Actual source code: ex2.c

petsc-3.10.5 2019-03-28
Report Typos and Errors
  1: static char help[] = "Create a mesh, refine and coarsen simultaneously, and transfer a field\n\n";

  3:  #include <petscds.h>
  4:  #include <petscdmplex.h>
  5:  #include <petscdmforest.h>
  6:  #include <petscoptions.h>

  8: static PetscErrorCode AddIdentityLabel(DM dm)
  9: {
 10:   PetscInt       pStart,pEnd,p;

 14:   DMCreateLabel(dm, "identity");
 15:   DMPlexGetChart(dm, &pStart, &pEnd);
 16:   for (p = pStart; p < pEnd; p++) {DMSetLabelValue(dm, "identity", p, p);}
 17:   return(0);
 18: }

 20: static PetscErrorCode CreateAdaptivityLabel(DM forest,DMLabel *adaptLabel)
 21: {
 22:   DMLabel        identLabel;
 23:   PetscInt       cStart, cEnd, c;

 27:   DMLabelCreate("adapt",adaptLabel);
 28:   DMLabelSetDefaultValue(*adaptLabel,DM_ADAPT_COARSEN);
 29:   DMGetLabel(forest,"identity",&identLabel);
 30:   DMForestGetCellChart(forest,&cStart,&cEnd);
 31:   for (c = cStart; c < cEnd; c++) {
 32:     PetscInt basePoint;

 34:     DMLabelGetValue(identLabel,c,&basePoint);
 35:     if (!basePoint) {DMLabelSetValue(*adaptLabel,c,DM_ADAPT_REFINE);}
 36:   }
 37:   return(0);
 38: }

 40: static PetscErrorCode LinearFunction(PetscInt dim,PetscReal time, const PetscReal x[], PetscInt Nf, PetscScalar u[], void *ctx)
 41: {
 43:   u[0] = (x[0] * 2.0 + 1.) + (x[1] * 20.0 + 10.) + ((dim == 3) ? (x[2] * 200.0 + 100.) : 0.);
 44:   return(0);
 45: }

 47: static PetscErrorCode MultiaffineFunction(PetscInt dim,PetscReal time, const PetscReal x[], PetscInt Nf, PetscScalar u[], void *ctx)
 48: {
 50:   u[0] = (x[0] * 1.0 + 2.0) * (x[1] * 3.0 - 4.0) * ((dim == 3) ? (x[2] * 5.0 + 6.0) : 1.);
 51:   return(0);
 52: }

 54: typedef struct _bc_func_ctx
 55: {
 56:   PetscErrorCode (*func) (PetscInt,PetscReal,const PetscReal [], PetscInt, PetscScalar [], void *);
 57:   PetscInt dim;
 58:   PetscInt Nf;
 59:   void *ctx;
 60: }
 61: bc_func_ctx;

 63: static PetscErrorCode bc_func_fv (PetscReal time, const PetscReal *c, const PetscReal *n, const PetscScalar *xI, PetscScalar *xG, void *ctx)
 64: {
 65:   bc_func_ctx    *bcCtx;

 69:   bcCtx = (bc_func_ctx *) ctx;
 70:   (bcCtx->func)(bcCtx->dim,time,c,bcCtx->Nf,xG,bcCtx->ctx);
 71:   return(0);
 72: }

 74: int main(int argc, char **argv)
 75: {
 76:   MPI_Comm       comm;
 77:   DM             base, preForest, postForest;
 78:   PetscInt       dim = 2;
 79:   PetscInt       preCount, postCount;
 80:   Vec            preVec, postVecTransfer, postVecExact;
 81:   PetscErrorCode (*funcs[1]) (PetscInt,PetscReal,const PetscReal [],PetscInt,PetscScalar [], void *) = {MultiaffineFunction};
 82:   void           *ctxs[1] = {NULL};
 83:   const PetscInt cells[] = {3, 3, 3};
 84:   PetscReal      diff, tol = PETSC_SMALL;
 85:   PetscBool      linear = PETSC_FALSE;
 86:   PetscBool      useFV = PETSC_FALSE;
 87:   PetscDS        ds;
 88:   bc_func_ctx    bcCtx;
 89:   DMLabel        adaptLabel;

 92:   PetscInitialize(&argc, &argv, NULL,help);if (ierr) return ierr;
 93:   comm = PETSC_COMM_WORLD;
 94:   PetscOptionsBegin(comm, "", "DMForestTransferVec() Test Options", "DMFOREST");
 95:   PetscOptionsInt("-dim", "The dimension (2 or 3)", "ex2.c", dim, &dim, NULL);
 96:   PetscOptionsBool("-linear","Transfer a simple linear function", "ex2.c", linear, &linear, NULL);
 97:   PetscOptionsBool("-use_fv","Use a finite volume approximation", "ex2.c", useFV, &useFV, NULL);
 98:   PetscOptionsEnd();

100:   if (linear) {
101:     funcs[0] = LinearFunction;
102:   }

104:   bcCtx.func = funcs[0];
105:   bcCtx.dim  = dim;
106:   bcCtx.Nf   = 1;
107:   bcCtx.ctx  = NULL;

109:   /* the base mesh */
110:   DMPlexCreateBoxMesh(comm, dim, PETSC_FALSE, cells, NULL, NULL, NULL, PETSC_TRUE, &base);
111:   if (useFV) {
112:     PetscFV      fv;
113:     PetscLimiter limiter;
114:     DM           baseFV;

116:     DMPlexConstructGhostCells(base,NULL,NULL,&baseFV);
117:     DMDestroy(&base);
118:     base = baseFV;
119:     PetscFVCreate(comm, &fv);
120:     PetscFVSetSpatialDimension(fv,dim);
121:     PetscFVSetType(fv,PETSCFVLEASTSQUARES);
122:     PetscFVSetNumComponents(fv,1);
123:     PetscLimiterCreate(comm,&limiter);
124:     PetscLimiterSetType(limiter,PETSCLIMITERNONE);
125:     PetscFVSetLimiter(fv,limiter);
126:     PetscLimiterDestroy(&limiter);
127:     PetscFVSetFromOptions(fv);
128:     DMSetField(base,0,(PetscObject)fv);
129:     PetscFVDestroy(&fv);
130:   } else {
131:     PetscFE fe;
132:     PetscFECreateDefault(comm,dim,1,PETSC_FALSE,NULL,PETSC_DEFAULT,&fe);
133:     DMSetField(base,0,(PetscObject)fe);
134:     PetscFEDestroy(&fe);
135:   }
136:   {
137:     PetscDS  prob;
138:     PetscInt comps[] = {0};
139:     PetscInt ids[]   = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};

141:     DMGetDS(base,&prob);
142:     PetscDSAddBoundary(prob,PETSC_TRUE, "bc", "marker", 0, 1, comps, useFV ? (void(*)()) bc_func_fv : (void(*)()) funcs[0], 2 * dim, ids, useFV ? (void *) &bcCtx : NULL);
143:   }
144:   AddIdentityLabel(base);
145:   DMViewFromOptions(base,NULL,"-dm_base_view");

147:   /* the pre adaptivity forest */
148:   DMCreate(comm,&preForest);
149:   DMSetType(preForest,(dim == 2) ? DMP4EST : DMP8EST);
150:   DMGetDS(base,&ds);
151:   DMSetDS(preForest,ds);
152:   DMForestSetBaseDM(preForest,base);
153:   DMForestSetMinimumRefinement(preForest,1);
154:   DMForestSetInitialRefinement(preForest,1);
155:   DMSetFromOptions(preForest);
156:   DMSetUp(preForest);
157:   DMViewFromOptions(preForest,NULL,"-dm_pre_view");

159:   /* the pre adaptivity field */
160:   DMCreateGlobalVector(preForest,&preVec);
161:   DMProjectFunction(preForest,0.,funcs,ctxs,INSERT_VALUES,preVec);
162:   VecViewFromOptions(preVec,NULL,"-vec_pre_view");

164:   PetscObjectGetReference((PetscObject)preForest,&preCount);

166:   /* adapt */
167:   CreateAdaptivityLabel(preForest,&adaptLabel);
168:   DMForestTemplate(preForest,comm,&postForest);
169:   DMForestSetMinimumRefinement(postForest,0);
170:   DMForestSetInitialRefinement(postForest,0);
171:   DMForestSetAdaptivityLabel(postForest,adaptLabel);
172:   DMLabelDestroy(&adaptLabel);
173:   DMSetUp(postForest);
174:   DMViewFromOptions(postForest,NULL,"-dm_post_view");

176:   /* transfer */
177:   DMCreateGlobalVector(postForest,&postVecTransfer);
178:   DMForestTransferVec(preForest,preVec,postForest,postVecTransfer,PETSC_TRUE,0.0);
179:   VecViewFromOptions(postVecTransfer,NULL,"-vec_post_transfer_view");

181:   /* the exact post adaptivity field */
182:   DMCreateGlobalVector(postForest,&postVecExact);
183:   DMProjectFunction(postForest,0.,funcs,ctxs,INSERT_VALUES,postVecExact);
184:   VecViewFromOptions(postVecExact,NULL,"-vec_post_exact_view");

186:   /* compare */
187:   VecAXPY(postVecTransfer,-1.,postVecExact);
188:   VecViewFromOptions(postVecTransfer,NULL,"-vec_diff_view");
189:   VecNorm(postVecTransfer,NORM_2,&diff);

191:   /* output */
192:   if (diff < tol) {
193:     PetscPrintf(comm,"DMForestTransferVec() passes.\n");
194:   } else {
195:     PetscPrintf(comm,"DMForestTransferVec() fails with error %g and tolerance %g\n",diff,tol);
196:   }

198:   /* disconnect preForest from postForest */
199:   DMForestSetAdaptivityForest(postForest,NULL);
200:   PetscObjectGetReference((PetscObject)preForest,&postCount);
201:   if (postCount != preCount) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"Adaptation not memory neutral: reference count increase from %d to %d\n",preCount,postCount);

203:   /* cleanup */
204:   VecDestroy(&postVecExact);
205:   VecDestroy(&postVecTransfer);
206:   DMDestroy(&postForest);
207:   VecDestroy(&preVec);
208:   DMDestroy(&preForest);
209:   DMDestroy(&base);
210:   PetscFinalize();
211:   return ierr;
212: }