Case Study 1: Power Flow Simulation

A contingency analysis done on U.S. power grid system using an AC power flow model developed using DMNetwork. The input file was obtained from the MatPower package ( The total numbers of buses, generators, loads, and branches are 82,000, 13,419, 37,755, and 104,121 respectively. The total number of unknowns solved is around half a million. Increasing the number of cores from 128 to 2048, provided a speedup of twelve. Poster

Case Study 2: River Flow Simulation

A river flow simulation done on the U.S. river networks using DMNetwork. The input file was obtained from the NHDPlus dataset ( The total numbers of reaches and junctions are 3,098,638 and 3,036,092, respectively. The total number of unknowns solved is around half a billion. Increasing the number of cores from 1,024 to 65,536, provided a speedup of 35. Poster