Actual source code: petscis.h90

petsc-3.10.5 2019-03-28
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  1: !
  2: !  These are Fortran interfaces that are custom hand coded because
  3: !  they cannot currently be generated automatically
  4: !

  6:       Interface
  7:         Subroutine PetscLayoutFindOwner(a,b,z)
  8:           use petscisdef
  9:           PetscLayout a
 10:           PetscInt b
 11:           PetscErrorCode  z
 12:         End Subroutine
 13:       End Interface

 15:       Interface
 16:         Subroutine PetscLayoutFindOwnerIndex(a,b,c,z)
 17:           use petscisdef
 18:           PetscLayout a
 19:           PetscInt b,c
 20:           PetscErrorCode  z
 21:         End Subroutine
 22:       End Interface

 24:       Interface
 25:         Subroutine ISGetIndicesF90(i,array,ierr)
 26:           use petscisdef
 27:           PetscInt, pointer :: array(:)
 28:           PetscErrorCode  ierr
 29:          IS       i
 30:         End Subroutine
 31:       End Interface

 34:       Interface
 35:         Subroutine ISRestoreIndicesF90(i,array,ierr)
 36:           use petscisdef
 37:           PetscInt, pointer :: array(:)
 38:           PetscErrorCode ierr
 39:          IS      i
 40:         End Subroutine
 41:       End Interface

 43: ! ------------------------------------------------------

 45:       Interface
 46:         Subroutine ISBlockGetIndicesF90(i,array,ierr)
 47:           use petscisdef
 48:           PetscInt, pointer :: array(:)
 49:           PetscErrorCode  ierr
 50:          IS       i
 51:         End Subroutine
 52:       End Interface

 55:       Interface
 56:         Subroutine ISBlockRestoreIndicesF90(i,array,ierr)
 57:           use petscisdef
 58:           PetscInt, pointer :: array(:)
 59:           PetscErrorCode ierr
 60:          IS      i
 61:         End Subroutine
 62:       End Interface

 64: ! ------------------------------------------------------
 65:       Interface
 66:         Subroutine ISColoringGetISF90(ic,n,isa,ierr)
 67:           use petscisdef
 68:           IS, pointer :: isa(:)
 69:           PetscInt     n
 70:           PetscErrorCode ierr
 71:           ISColoring ic
 72:         End Subroutine
 73:       End Interface

 75:       Interface
 76:         Subroutine ISColoringRestoreISF90(ic,isa,ierr)
 77:           use petscisdef
 78:           IS, pointer :: isa(:)
 79:           PetscErrorCode     ierr
 80:           ISColoring ic
 81:         End Subroutine
 82:       End Interface

 84:       Interface
 85:         Subroutine PetscSectionGetConstraintIndicesF90(s,p,a,ierr)
 86:           use petscisdef
 87:           PetscInt p
 88:           PetscInt, pointer :: a(:)
 89:           PetscErrorCode  ierr
 90:           PetscSection       s
 91:         End Subroutine
 92:       End Interface

 94:       Interface
 95:         Subroutine PetscSectionRestoreConstraintIndicesF90(s,p,a,ierr)
 96:           use petscisdef
 97:           PetscInt p
 98:           PetscInt, pointer :: a(:)
 99:           PetscErrorCode  ierr
100:           PetscSection       s
101:         End Subroutine
102:       End Interface

104:       Interface
105:         Subroutine PetscSectionSetConstraintIndicesF90(s,p,a,ierr)
106:           use petscisdef
107:           PetscInt p
108:           PetscInt, pointer :: a(:)
109:           PetscErrorCode  ierr
110:           PetscSection       s
111:         End Subroutine
112:       End Interface

114:       Interface
115:       subroutine ISSetType(a,b,z)
116:       use petscisdef
117:        IS a
118:        character(*) b
119:        integer z
120:        end subroutine
121:       end Interface

123:       Interface
124:       subroutine ISView(a,b,z)
125:       use petscisdef
126:        IS a
127:        PetscViewer b
128:        integer z
129:        end subroutine
130:       end Interface