Actual source code: ex54f.F90

petsc-3.10.5 2019-03-28
Report Typos and Errors
  1: !
  2: !   Description: Solve Ax=b.  A comes from an anisotropic 2D thermal problem with Q1 FEM on domain (-1,1)^2.
  3: !       Material conductivity given by tensor:
  4: !
  5: !       D = | 1 0       |
  6: !           | 0 epsilon |
  7: !
  8: !    rotated by angle 'theta' (-theta <90> in degrees) with anisotropic parameter 'epsilon' (-epsilon <0.0>).
  9: !    Blob right hand side centered at C (-blob_center C(1),C(2) <0,0>)
 10: !    Dirichlet BCs on y=-1 face.
 11: !
 12: !    -out_matlab will generate binary files for A,x,b and a ex54f.m file that reads them and plots them in matlab.
 13: !
 14: !    User can change anisotropic shape with function ex54_psi().  Negative theta will switch to a circular anisotropy.
 15: !
 16: !!/*T
 17: !   Concepts: KSP^solving a system of linear equations
 18: !!   requires: !single
 19: !T*/

 22: ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 23:       program main
 24:  #include <petsc/finclude/petscksp.h>
 25:       use petscksp
 26:       implicit none

 28:       Vec              xvec,bvec,uvec
 29:       Mat              Amat
 30:       KSP              ksp
 31:       PetscErrorCode   ierr
 32:       PetscViewer viewer
 33:       PetscInt qj,qi,ne,M,Istart,Iend,geq,ix
 34:       PetscInt ki,kj,lint,nel,ll,j1,i1,ndf,f4
 35:       PetscInt f2,f9,f6,one
 36:       PetscInt :: idx(4)
 37:       PetscBool  flg,out_matlab
 38:       PetscMPIInt size,rank
 39:       PetscScalar::ss(4,4),val
 40:       PetscReal::shp(3,9),sg(3,9)
 41:       PetscReal::thk,a1,a2
 42:       PetscReal, external :: ex54_psi
 43:       PetscReal::theta,eps,h,x,y,xsj
 44:       PetscReal::coord(2,4),dd(2,2),ev(3),blb(2)

 46:       common /ex54_theta/ theta
 47: ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 48: !                 Beginning of program
 49: ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 50:       call PetscInitialize(PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER,ierr)
 51:       if (ierr .ne. 0) then
 52:         print*,'Unable to initialize PETSc'
 53:         stop
 54:       endif
 55:       call MPI_Comm_size(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,size,ierr)
 56:       call MPI_Comm_rank(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,rank,ierr)
 57:       one = 1
 58: ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 59: !                 set parameters
 60: !     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 61:       f4 = 4
 62:       f2 = 2
 63:       f9 = 9
 64:       f6 = 6
 65:       ne = 9
 66:       call PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS,PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER,'-ne',ne,flg,ierr)
 67:       h = 2.0/real(ne)
 68:       M = (ne+1)*(ne+1)
 69:       theta = 90.0
 70: !     theta is input in degrees
 71:       call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS,PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER,'-theta',theta,flg,ierr)
 72:       theta = theta / 57.2957795
 73:       eps = 1.0
 74:       call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS,PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER,'-epsilon',eps,flg,ierr)
 75:       ki = 2
 76:       call PetscOptionsGetRealArray(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS,PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER,'-blob_center',blb,ki,flg,ierr)
 77:       if ( .not. flg ) then
 78:          blb(1) = 0.0
 79:          blb(2) = 0.0
 80:       else if ( ki .ne. 2 ) then
 81:          print *, 'error: ', ki,' arguments read for -blob_center.  Needs to be two.'
 82:       endif
 83:       call PetscOptionsGetBool(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS,PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER,'-out_matlab',out_matlab,flg,ierr)
 84:       if (.not.flg) out_matlab = PETSC_FALSE;

 86:       ev(1) = 1.0
 87:       ev(2) = eps*ev(1)
 88: !     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 89: !     Compute the matrix and right-hand-side vector that define
 90: !     the linear system, Ax = b.
 91: !     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 92: !  Create matrix.  When using MatCreate(), the matrix format can
 93: !  be specified at runtime.
 94:       call MatCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,Amat,ierr)
 95:       call MatSetSizes( Amat,PETSC_DECIDE, PETSC_DECIDE, M, M, ierr )
 96:       if ( size == 1 ) then
 97:          call MatSetType( Amat, MATAIJ, ierr )
 98:       else
 99:          call MatSetType( Amat, MATMPIAIJ, ierr )
100:       endif
101:       call MatMPIAIJSetPreallocation(Amat,f9,PETSC_NULL_INTEGER,f6,PETSC_NULL_INTEGER, ierr)
102:       call MatSetFromOptions( Amat, ierr )
103:       call MatSetUp( Amat, ierr )
104:       call MatGetOwnershipRange( Amat, Istart, Iend, ierr )
105: !  Create vectors.  Note that we form 1 vector from scratch and
106: !  then duplicate as needed.
107:       call MatCreateVecs( Amat, PETSC_NULL_VEC, xvec, ierr )
108:       call VecSetFromOptions( xvec, ierr )
109:       call VecDuplicate( xvec, bvec, ierr )
110:       call VecDuplicate( xvec, uvec, ierr )
111: !  Assemble matrix.
112: !   - Note that MatSetValues() uses 0-based row and column numbers
113: !     in Fortran as well as in C (as set here in the array "col").
114:       thk = 1.0              ! thickness
115:       nel = 4                   ! nodes per element (quad)
116:       ndf = 1
117:       call int2d(f2,sg)
118:       lint = 4
119:       ix = 0
120:       do geq=Istart,Iend-1,1
121:          qj = geq/(ne+1); qi = mod(geq,(ne+1))
122:          x = h*qi - 1.0; y = h*qj - 1.0 ! lower left corner (-1,-1)
123:          if ( qi < ne .and. qj < ne ) then
124:             coord(1,1) = x;   coord(2,1) = y
125:             coord(1,2) = x+h; coord(2,2) = y
126:             coord(1,3) = x+h; coord(2,3) = y+h
127:             coord(1,4) = x;   coord(2,4) = y+h
128: ! form stiff
129:             ss = 0.0
130:             do ll = 1,lint
131:                call shp2dquad(sg(1,ll),sg(2,ll),coord,shp,xsj,f2)
132:                xsj = xsj*sg(3,ll)*thk
133:                call thfx2d(ev,coord,shp,dd,f2,f2,f4,ex54_psi)
134:                j1 = 1
135:                do kj = 1,nel
136:                   a1 = (dd(1,1)*shp(1,kj) + dd(1,2)*shp(2,kj))*xsj
137:                   a2 = (dd(2,1)*shp(1,kj) + dd(2,2)*shp(2,kj))*xsj
138: !     Compute residual
139: !                  p(j1) = p(j1) - a1*gradt(1) - a2*gradt(2)
140: !     Compute tangent
141:                   i1 = 1
142:                   do ki = 1,nel
143:                      ss(i1,j1) = ss(i1,j1) + a1*shp(1,ki) + a2*shp(2,ki)
144:                      i1 = i1 + ndf
145:                   end do
146:                   j1 = j1 + ndf
147:                end do
148:             enddo

150:             idx(1) = geq; idx(2) = geq+1; idx(3) = geq+(ne+1)+1
151:             idx(4) = geq+(ne+1)
152:             if ( qj > 0 ) then
153:                call MatSetValues(Amat,f4,idx,f4,idx,ss,ADD_VALUES,ierr)
154:             else                !     a BC
155:                do ki=1,4,1
156:                   do kj=1,4,1
157:                      if (ki<3 .or. kj<3 ) then
158:                         if ( ki==kj ) then
159:                            ss(ki,kj) = .1*ss(ki,kj)
160:                         else
161:                            ss(ki,kj) = 0.0
162:                         endif
163:                      endif
164:                   enddo
165:                enddo
166:                call MatSetValues(Amat,f4,idx,f4,idx,ss,ADD_VALUES,ierr)
167:             endif               ! BC
168:          endif                  ! add element
169:          if ( qj > 0 ) then      ! set rhs
170:             val = h*h*exp(-100*((x+h/2)-blb(1))**2)*exp(-100*((y+h/2)-blb(2))**2)
171:             call VecSetValues(bvec,one,geq,val,INSERT_VALUES,ierr)
172:          endif
173:       enddo
174:       call MatAssemblyBegin(Amat,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY,ierr)
175:       call MatAssemblyEnd(Amat,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY,ierr)
176:       call VecAssemblyBegin(bvec,ierr)
177:       call VecAssemblyEnd(bvec,ierr)

179: ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
180: !          Create the linear solver and set various options
181: ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

183: !  Create linear solver context

185:       call KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,ksp,ierr)

187: !  Set operators. Here the matrix that defines the linear system
188: !  also serves as the preconditioning matrix.

190:       call KSPSetOperators(ksp,Amat,Amat,ierr)

192: !  Set runtime options, e.g.,
193: !      -ksp_type <type> -pc_type <type> -ksp_monitor -ksp_rtol <rtol>
194: !  These options will override those specified above as long as
195: !  KSPSetFromOptions() is called _after_ any other customization
196: !  routines.

198:       call KSPSetFromOptions(ksp,ierr)

200: ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
201: !                      Solve the linear system
202: ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

204:       call KSPSolve(ksp,bvec,xvec,ierr)
205:       CHKERRA(ierr)

208: ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
209: !                      output
210: ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
211:       if ( out_matlab ) then
212:          call PetscViewerBinaryOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,'Amat',FILE_MODE_WRITE,viewer,ierr)
213:          call MatView(Amat,viewer,ierr)
214:          call PetscViewerDestroy(viewer,ierr)

216:          call PetscViewerBinaryOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,'Bvec',FILE_MODE_WRITE,viewer,ierr)
217:          call VecView(bvec,viewer,ierr)
218:          call PetscViewerDestroy(viewer,ierr)

220:          call PetscViewerBinaryOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,'Xvec',FILE_MODE_WRITE,viewer,ierr)
221:          call VecView(xvec,viewer,ierr)
222:          call PetscViewerDestroy(viewer,ierr)

224:          call MatMult(Amat,xvec,uvec,ierr)
225:          val = -1.0
226:          call VecAXPY(uvec,val,bvec,ierr)
227:          call PetscViewerBinaryOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,'Rvec',FILE_MODE_WRITE,viewer,ierr)
228:          call VecView(uvec,viewer,ierr)
229:          call PetscViewerDestroy(viewer,ierr)

231:          if ( rank == 0 ) then
232:             open(1,file='ex54f.m', FORM='formatted')
233:             write (1,*) 'A = PetscBinaryRead(''Amat'');'
234:             write (1,*) '[m n] = size(A);'
235:             write (1,*) 'mm = sqrt(m);'
236:             write (1,*) 'b = PetscBinaryRead(''Bvec'');'
237:             write (1,*) 'x = PetscBinaryRead(''Xvec'');'
238:             write (1,*) 'r = PetscBinaryRead(''Rvec'');'
239:             write (1,*) 'bb = reshape(b,mm,mm);'
240:             write (1,*) 'xx = reshape(x,mm,mm);'
241:             write (1,*) 'rr = reshape(r,mm,mm);'
242: !            write (1,*) 'imagesc(bb')'
243: !            write (1,*) 'title('RHS'),'
244:             write (1,*) 'figure,'
245:             write (1,*) 'imagesc(xx'')'
246:             write (1,2002) eps,theta*57.2957795
247:             write (1,*) 'figure,'
248:             write (1,*) 'imagesc(rr'')'
249:             write (1,*) 'title(''Residual''),'
250:             close(1)
251:          endif
252:       endif
253:  2002 format('title(''Solution: esp='',d9.3,'', theta='',g8.3,''),')
254: !  Free work space.  All PETSc objects should be destroyed when they
255: !  are no longer needed.

257:       call VecDestroy(xvec,ierr)
258:       call VecDestroy(bvec,ierr)
259:       call VecDestroy(uvec,ierr)
260:       call MatDestroy(Amat,ierr)
261:       call KSPDestroy(ksp,ierr)
262:       call PetscFinalize(ierr)

264:       end

266: ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
267: !     thfx2d - compute material tensor
268: ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
269: !     Compute thermal gradient and flux

271:       subroutine thfx2d(ev,xl,shp,dd,ndm,ndf,nel,dir)
272:       implicit  none

274:       PetscInt   ndm,ndf,nel,i
275:       PetscReal ev(2),xl(ndm,nel),shp(3,*),dir
276:       PetscReal xx,yy,psi,cs,sn,c2,s2,dd(2,2)

278:       xx       = 0.0
279:       yy       = 0.0
280:       do i = 1,nel
281:         xx       = xx       + shp(3,i)*xl(1,i)
282:         yy       = yy       + shp(3,i)*xl(2,i)
283:       end do
284:       psi = dir(xx,yy)
285: !     Compute thermal flux
286:       cs  = cos(psi)
287:       sn  = sin(psi)
288:       c2  = cs*cs
289:       s2  = sn*sn
290:       cs  = cs*sn

292:       dd(1,1) = c2*ev(1) + s2*ev(2)
293:       dd(2,2) = s2*ev(1) + c2*ev(2)
294:       dd(1,2) = cs*(ev(1) - ev(2))
295:       dd(2,1) = dd(1,2)

297: !      flux(1) = -dd(1,1)*gradt(1) - dd(1,2)*gradt(2)
298: !      flux(2) = -dd(2,1)*gradt(1) - dd(2,2)*gradt(2)

300:       end

302: !     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
303: !     shp2dquad - shape functions - compute derivatives w/r natural coords.
304: !     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
305:        subroutine shp2dquad(s,t,xl,shp,xsj,ndm)
306: !-----[--.----+----.----+----.-----------------------------------------]
307: !      Purpose: Shape function routine for 4-node isoparametric quads
308: !
309: !      Inputs:
310: !         s,t       - Natural coordinates of point
311: !         xl(ndm,*) - Nodal coordinates for element
312: !         ndm       - Spatial dimension of mesh

314: !      Outputs:
315: !         shp(3,*)  - Shape functions and derivatives at point
316: !                     shp(1,i) = dN_i/dx  or dN_i/dxi_1
317: !                     shp(2,i) = dN_i/dy  or dN_i/dxi_2
318: !                     shp(3,i) = N_i
319: !         xsj       - Jacobian determinant at point
320: !-----[--.----+----.----+----.-----------------------------------------]
321:       implicit  none
322:       PetscInt  ndm
323:       PetscReal xo,xs,xt, yo,ys,yt, xsm,xsp,xtm
324:       PetscReal xtp, ysm,ysp,ytm,ytp
325:       PetscReal s,t, xsj,xsj1, sh,th,sp,tp,sm
326:       PetscReal tm, xl(ndm,4),shp(3,4)

328: !     Set up interpolations

330:       sh = 0.5*s
331:       th = 0.5*t
332:       sp = 0.5 + sh
333:       tp = 0.5 + th
334:       sm = 0.5 - sh
335:       tm = 0.5 - th
336:       shp(3,1) =   sm*tm
337:       shp(3,2) =   sp*tm
338:       shp(3,3) =   sp*tp
339:       shp(3,4) =   sm*tp

341: !     Set up natural coordinate functions (times 4)

343:       xo =  xl(1,1)-xl(1,2)+xl(1,3)-xl(1,4)
344:       xs = -xl(1,1)+xl(1,2)+xl(1,3)-xl(1,4) + xo*t
345:       xt = -xl(1,1)-xl(1,2)+xl(1,3)+xl(1,4) + xo*s
346:       yo =  xl(2,1)-xl(2,2)+xl(2,3)-xl(2,4)
347:       ys = -xl(2,1)+xl(2,2)+xl(2,3)-xl(2,4) + yo*t
348:       yt = -xl(2,1)-xl(2,2)+xl(2,3)+xl(2,4) + yo*s

350: !     Compute jacobian (times 16)

352:       xsj1 = xs*yt - xt*ys

354: !     Divide jacobian by 16 (multiply by .0625)

356:       xsj = 0.0625*xsj1
357:       if (xsj1.eq.0.0) then
358:          xsj1 = 1.0
359:       else
360:          xsj1 = 1.0/xsj1
361:       endif

363: !     Divide functions by jacobian

365:       xs  = (xs+xs)*xsj1
366:       xt  = (xt+xt)*xsj1
367:       ys  = (ys+ys)*xsj1
368:       yt  = (yt+yt)*xsj1

370: !     Multiply by interpolations

372:       ytm =  yt*tm
373:       ysm =  ys*sm
374:       ytp =  yt*tp
375:       ysp =  ys*sp
376:       xtm =  xt*tm
377:       xsm =  xs*sm
378:       xtp =  xt*tp
379:       xsp =  xs*sp

381: !     Compute shape functions

383:       shp(1,1) = - ytm+ysm
384:       shp(1,2) =   ytm+ysp
385:       shp(1,3) =   ytp-ysp
386:       shp(1,4) = - ytp-ysm
387:       shp(2,1) =   xtm-xsm
388:       shp(2,2) = - xtm-xsp
389:       shp(2,3) = - xtp+xsp
390:       shp(2,4) =   xtp+xsm

392:       end

394: !     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
395: !     int2d
396: !     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
397:       subroutine int2d(l,sg)
398: !-----[--.----+----.----+----.-----------------------------------------]
399: !     Purpose: Form Gauss points and weights for two dimensions

401: !     Inputs:
402: !     l       - Number of points/direction

404: !     Outputs:
405: !     lint    - Total number of points
406: !     sg(3,*) - Array of points and weights
407: !-----[--.----+----.----+----.-----------------------------------------]
408:       implicit  none
409:       PetscInt   l,i,lint,lr(9),lz(9)
410:       PetscReal    g,third,sg(3,*)
411:       data      lr/-1,1,1,-1,0,1,0,-1,0/,lz/-1,-1,1,1,-1,0,1,0,0/
412:       data      third / 0.3333333333333333 /

414: !     Set number of total points

416:       lint = l*l

418: !     2x2 integration
419:       g = sqrt(third)
420:       do i = 1,4
421:          sg(1,i) = g*lr(i)
422:          sg(2,i) = g*lz(i)
423:          sg(3,i) = 1.0
424:       end do

426:       end

428: !     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
429: !     ex54_psi - anusotropic material direction
430: !     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
431:       PetscReal function ex54_psi(x,y)
432:       implicit  none
433:       PetscReal x,y,theta
434:       common /ex54_theta/ theta
435:       ex54_psi = theta
436:       if ( theta < 0. ) then     ! circular
437:          if (y==0) then
438:             ex54_psi = 2.0*atan(1.0)
439:          else
440:             ex54_psi = atan(-x/y)
441:          endif
442:       endif
443:       end

445: !
446: !/*TEST
447: !
448: !   build:
449: !      requires: !libpgf90
450: !
451: !   test:
452: !      nsize: 4
453: !      args: -ne 39 -theta 30.0 -epsilon 1.e-1 -blob_center 0.,0. -ksp_type cg -pc_type gamg -pc_gamg_type agg -pc_gamg_agg_nsmooths 1 -mg_levels_ksp_chebyshev_esteig 0,0.05,0,1.05 -mat_coarsen_type hem -pc_gamg_square_graph 0 -ksp_monitor_short -mg_levels_esteig_ksp_type cg
454: !      requires: !single
455: !
456: !TEST*/