We will continually add new features and enhanced functionality in upcoming releases; small changes in usage and calling sequences of PETSc routines will continue to occur. Although keeping one's code accordingly up-to-date can be annoying, all PETSc users will be rewarded in the long run with a cleaner, better designed, and easier-to-use interface.
We suggest that users who want to upgrade their current PETSc application codes from a particular version to the most recent release proceed through the changes listed in this file in increasing order of version numbers. (Note: One can determine the release number of any current PETSc installation by looking in the file include/petscversion.h) Many of the interface changes can be handled quickly and easily by using global replacement via your favorite text editor. See the file documentation/codemanagement.html for some tips that we find helpful in keeping our own code up to date and that should be generally useful for effective code management.
Releases of PETSc:
- master - petsc development copy
- 3.10 - Public Release, Sep 12, 2018
- 3.9 - Public Release, Apr 7, 2018
- 3.8 - Public Release, Sep 26, 2017
- 3.7 - Public Release, Apr 25, 2016
- 3.6 - Public Release, Jun 9, 2015
- 3.5 - Public Release, Jun 30, 2014
- 3.4 - Public Release, May 13, 2013
- 3.3 - Public Release, Jun 5, 2012
- 3.2 - Public Release, Sep 8, 2011
- 3.1 - Public release, Mar 25, 2010
- 3.0.0 - Public release, Dec 19, 2008
- 2.3.3 - Public release, May 23, 2007
- 2.3.2 - Public release, Sep 1, 2006
- 2.3.1 - Public release, Feb, 3, 2006
- 2.3.0 - Public release, Apr, 26, 2005
- 2.2.1 - Public release, Aug, 18 2004
- 2.2.0 - Public release, Feb 27, 2004
- 2.1.6 - Public release, Aug 5, 2003
- 2.1.5 - Public release, Jan 27, 2003
- 2.1.4 - private - Microsoft Cluster Software CD
- 2.1.3 - Public release, May 31, 2002
- 2.1.2- public release, April 22 , 2002
- 2.1.1 - public release, December 19, 2001
- 2.1.0 - public release, April 11, 2001
- 2.0.29 - public release, September 26, 2000
- 2.0.28 - public release, March 27, 2000
- 2.0.25, 2.0.26,2.0.27 private releases
- 2.0.24 - public release, April 6, 1999
- 2.0.23 - private release, September 29,1998
- 2.0.22 - public release, April 29, 1998
- 2.0.21 - public release, November 13, 1997
- 2.0.18, 2.0.19, 2.0.20 - private releases
- 2.0.17 - public release, April 5, 1997
- 2.0.16 - private release, December 10, 1996 for "Bring Your Own Code" Workshop participants
- 2.0.15 - public release, October 4, 1996
- 2.0.13 - public release, April 18, 1996
- 2.0.Beta.10 - public release, December 15, 1995
- 2.0.Beta.8 - public release, October 13, 1995
- 2.0.Beta.6 - public release, July 30, 1995
- 2.0.Beta.4 - public release, June 21, 1995
We announce new PETSc releases on the petsc-announce mailing list.