,&pl);
1059:         if (PAM != PAN) SETERRQ2(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),PETSC_ERR_USER,"Pressure matrix must be square, unsupported %D x %D",PAM,PAN);
1060:         if (pam != pan) SETERRQ2(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),PETSC_ERR_USER,"Local sizes of pressure matrix must be equal, unsupported %D x %D",pam,pan);
1061:         if (pam != am && pam != pl && pam != pIl) SETERRQ4(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_USER,"Invalid number of local rows %D for pressure matrix! Supported are %D, %D or %D",pam,am,pl,pIl);
1062:         if (pan != an && pan != pl && pan != pIl) SETERRQ4(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_USER,"Invalid number of local columns %D for pressure matrix! Supported are %D, %D or %D",pan,an,pl,pIl);
1063:         if (PAM == AM) { /* monolithic ordering, restrict to pressure */
1064:           if (schp) {
1065:             MatCreateSubMatrix(PPmat,Pall,Pall,MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX,&C);
1066:           } else {
1067:             MatCreateSubMatrix(PPmat,fetidp->pP,fetidp->pP,MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX,&C);
1068:           }
1069:         } else if (pAg == PAM) { /* global ordering for pressure only */
1070:           if (!allp && !schp) { /* solving for interface pressure only */
1071:             IS restr;

1073:             ISRenumber(fetidp->pP,NULL,NULL,&restr);
1074:             MatCreateSubMatrix(PPmat,restr,restr,MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX,&C);
1075:             ISDestroy(&restr);
1076:           } else {
1077:             PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)PPmat);
1078:             C    = PPmat;
1079:           }
1080:         } else if (pIg == PAM) { /* global ordering for selected pressure only */
1081:           if (schp) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"Need the entire matrix");
1082:           PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)PPmat);
1083:           C    = PPmat;
1084:         } else SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),PETSC_ERR_USER,"Unable to use the pressure matrix");

1086:         KSPFETIDPSetPressureOperator(ksp,C);
1087:         MatDestroy(&C);
1088:       } else SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"Missing Pmat for pressure block");
1089:     } else { /* totP == 0 */
1090:       PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc,"__KSPFETIDP_pP",NULL);
1091:     }
1092:   }
1093:   return(0);
1094: }

1096: static PetscErrorCode KSPSetUp_FETIDP(KSP ksp)
1097: {
1098:   KSP_FETIDP     *fetidp = (KSP_FETIDP*)ksp->data;
1099:   PC_BDDC        *pcbddc = (PC_BDDC*)fetidp->innerbddc->data;
1100:   PetscBool      flg;

1104:   KSPFETIDPSetUpOperators(ksp);
1105:   /* set up BDDC */
1106:   PCSetErrorIfFailure(fetidp->innerbddc,ksp->errorifnotconverged);
1107:   PCSetUp(fetidp->innerbddc);
1108:   /* FETI-DP as it is implemented needs an exact coarse solver */
1109:   if (pcbddc->coarse_ksp) {
1110:     KSPSetTolerances(pcbddc->coarse_ksp,PETSC_SMALL,PETSC_SMALL,PETSC_DEFAULT,1000);
1111:     KSPSetNormType(pcbddc->coarse_ksp,KSP_NORM_DEFAULT);
1112:   }
1113:   /* FETI-DP as it is implemented needs exact local Neumann solvers */
1114:   KSPSetTolerances(pcbddc->ksp_R,PETSC_SMALL,PETSC_SMALL,PETSC_DEFAULT,1000);
1115:   KSPSetNormType(pcbddc->ksp_R,KSP_NORM_DEFAULT);

1117:   /* setup FETI-DP operators
1118:      If fetidp->statechanged is true, we need to update the operators
1119:      needed in the saddle-point case. This should be replaced
1120:      by a better logic when the FETI-DP matrix and preconditioner will
1121:      have their own classes */
1122:   if (pcbddc->new_primal_space || fetidp->statechanged) {
1123:     Mat F; /* the FETI-DP matrix */
1124:     PC  D; /* the FETI-DP preconditioner */
1125:     KSPReset(fetidp->innerksp);
1126:     PCBDDCCreateFETIDPOperators(fetidp->innerbddc,fetidp->fully_redundant,((PetscObject)ksp)->prefix,&F,&D);
1127:     KSPSetOperators(fetidp->innerksp,F,F);
1128:     KSPSetTolerances(fetidp->innerksp,ksp->rtol,ksp->abstol,ksp->divtol,ksp->max_it);
1129:     KSPSetPC(fetidp->innerksp,D);
1130:     PetscObjectIncrementTabLevel((PetscObject)D,(PetscObject)fetidp->innerksp,0);
1131:     KSPSetFromOptions(fetidp->innerksp);
1132:     MatCreateVecs(F,&(fetidp->innerksp)->vec_rhs,&(fetidp->innerksp)->vec_sol);
1133:     MatDestroy(&F);
1134:     PCDestroy(&D);
1135:     if (fetidp->check) {
1136:       PetscViewer viewer;

1138:       if (!pcbddc->dbg_viewer) {
1139:         viewer = PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp));
1140:       } else {
1141:         viewer = pcbddc->dbg_viewer;
1142:       }
1143:       KSPFETIDPCheckOperators(ksp,viewer);
1144:     }
1145:   }
1146:   fetidp->statechanged     = PETSC_FALSE;
1147:   pcbddc->new_primal_space = PETSC_FALSE;

1149:   /* propagate settings to the inner solve */
1150:   KSPGetComputeSingularValues(ksp,&flg);
1151:   KSPSetComputeSingularValues(fetidp->innerksp,flg);
1152:   if (ksp->res_hist) {
1153:     KSPSetResidualHistory(fetidp->innerksp,ksp->res_hist,ksp->res_hist_max,ksp->res_hist_reset);
1154:   }
1155:   KSPSetErrorIfNotConverged(fetidp->innerksp,ksp->errorifnotconverged);
1156:   KSPSetUp(fetidp->innerksp);
1157:   return(0);
1158: }

1160: static PetscErrorCode KSPSolve_FETIDP(KSP ksp)
1161: {
1163:   Mat            F,A;
1164:   MatNullSpace   nsp;
1165:   Vec            X,B,Xl,Bl;
1166:   KSP_FETIDP     *fetidp = (KSP_FETIDP*)ksp->data;
1167:   PC_BDDC        *pcbddc = (PC_BDDC*)fetidp->innerbddc->data;

1170:   PetscCitationsRegister(citation,&cited);
1171:   if (fetidp->saddlepoint) {
1172:     PetscCitationsRegister(citation2,&cited2);
1173:   }
1174:   KSPGetOperators(ksp,&A,NULL);
1175:   KSPGetRhs(ksp,&B);
1176:   KSPGetSolution(ksp,&X);
1177:   KSPGetOperators(fetidp->innerksp,&F,NULL);
1178:   KSPGetRhs(fetidp->innerksp,&Bl);
1179:   KSPGetSolution(fetidp->innerksp,&Xl);
1181:   if (ksp->transpose_solve) {
1182:     KSPSolveTranspose(fetidp->innerksp,Bl,Xl);
1183:   } else {
1184:     KSPSolve(fetidp->innerksp,Bl,Xl);
1185:   }
1186:   PCBDDCMatFETIDPGetSolution(F,Xl,X);
1187:   MatGetNullSpace(A,&nsp);
1188:   if (nsp) {
1189:     MatNullSpaceRemove(nsp,X);
1190:   }
1191:   /* update ksp with stats from inner ksp */
1192:   KSPGetConvergedReason(fetidp->innerksp,&ksp->reason);
1193:   KSPGetIterationNumber(fetidp->innerksp,&ksp->its);
1194:   ksp->totalits += ksp->its;
1195:   KSPGetResidualHistory(fetidp->innerksp,NULL,&ksp->res_hist_len);
1196:   /* restore defaults for inner BDDC (Pre/PostSolve flags) */
1197:   pcbddc->temp_solution_used        = PETSC_FALSE;
1198:   pcbddc->rhs_change                = PETSC_FALSE;
1199:   pcbddc->exact_dirichlet_trick_app = PETSC_FALSE;
1200:   return(0);
1201: }

1203: static PetscErrorCode KSPReset_FETIDP(KSP ksp)
1204: {
1205:   KSP_FETIDP     *fetidp = (KSP_FETIDP*)ksp->data;
1206:   PC_BDDC        *pcbddc;

1210:   ISDestroy(&fetidp->pP);
1211:   VecDestroy(&fetidp->rhs_flip);
1212:   /* avoid PCReset that does not take into account ref counting */
1213:   PCDestroy(&fetidp->innerbddc);
1214:   PCCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),&fetidp->innerbddc);
1215:   PCSetType(fetidp->innerbddc,PCBDDC);
1216:   pcbddc = (PC_BDDC*)fetidp->innerbddc->data;
1217:   pcbddc->symmetric_primal = PETSC_FALSE;
1218:   PetscLogObjectParent((PetscObject)ksp,(PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc);
1219:   KSPDestroy(&fetidp->innerksp);
1220:   fetidp->saddlepoint  = PETSC_FALSE;
1221:   fetidp->matstate     = -1;
1222:   fetidp->matnnzstate  = -1;
1223:   fetidp->statechanged = PETSC_TRUE;
1224:   return(0);
1225: }

1227: static PetscErrorCode KSPDestroy_FETIDP(KSP ksp)
1228: {
1229:   KSP_FETIDP     *fetidp = (KSP_FETIDP*)ksp->data;

1233:   KSPReset_FETIDP(ksp);
1234:   PCDestroy(&fetidp->innerbddc);
1235:   KSPDestroy(&fetidp->innerksp);
1236:   PetscFree(fetidp->monctx);
1237:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)ksp,"KSPFETIDPSetInnerBDDC_C",NULL);
1238:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)ksp,"KSPFETIDPGetInnerBDDC_C",NULL);
1239:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)ksp,"KSPFETIDPGetInnerKSP_C",NULL);
1240:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)ksp,"KSPFETIDPSetPressureOperator_C",NULL);
1241:   PetscFree(ksp->data);
1242:   return(0);
1243: }

1245: static PetscErrorCode KSPView_FETIDP(KSP ksp,PetscViewer viewer)
1246: {
1247:   KSP_FETIDP     *fetidp = (KSP_FETIDP*)ksp->data;
1249:   PetscBool      iascii;

1252:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSCVIEWERASCII,&iascii);
1253:   if (iascii) {
1254:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  fully redundant: %d\n",fetidp->fully_redundant);
1255:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  saddle point:    %d\n",fetidp->saddlepoint);
1256:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Inner KSP solver details\n");
1257:   }
1258:   PetscViewerASCIIPushTab(viewer);
1259:   KSPView(fetidp->innerksp,viewer);
1260:   PetscViewerASCIIPopTab(viewer);
1261:   if (iascii) {
1262:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Inner BDDC solver details\n");
1263:   }
1264:   PetscViewerASCIIPushTab(viewer);
1265:   PCView(fetidp->innerbddc,viewer);
1266:   PetscViewerASCIIPopTab(viewer);
1267:   return(0);
1268: }

1270: static PetscErrorCode KSPSetFromOptions_FETIDP(PetscOptionItems *PetscOptionsObject,KSP ksp)
1271: {
1272:   KSP_FETIDP     *fetidp = (KSP_FETIDP*)ksp->data;

1276:   /* set options prefixes for the inner objects, since the parent prefix will be valid at this point */
1277:   PetscObjectSetOptionsPrefix((PetscObject)fetidp->innerksp,((PetscObject)ksp)->prefix);
1278:   PetscObjectAppendOptionsPrefix((PetscObject)fetidp->innerksp,"fetidp_");
1279:   if (!fetidp->userbddc) {
1280:     PetscObjectSetOptionsPrefix((PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc,((PetscObject)ksp)->prefix);
1281:     PetscObjectAppendOptionsPrefix((PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc,"fetidp_bddc_");
1282:   }
1283:   PetscOptionsHead(PetscOptionsObject,"KSP FETIDP options");
1284:   PetscOptionsBool("-ksp_fetidp_fullyredundant","Use fully redundant multipliers","none",fetidp->fully_redundant,&fetidp->fully_redundant,NULL);
1285:   PetscOptionsBool("-ksp_fetidp_saddlepoint","Activates support for saddle-point problems",NULL,fetidp->saddlepoint,&fetidp->saddlepoint,NULL);
1286:   PetscOptionsBool("-ksp_fetidp_check","Activates verbose debugging output FETI-DP operators",NULL,fetidp->check,&fetidp->check,NULL);
1287:   PetscOptionsTail();
1288:   PCSetFromOptions(fetidp->innerbddc);
1289:   return(0);
1290: }

1292: /*MC
1293:      KSPFETIDP - The FETI-DP method

1295:    This class implements the FETI-DP method [1].
1296:    The matrix for the KSP must be of type MATIS.
1297:    The FETI-DP linear system (automatically generated constructing an internal PCBDDC object) is solved using an internal KSP object.

1299:    Options Database Keys:
1300: +   -ksp_fetidp_fullyredundant <false>   : use a fully redundant set of Lagrange multipliers
1301: .   -ksp_fetidp_saddlepoint <false>      : activates support for saddle point problems, see [2]
1302: .   -ksp_fetidp_saddlepoint_flip <false> : usually, an incompressible Stokes problem is written as
1303:                                            | A B^T | | v | = | f |
1304:                                            | B 0   | | p | = | g |
1305:                                            with B representing -\int_\Omega \nabla \cdot u q.
1306:                                            If -ksp_fetidp_saddlepoint_flip is true, the code assumes that the user provides it as
1307:                                            | A B^T | | v | = | f |
1308:                                            |-B 0   | | p | = |-g |
1309: .   -ksp_fetidp_pressure_field <-1>      : activates support for saddle point problems, and identifies the pressure field id.
1310:                                            If this information is not provided, the pressure field is detected by using MatFindZeroDiagonals().
1311: -   -ksp_fetidp_pressure_all <false>     : if false, uses the interface pressures, as described in [2]. If true, uses the entire pressure field.

1313:    Level: Advanced

1315:    Notes:
1316:     Options for the inner KSP and for the customization of the PCBDDC object can be specified at command line by using the prefixes -fetidp_ and -fetidp_bddc_. E.g.,
1317: .vb
1318:       -fetidp_ksp_type gmres -fetidp_bddc_pc_bddc_symmetric false
1319: .ve
1320:    will use GMRES for the solution of the linear system on the Lagrange multipliers, generated using a non-symmetric PCBDDC.

1322:    For saddle point problems with continuous pressures, the preconditioned operator for the pressure solver can be specified with KSPFETIDPSetPressureOperator().
1323:    Alternatively, the pressure operator is extracted from the precondioned matrix (if it is different from the linear solver matrix).
1324:    If none of the above, an identity matrix will be created; the user then needs to scale it through a Richardson solver.
1325:    Options for the pressure solver can be prefixed with -fetidp_fielsplit_p_, E.g.
1326: .vb
1327:       -fetidp_fielsplit_p_ksp_type preonly -fetidp_fielsplit_p_pc_type lu -fetidp_fielsplit_p_pc_factor_mat_solver_type mumps
1328: .ve
1329:    In order to use the deluxe version of FETI-DP, you must customize the inner BDDC operator with -fetidp_bddc_pc_bddc_use_deluxe_scaling -fetidp_bddc_pc_bddc_deluxe_singlemat and use
1330:    non-redundant multipliers, i.e. -ksp_fetidp_fullyredundant false. Options for the scaling solver are prefixed by -fetidp_bddelta_, E.g.
1331: .vb
1332:       -fetidp_bddelta_pc_factor_mat_solver_type mumps -fetidp_bddelta_pc_type lu
1333: .ve

1335:    Some of the basic options such as the maximum number of iterations and tolerances are automatically passed from this KSP to the inner KSP that actually performs the iterations.

1337:    The converged reason and number of iterations computed are passed from the inner KSP to this KSP at the end of the solution.

1339:    Developer Notes:
1340:     Even though this method does not directly use any norms, the user is allowed to set the KSPNormType to any value.
1341:     This is so users do not have to change KSPNormType options when they switch from other KSP methods to this one.

1343:    References:
1344: .vb
1345: .  [1] - C. Farhat, M. Lesoinne, P. LeTallec, K. Pierson, and D. Rixen, FETI-DP: a dual-primal unified FETI method. I. A faster alternative to the two-level FETI method, Internat. J. Numer. Methods Engrg., 50 (2001), pp. 1523--1544
1346: .  [2] - X. Tu, J. Li, A FETI-DP type domain decomposition algorithm for three-dimensional incompressible Stokes equations, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 53 (2015), pp. 720-742
1347: .ve

1350: M*/
1351: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode KSPCreate_FETIDP(KSP ksp)
1352: {
1354:   KSP_FETIDP     *fetidp;
1355:   KSP_FETIDPMon  *monctx;
1356:   PC_BDDC        *pcbddc;
1357:   PC             pc;

1360:   KSPSetSupportedNorm(ksp,KSP_NORM_NONE,PC_LEFT,3);
1361:   KSPSetSupportedNorm(ksp,KSP_NORM_NONE,PC_RIGHT,2);
1362:   KSPSetSupportedNorm(ksp,KSP_NORM_PRECONDITIONED,PC_LEFT,2);
1363:   KSPSetSupportedNorm(ksp,KSP_NORM_PRECONDITIONED,PC_RIGHT,2);
1366:   KSPSetSupportedNorm(ksp,KSP_NORM_NATURAL,PC_LEFT,2);

1368:   PetscNewLog(ksp,&fetidp);
1369:   fetidp->matstate     = -1;
1370:   fetidp->matnnzstate  = -1;
1371:   fetidp->statechanged = PETSC_TRUE;

1373:   ksp->data = (void*)fetidp;
1374:   ksp->ops->setup                        = KSPSetUp_FETIDP;
1375:   ksp->ops->solve                        = KSPSolve_FETIDP;
1376:   ksp->ops->destroy                      = KSPDestroy_FETIDP;
1377:   ksp->ops->computeeigenvalues           = KSPComputeEigenvalues_FETIDP;
1378:   ksp->ops->computeextremesingularvalues = KSPComputeExtremeSingularValues_FETIDP;
1379:   ksp->ops->view                         = KSPView_FETIDP;
1380:   ksp->ops->setfromoptions               = KSPSetFromOptions_FETIDP;
1381:   ksp->ops->buildsolution                = KSPBuildSolution_FETIDP;
1382:   ksp->ops->buildresidual                = KSPBuildResidualDefault;
1383:   KSPGetPC(ksp,&pc);
1384:   PCSetType(pc,PCNONE);
1385:   /* create the inner KSP for the Lagrange multipliers */
1386:   KSPCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),&fetidp->innerksp);
1387:   KSPGetPC(fetidp->innerksp,&pc);
1388:   PCSetType(pc,PCNONE);
1389:   PetscLogObjectParent((PetscObject)ksp,(PetscObject)fetidp->innerksp);
1390:   /* monitor */
1391:   PetscNew(&monctx);
1392:   monctx->parentksp = ksp;
1393:   fetidp->monctx = monctx;
1394:   KSPMonitorSet(fetidp->innerksp,KSPMonitor_FETIDP,fetidp->monctx,NULL);
1395:   /* create the inner BDDC */
1396:   PCCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),&fetidp->innerbddc);
1397:   PCSetType(fetidp->innerbddc,PCBDDC);
1398:   /* make sure we always obtain a consistent FETI-DP matrix
1399:      for symmetric problems, the user can always customize it through the command line */
1400:   pcbddc = (PC_BDDC*)fetidp->innerbddc->data;
1401:   pcbddc->symmetric_primal = PETSC_FALSE;
1402:   PetscLogObjectParent((PetscObject)ksp,(PetscObject)fetidp->innerbddc);
1403:   /* composed functions */
1404:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)ksp,"KSPFETIDPSetInnerBDDC_C",KSPFETIDPSetInnerBDDC_FETIDP);
1405:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)ksp,"KSPFETIDPGetInnerBDDC_C",KSPFETIDPGetInnerBDDC_FETIDP);
1406:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)ksp,"KSPFETIDPGetInnerKSP_C",KSPFETIDPGetInnerKSP_FETIDP);
1407:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)ksp,"KSPFETIDPSetPressureOperator_C",KSPFETIDPSetPressureOperator_FETIDP);
1408:   /* need to call KSPSetUp_FETIDP even with KSP_SETUP_NEWMATRIX */
1409:   ksp->setupnewmatrix = PETSC_TRUE;
1410:   return(0);
1411: }